View Full Version : Social Anxiety at Work!

08-04-2014, 02:55 PM
I work in an office as an administrative assistant. I was just recently promoted from receptionist to Accounts Receivable. My importance at my place of work has risen and the amount of meetings and people I meet with has greatly increased. That being said I am not sure if it is my anxiety or my lack of self confidence maybe a mixture of both but my face turns bright bright red whenever there is too much focus on me, for instance in a large meeting and I am asked to speak. I hate it, it makes me look weak and childish and I want to be professional and confident but my reddened face gives me away every time.

Any one else have this problem?

08-13-2014, 03:59 PM
It sucks. I blush a lot too. Even if I'm not even that nervous, or don't think I am, my face just goes red when I am in front of a group. Or even when asking for something simple from my boss. I don't have any tips for you, just commiseration.

08-22-2014, 05:07 AM

I COMPLETELY understand what you're going through! I too suffer from facial blushing as a result of my social anxiety. It really sucks and it's such an uncomfortable, unsettling feeling. I blush in the same kinds of situations - whenever all attention is turned to me or whenever I have to speak to a large group of people. Heck, I usually blush even when I'm talking to one or two people! To be totally honest I am still trying to conquer this whole blushing problem as well. Do you know what? I bet the people in your meetings don't even notice you blushing! Have you tried to use make up to cover the redness? I usually wear foundation, and I find this covers the majority of my blushing when it happens.

Also, try some deep breathing before you have a meeting. I find that works for me a lot of the time. I also like to remind myself that my mind is simply playing tricks on me and that there is no reason to feel anxious. Another tip I have is to try and mentally divert or re-direct the blushing to another part of your body. It may sound weird, but try to mentally imagine the redness in your face being re-directed to your hands. Imagine your hands are sitting in a bowl of hot water. Doing this takes your mind off your blushing face and it also tricks your brain into thinking you're hands are the heated body part. Another way of doing this is to visualize. When you start feeling a blush coming on, visualize a cool, thin layer of ice against your skin. Always have a bottle of water near you too, as drinking water can really cool you down - inside and out.

I wish you all the best. I know how irritating and embarrassing it can be to blush all the time. Let me know how you go with it.
