View Full Version : Anxiety and Holidays

06-10-2008, 04:09 AM
Hey everyone :)
I used to use this forum to help fight my anxiety when it was at its worst. In summary, I suffered from bad panic attacks, fear of crowds, restaurants, trains. I also had a lot of problems with irrational thinking - I really thought I had lost the plot! These are just a few of the problems, I'm sure you're all familiar with the rest that comes with it.
I still suffer from this, although it is not as severe as it was 2 years ago. I am now thinking straight, I don't think I am going crazy. But I am still very anxious about certain situations.


I want to ask you guys about holidays (vacations). At the weekend I am flying from UK to California. I will be going from LA to las Vegas, helicopter in the grand canyon, yosemite and san francisco, then back to LA.
This holiday sounds dreamy to my boyfriend and parents, and I want to be excited too, but it also sounds really overwhelming. I'm afraid of leaving home for starters, and mostly about Vegas. I heard its really overwhelming with the crowds, noise and lights (all the things I panic about!). I'm worried about feeling ill in the heat like last time I was in America - if I feel sick I won't even eat, and busy restaurants make me extremely nervous anyway.
I'm also worried that once in the searing hot helicopter I will feel like fainting and want to escape (long way down!).
I don't want to spoil the holiday for myself and my group. I know I deserve to enjoy this trip, and why should I worry about a holiday when it's supposed to be a good thing? But I can't shake the thoughts.

Does anyone have any tips on how to deal with this? Better so, have any anxiety-sufferers been in places like Vegas at its busiest and stayed 'sane'?

Thanks for reading :)