View Full Version : odd sensation

08-06-2014, 08:12 AM
I know a lot of us suffer from the symptoms of personalisation but I was wondering if anyone else experiences this odd sensation I have. Sometimes when I'm just lying down resting I start to feel like my body is made of rubber. That my head feels weird and my arms are expanding. It's a bit difficult to explain it. My dad said he used to get this as a child if he was coming down with a fever. I should also add that he has a history of manic depression. So maybe it's something iv inherited.

08-06-2014, 08:29 AM
I know a lot of us suffer from the symptoms of personalisation but I was wondering if anyone else experiences this odd sensation I have. Sometimes when I'm just lying down resting I start to feel like my body is made of rubber. That my head feels weird and my arms are expanding. It's a bit difficult to explain it. My dad said he used to get this as a child if he was coming down with a fever. I should also add that he has a history of manic depression. So maybe it's something iv inherited.

You certainly did inherit it, through the belief that he taught you, period.

There is no DNA testing for inherent rubbery feelings before fever. As a matter of fact if it were anyone else telling you this other than your father teaching it to you, you'd call them crazy.

Intuitively connected to your dad, you picked up on this at a very young age, either through spoken word as he described his feelings to your mother or another family or friend, or telepathically when he fell ill and you watched him. Do you understand?

Therefore change the belief "soon before someone gets sick, they feel rubbery" "I feel rubbery because it's genetic" "I'm just like my dad", "every disease my parents have/had, I'm likely to get" and so on, so forth. Following each belief to a deeper one, to get to the heart of the matter. No rubbery pun intended.

Now the other side of the coin, this is normal to feel as you rest, drift into sleep, meditate, as your mind releases cares, worries, and begins an expansion of consciousness. Loosening the ties to the conscious self preparing for dreaming and exploration not possible any other time. It is psychic expansion, since your father did not know what was happening he attached an illness to it. Again, just a belief, you see. Since anything mystical was unbelievable.


08-06-2014, 08:38 AM
Yes I understand what your saying. It's not the feeling I think iv inherited. It's the mental illness. I'm not sure if I ever heared him talking about this but it's possible. Do you mean because he put the thought there I am creating this symptom myself?

08-06-2014, 08:49 AM
Yes I understand what your saying. It's not the feeling I think iv inherited. It's the mental illness. I'm not sure if I ever heared him talking about this but it's possible. Do you mean because he put the thought there I am creating this symptom myself?

Yes. Read the last paragraph I've since edited the post above. It's actually a quite natural experience, if it's not attached to a destructive belief.

"Mental illness" now, is what's felt as the self does not correct it's problems, recognize or solve them. It is not an illness, but a constructive way for self to recognize and address issues in life. It's challenges. We are not talking about severe handicaps here, birth defects, brain damage, and the like.

Anxiety then, is a reaction, to the mental state of prolonged stress, as the self feels powerless to resolve it's problems in a correct manner. It is not the cause.

Energies are spent maintaining the problems rather than finding solutions. This is an err in thinking. And a main purpose in life is to learn to think aright, you see?

Take all of this in, I do hope it helps you.

08-06-2014, 09:08 AM
Yes what you have said makes a lot of sense. I'm a spiritual person (kind of lost my way with the anxiety). It may very well be a normal experience when in a slight meditative state. The fact that my dad linked this to illness I panic when it happens to me.

08-06-2014, 09:14 AM
I'm a spiritual person (kind of lost my way with the anxiety).

I know. Best of luck to you. Use your energies constructively.

08-06-2014, 09:24 AM
Thankyou. I got over this once so there's no chance I'm letting it win.