View Full Version : aches and pains

06-10-2008, 07:37 AM
Hi everyone

I was just wanting to get some reassurances if possible from other people who experience the same things i do at the moment. For the last few months I have been experiencing very bad muscle tension mostly thru my shoulders and my neck. On bad days it gets to the point where i have real bad headaches in the back of my head and as a result I sought of get this dizzy / light headed feeling and it feels as though my legs start to feel like jelly. It also results in my eyes feeling very heavy and tired. My ears ring from time to time and when i go outside the light feels so bright I always have to put my sunnies on. Been to the Dr plenty of times and he tells me that nothing is wrong and nothing to stress about.
This really sux and i hate feeling this way. There are some days when you feel completely normal and this can last for weeks then out of the blue BANG, you feel like crap again and the vicious cirlce starts again. Im sorry to bore you but this is my first post and i'm hoping some people can give me some reassurances that the feelings i get are totally normal for anxiety sufferers.
Thanks guys.

06-10-2008, 07:55 AM
i'm hoping some people can give me some reassurances that the feelings i get are totally normal for anxiety sufferers.

These feelings are all in the package. It is definitely normal for an anxiety sufferer, I get the same thing every time I'm in a situation I don't like, or am generally stressed. It's just your body reacting to stress in the way it would if a dinosaur were chasing you, because your body can't differentiate between one 'type' of stress and another. Your body is becoming extra-sensitive to the surroundings as a survival mechanism. It will release adrenaline as a 'flight' response, which can make you feel different in other ways, such as sickness because it shuts down the digestive system to put energy into other muscles. The list of feelings as a result is very long, and you will find them in a sticky at the top of this forum. You will find ears ringing etc are all there, along with tiredness and aches.
It is unpleasant but don't be afraid that it's an illness or is dangerous in any way - it's just your body doing its thing and its perfectly ok. Try pick up some breathing techniques and divert your mind onto other things when you feel this way - you know what will work for you best. Worrying about it makes it worse, so if you find a way of thinking about it as little as possible thats always helpful.
Remember it is a bodily reaction to the way you are thinking - if you are stressed your body will show it, if you are calm your body will follow. Being an anxiety sufferer means your body perceives stress differently to a non-sufferer.