View Full Version : Sudden extreme overwhelming wave of depression

08-04-2014, 07:57 PM
Wtf. Just had one right now. I've been anxious about going to bed for a few days now as I've been getting panic symptoms in bed, but now it's worse - panic I can handle, this was just utter despair. I suddenly felt like I was so unhappy I could die - not suicidal, but just at rock bottom. My anxiety has been doing so well these last few weeks, and now it's all gone to shit again. Not really sure what to do. Is there anything I can do in the meantime to calm down and get some sleep? The depression is terrible, it brought nausea to my stomach. I've tried meditation and breathing exercises. It seems like my mood has just irrevocably gone down and I don't know how to bring it up again.

08-04-2014, 08:02 PM
Hey Snowberry, I have had a couple of those, you know whats odd. Have you tried laughing? Seriously just laughing, Try to find a funny youtube video or a comedy on tv that you just enjoy?

When my depressive mode comes on and they do happen here and there. I talk to myself a little and laugh as I say," I have felt like this before and its was all for nothing." I giggle a little more as I think its more ridiculous than anything else and then suddenly it slowly dissipates.

I try not to dwell on it as the more I think about it the more frustrated I get and more things start to pop up in my head. I forcefully remind myself, I have felt bad like this before but it was all for nothing and cant hurt me.

As for mood dont get down on yourself for having "speed bumps" or relapse. It happens so dont get frustrated, be happy that this is your chance to "Test" yourself with the skills you have worked so hard to obtain! And you will find that you will recover much easier than the last time you had a bad attack!

Hang in there you can do it!

08-06-2014, 10:35 AM
Thanks for the reply. I'm a little better now but my muscles and joints feel weak and stiff as hell, hands slightly buzzing. Every time I get up I think I'm going to buckle under. It's a horrible feeling. When I'm at work I don't seem to notice it so I assume it's more anxiety. I hate it when the symptoms change, because then you have to get used to them all over again.

08-06-2014, 02:42 PM
I get this often. Most days I'm coping but then I will wake 1 day and feel at rock bottom. It happened a few days ago. I turned my phone off as I didn't want contact with anyone. I wanted to just rot away but I stayed in bed and cried and cried until I had nothing left and it actually released some tension. I felt a bit better for it then I put some Lee Evans on and felt normal again. It's only temporary and it's only human to feel this way sometimes when ur battling anxiety and depression.

08-06-2014, 03:07 PM
Snowberry, Dont be so hard on yourself about having to deal with it all over again!

Be happy as you have developed tools to overcome these challenges FASTER! Do you remember the first time you had one of these attacks it tooks weeks to shake it off, now it probably takes a couple days and you are good to go, Soon it will be a couple hours. Then next thing you know you deal with it right there and its gone!

I have noticed it for myself. I had moments where my Panic or Depressive mood would hit me so hard I would be stuck for days.... now its maybe an hour or so and I am back to normal! Its great that I have these tools so I can move along!