View Full Version : Ringing in my ear (tinnitus) caused by anxiety?

08-05-2014, 05:32 AM
Hi all,

Sometimes I get a ringing in my right ear. It actually sounds more like an insect flying next to my ear, i.e. a "buzzing" sound, rather than a traditional tinnitus ringing. I can't quite identify the situations when it occurs, but sometimes I hear it if I have the window open and the wind is blowing in. Sometimes I get it when I'm very tired or anxious.

Has any of you experience the same buzzing noise in your ear before? Did you ever find out what caused it? Like said, I don't have it constantly. I had my GP checking my ear and he didn't find anything. Let's hope it's nothing going on with the nerves inside my head or something ;P I do have health anxiety, but my brain is busy focusing on ALS these days, and as far as I know, tinnitus is not a symptom of that.

08-05-2014, 05:52 AM
Hi all,

Sometimes I get a ringing in my right ear. It actually sounds more like an insect flying next to my ear, i.e. a "buzzing" sound, rather than a traditional tinnitus ringing. I can't quite identify the situations when it occurs, but sometimes I hear it if I have the window open and the wind is blowing in. Sometimes I get it when I'm very tired or anxious.

Has any of you experience the same buzzing noise in your ear before? Did you ever find out what caused it? Like said, I don't have it constantly. I had my GP checking my ear and he didn't find anything. Let's hope it's nothing going on with the nerves inside my head or something ;P I do have health anxiety, but my brain is busy focusing on ALS these days, and as far as I know, tinnitus is not a symptom of that.

My last post of the morning,

Watch your diet, your allergy, what causes inflammation to the sinus cavity. Dander, dust, watch your location, surroundings for irritants, personal habits, deodorants and hygiene products, etc. Watch the processed food intake, certain chemicals. Do you understand the connection?

The ear noise is not an illness but a reaction. To both unresolved problems/psychological conflicts and inflammation of the sinus, to a degree.

That is all.

08-05-2014, 08:42 AM
I agree with the above, it is connected to sinuses. Have you checked it by ENT doctor? YOu seemed like a young person, you not suppose to have the tinnitus. I had it at young age and ended up with hearing loss, of course no one told me to go to doc when there was time to do something. It could as simple as excess of wax :)

08-05-2014, 09:23 AM
Thanks for your answer :) I'm 25 years old. I haven't had an ENT checking it out, but my primary care physician said it was nothing in my ear, and no excess of wax. But I guess I should see an ENT doctor too ;) It's not getting worse or anything, it just comes and goes.

08-05-2014, 11:36 AM
Lilac you should do so you do not end like I did with hearing aids.
GP they never see anything wrong with you. I have no faith in family doctors. I just seen that you live in Norway, one of the best health care system. Go and let Ent to see it, please. you may have infected sinuses or something else, maybe nothing. :))
Anxiety and tinnitus, I do not believe it. I had anxiety from early childhood and no tinnitus, it shows up after infection a few infections of my inner ear. I never went to doc with it,, a huge mistake on my side:(

08-05-2014, 12:27 PM
Thanks very much, Dahila. Well, best health care system. In theory, perhaps. But in order to get help right away, we have to use the private section and pay a lot of money. Still cheaper than in the US I guess, but considering the amount of taxes we pay for free public health care in Norway, it's quite insane. If you want to go to the public section, you have to wait a year to see an ENT for instance. Don't get me wrong, I AM grateful for the health care system anyway, just stating the facts and saying that my country is not perfect.

I have to see my GP soon to take some blood tests anyway, because I think I might have an iron and B12 deficiency again (Been struggling with it for ten years now), so I will consult him then. You say that GP's never see anything wrong with you, and I guess you are right with certain cases. But my primary physician is very serious, and if he has the slightest suspicions that something is not right, or he is not certain what it can be, he refers me to a specialist. I need to go through him first to be directed to a specialist anyway, so I have to talk to him about it again.

But thanks again for your input - I certainly don't want to to risk getting hearing aids just because I didn't bother getting it checked by an ENT. Deeply appreciate your advice :)