View Full Version : 15 year old. First time post marijuana anxiety. Please help

08-05-2014, 02:39 PM
Hi my name is. Max and I am 15 years old and I am currently having anxiety after using marijuana.
(15 years old, 6"1' 240lbs. Chubby)
Side note: I am a worried person, always have been. I tend to worry over small things that shouldn't be worried about.

I went to a friends house for his birthday on Friday night and spent the night, 3 days ago. It was fun and all but his mom had the flu. Unfortunately, even with trying to keep her distance from us, I got the flu from her. I started feeling symptoms the next day (saturday) right before I was supposed to go to another friends house. It was a friend I had not seen in a while and I decided to go even though I felt light headed and nauseous. I took some medicine before I went at about 5 pm (ibuprofen, zofran, and some tums). I got there and I felt alright, at least able to function and communicate. At about 10-11 pm, the medicine started to wear off and I started to get really light headed and I had a bit of a headache. The BIGGEST mistake i made was not calling my parents to pick me up. Instead, my friend said that his brother and mom uses marijuana for pain. I know a lot about the drug and know about the medicinal values of it. I also know that it can be a dangerous drug too. For reasons I still don't get, i agreed to try it in hope it would get me at least through the night. I had a feeling that the night was going to be tough. we got some and I only did a tiny bit. My friends didn't do it, I was the only one. It made me very tired and I made it through the night fine.

Here is where it started to go downhill..

I woke up and started feeling anxious and I think I had a mini panic attack. It was very scary and I didn't know what to do. I was panicky for about 2 hours and I finally calmed down. My mom picked me up and we went to lunch, then home. When I got home I was super tired and went to bed for 2 hours. When i woke up I was anxious again and had another panic attack for about an hour. I calmed down but still had really bad anxiety. I fell asleep that night pretty late after a long time of trying to calm down. The next day (sunday) wasn't any better. Woke up to a panic attack and a day filled with terrible anxiety. I am a pretty strong kid and I broke down multiple times from it. I contacted my uncle who knows a lot about different drugs (he is not an addict, he just believes in the medicinal values of cannabis). I asked him if this would go away and if it was because the marijuana just didn't react well with the flu medicine I took prior to smoking. He said that it will go away, and it is not from the medicine. I was very relieved. Still feeling very anxious.

Now, today (monday) I decided that I should tell and talk to my parents. Yesterday was very hard and I barely made it through. They are amazing parents and always are understanding of everything. They both seem disappointed a little bit, but are not mad. They think it will go away soon and I really hope they are right.

Now, i just need any advice on what I should do. I cant stand this anxious feeling any longer and want answers. Should I go to the doctor? Wait it out? Please help :(

08-05-2014, 02:54 PM
Hi Maxcellent, Your uncle is correct and although dope does cause anxiety and panic attacks in some people shortly after smoking do not worry about the dope. It is probably just not for you. You may just have the flu and are really just " overthinking things. Give yourself time to heal and get over this and try to let it go and just chalk it all up to a learning lesson. If it does continue you could always talk to you family doctor. So keep your chin up and chest out :) Relax if possible too.

08-05-2014, 02:58 PM
Thank you so much John. I am definitely never smoking ANYTHING ever again. Terrible choice. The good part about all of this is it has caused me to get closer to God and learn a lot. I am very thankful for that. I will give it some more time. I have not had a panic attack in over 24 hours, but the anxiety has not left. How long should I go until I should call my doctor?

08-05-2014, 05:18 PM
Give it plenty of time. Sometimes it takes a few weeks to find something else for our brains to stayed focused on, other than your "episode " with the dope.

08-05-2014, 06:59 PM
Grass stays 3 weeks even up to 6 in your system... Give a time and find something better to do. You are much too young to dope yourself

08-05-2014, 08:00 PM
Grass stays 3 weeks even up to 6 in your system... Give a time and find something better to do. You are much too young to dope yourself

Ok, will do. And I realize that know. I am done with any drugs for the rest of my life. I have learned my lesson

08-05-2014, 09:06 PM
Good for you max, it is important to remember this, channel all this energy into something constructive and you will be an awesome person when you grow up :)) Good luck

08-05-2014, 09:13 PM
Thank you! I still just can't help this anxious feeling at the moment. Do you know of anything specific I can do or any websites to help me? Anything is appreciated.

08-06-2014, 08:36 AM
Yes I do, beside drinking slowly camomile you could get to know Jon Kabat Zinn guided meditation. I have many links to it and will link you:)
click me please (http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?27912-Guided-Meditation&highlight=guided+meditation)

08-07-2014, 07:04 PM
You made a very wise choice, Max. I started smoking when I was about your age (I'm 32 now) and it went from smoking just at parties to buying it in ever-increasing quantities. It became the first thing I did when I woke up and the last thing I did before I went to bed. I wish I could have even half of the money back that I wasted on it over the years.

08-08-2014, 09:51 AM
You made a very wise choice, Max. I started smoking when I was about your age (I'm 32 now) and it went from smoking just at parties to buying it in ever-increasing quantities. It became the first thing I did when I woke up and the last thing I did before I went to bed. I wish I could have even half of the money back that I wasted on it over the years.

Thank you, Drugs are just not my thing. And I am sorry to hear your regret :/