View Full Version : Not a good night

08-05-2014, 03:51 AM
Hope everyone's ok. I've not posted for a while but have still been checking in and reading everyone's stories, but now I need a few tips on how to stop night time anxiety attacks.
I've had a few of these in the past but last nights took the biscuit!
I was absolutely exhausted and was shutting my eyes for sleep when my husband started discussing some problems that I've been having with my younger sister; we had a huge bust up a couple of months ago and I haven't spoken to her since which is fine with me because I don't really like her anyway. She takes drugs and is a very aggressive person and I don't want to be around her, but I miss her kids desperately.
Anyway, as soon as my husband stopped talking I felt my heart do that horrible flip flop thing then I could feel it accelerate and pound so strong that my throat was tickling and constricting.
I tried staying put and riding it out but it got so uncomfortable that I had to get up and go and do something and that was when a full blown panic attack hit - dizziness, head swimming, tingling hands and legs, dread, feeling like I was passing out. It shocked me and I wasn't equipped to deal with it properly because I haven't had one in so long that id almost forgot how scary they are!
It lasted about a minute and I was left shaking and cold but I thought I was through it so I got back in bed - then my heart started racing again!!!
I was like this for a good three hours until I finally collapsed from sheer exhaustion.
My husband, as usual was amazing and stayed up with me, stroking my hair and massaging me, he is so incredibly supportive. But it's really scared me and I don't want it to happen again.
Any tips on how I can either stop these night time panics, or at the very least, how I can control them better. That one actually made me sob!

08-05-2014, 04:28 AM
Hope everyone's ok. I've not posted for a while but have still been checking in and reading everyone's stories, but now I need a few tips on how to stop night time anxiety attacks.
I've had a few of these in the past but last nights took the biscuit!
I was absolutely exhausted and was shutting my eyes for sleep when my husband started discussing some problems that I've been having with my younger sister; we had a huge bust up a couple of months ago and I haven't spoken to her since which is fine with me because I don't really like her anyway. She takes drugs and is a very aggressive person and I don't want to be around her, but I miss her kids desperately.
Anyway, as soon as my husband stopped talking I felt my heart do that horrible flip flop thing then I could feel it accelerate and pound so strong that my throat was tickling and constricting.
I tried staying put and riding it out but it got so uncomfortable that I had to get up and go and do something and that was when a full blown panic attack hit - dizziness, head swimming, tingling hands and legs, dread, feeling like I was passing out. It shocked me and I wasn't equipped to deal with it properly because I haven't had one in so long that id almost forgot how scary they are!
It lasted about a minute and I was left shaking and cold but I thought I was through it so I got back in bed - then my heart started racing again!!!
I was like this for a good three hours until I finally collapsed from sheer exhaustion.
My husband, as usual was amazing and stayed up with me, stroking my hair and massaging me, he is so incredibly supportive. But it's really scared me and I don't want it to happen again.
Any tips on how I can either stop these night time panics, or at the very least, how I can control them better. That one actually made me sob!

For your edification,

There is no magical exercise to partake, no magic pill to intake, or even a cake to bake, however tasty. The challenge is to learn to think aright, is solely personal and the responsibility of the individual, to go within for answers, when exhausted by all attempts from without.

An illness (physical or emotional) is always a failure to solve a mental or psychological problem in the correct manner . . . The energy that would be used to solve the problem instead is spent maintaining the illness. It is therefore necessary that an attempt be made as soon as possible to solve the problem, which of course must first be discovered by the ego, which has avoided it.

No exceptions.

Take that to heart, literally. And you will no longer need the physical symptoms to point to your err in thought and or unresolved conflicts/problems, period.

This query is thy purpose in this life, you see.

Mark A. Camacho
08-06-2014, 01:18 AM
Opsss...... don't eat whole heartedly before going to bed at night....

08-06-2014, 01:43 AM
Opsss...... don't eat whole heartedly before going to bed at night....
Your point?