View Full Version : extremely anxious after arguing... :(

08-04-2014, 01:16 PM
I had a big argument yesterday with a family member and I blew up and yelled and was very upset... the fight lasted for about 5 minutes. After the fight I was shaking and felt like crying... and then I started to have my old anxiety symptoms like dizziness and depersonalization... and I have it even until now the next day :/
I know these symptoms... it is always what I have when I have high anxiety, the constant dizziness or "surreal" feeling... I hate it. And I am really shocked that it can happen after something like just yelling... obviously nothing could have chemically chaingned in my brain because I didn't intake anything I was just yelling... I don't understand why I have these symptoms after a little fight :/ anxiety is so weird.
this is really concerning me because I have been anxiety free for months... is it normal to have this huge anxiety symptoms even so long after fighting? :/

08-04-2014, 01:22 PM
For an anxiety sufferer arguing can produce anxiety. For many reasons, you'll know them in your personal context.

Treat it like any other trigger, breathing, positive thinking, etc. You seem like you have been winning, you can deal with it.

08-04-2014, 01:25 PM
Well I'm going to guess that you're simply just still distressed about it. Fighting an arguing like that is just a ton of unneeded stress. Adrenaline and all. And to someone who has a history with anxiety disorder and what not, it can affect you more I'm sure. It's all about how you deal with that left over stress. Just keep calm, find peace and stay peaceful. It'll be okay and the symptoms won't last.

08-04-2014, 01:34 PM
Yeah... this feeling is nothing new to me, but previously it has been triggered by things which I intake - like alcohol and cigarettes and certain foods, etc. But this time it was just triggered by getting upset. I will just try to remain calm and exercise a lot and think positive.

08-04-2014, 01:41 PM
Also I think anxiety is subconscious thoughts that kind of lag behind conscious thoughts, so even if I am calm in my thoughts, my subconscious has not picked it up yet and it is still in the state of panic, but soon it will catch up to my conscious thoughts and when the subconscious calms down then the symptoms will fade away too. This is just how it seems to me from years of personal experience.

08-04-2014, 03:04 PM
Also I think anxiety is subconscious thoughts that kind of lag behind conscious thoughts, so even if I am calm in my thoughts, my subconscious has not picked it up yet and it is still in the state of panic, but soon it will catch up to my conscious thoughts and when the subconscious calms down then the symptoms will fade away too. This is just how it seems to me from years of personal experience..

Yes! Exactly. You're pretty much spot on there. Anxiety seems to be caused for the most part by those thoughts, conscious and subconscious. I think more so subconsciously. To me, my anxiety seemed more consistent when I thought I was okay but not sure if I was really okay. If that makes sense. There was always something in me that didn't exactly believe I was okay, as if I was pretending to feel okay and unworried. I was just always skeptical about myself and my health. I had some pretty bad health anxiety for about a year. I guess it took me a year to believe I was actually completely fine all along. Subconsciously and consciously. I also read a book and taught me about how the nervous system works especially the Sympathetic Nervous system. It basically works off your emotions. How you feel. If you sense danger or encounter any moment in which certain emotions are induced. Fear, anger, sadness. These are some emotions that put your sympathetic nervous system to work. It sends signals to the adrenal glands to send out adrenaline and does other things. And at this point your body and your nerves are all stimulated. This can leave you feeling shaky and uneasy which in turn, if you don't understand those left over symptoms for what they are, it can just start that whole process over again because now you're afraid about why you're feeling that way and out comes some more adrenaline and then comes more fear and some people get led into a bad panic attack over their feelings. When I found this out, it was like my moment of eureka. I was truly on my way to overcoming my anxiety disorder and I eventually did.

So you see, it's really nothing. If you understand the signs and do not become overwhelmed or bewildered your body will come back into a peaceful state.

08-05-2014, 05:45 AM

Yes! Exactly. You're pretty much spot on there. Anxiety seems to be caused for the most part by those thoughts, conscious and subconscious. I think more so subconsciously. To me, my anxiety seemed more consistent when I thought I was okay but not sure if I was really okay. If that makes sense. There was always something in me that didn't exactly believe I was okay, as if I was pretending to feel okay and unworried. I was just always skeptical about myself and my health. I had some pretty bad health anxiety for about a year. I guess it took me a year to believe I was actually completely fine all along. Subconsciously and consciously. I also read a book and taught me about how the nervous system works especially the Sympathetic Nervous system. It basically works off your emotions. How you feel. If you sense danger or encounter any moment in which certain emotions are induced. Fear, anger, sadness. These are some emotions that put your sympathetic nervous system to work. It sends signals to the adrenal glands to send out adrenaline and does other things. And at this point your body and your nerves are all stimulated. This can leave you feeling shaky and uneasy which in turn, if you don't understand those left over symptoms for what they are, it can just start that whole process over again because now you're afraid about why you're feeling that way and out comes some more adrenaline and then comes more fear and some people get led into a bad panic attack over their feelings. When I found this out, it was like my moment of eureka. I was truly on my way to overcoming my anxiety disorder and I eventually did.

So you see, it's really nothing. If you understand the signs and do not become overwhelmed or bewildered your body will come back into a peaceful state.

Exactly. You have to REALLY believe that is is just anxiety and nothing else, wanting to believe is not enough. And it can take a lot of time until you really believe it... I have suffered with extreme anxiety for the past 4-5 years (I am 23), horrible physical symptoms which sweep me off my feet and my life completely off the rails. But it always get better, and now I am finally starting to understand my anxiety, after years of disbelief that it is just my own thoughts that make me feel like this and not some serious illness. Living a healthy lifestyle and trying to always remain peaceful and calm is the key to beating anxiety. The latter part is quite hard for me to do because I am extremely irritable and impulsive... I just wanna scream and yell whenever anything annoys me. But I can't do that, I will have physical symptoms and huge anxiety then....

08-05-2014, 06:17 AM
I am extremely irritable and impulsive... I just wanna scream and yell whenever anything annoys me. But I can't do that, I will have physical symptoms and huge anxiety then....And....I had a big argument yesterday with a family member and I blew up and yelled and was very upset.

Now, a start is to want to find peace, period. However, the surpressing of emotions is what led you to anxiety to begin with, like a volcano, it will soon erupt when energies can no longer be contained. This is why you may see months of calm, before the storm.

One cannot lie to oneself, not for very long, before your tail catches up to you.

In the above quote, which I have cut shows your beliefs about yourself, the reason for the adrenal dump and physiological responses, and your anxiety, period.

Anxiety is always an unresolved mental or psychological problem that one has hidden from self and the inability to face and correct said problem in a correct manner.

No exceptions, not one. No matter how much blame you wish to place on your body, or your beliefs, will not change the above statement one iota. Better start to rethink your approach then. All of you reading this.

Once the mental issue is found, faced, and solved, you will show emotions in a natural manner, when they arise, and give validity to your feelings, rather than hide them, be fearful of them, and fester in them until the eventual explosion.

Wars between individuals, nations, countries, and at home in your family - terrorism, sociopath, criminals, all share in this repression, where the physical act is a release of pent up psychic energy. The only method left of resolution. It is a form of communication, you see.

End of post. I do hope you all get it. I won't be here forever now.

08-05-2014, 12:30 PM
I have the same reaction to fighting. It comes from a belief that things are 'supposed' to be clean and sanitized.

Healthy debate including anger release are a part of a healthy relationship. I think the key is in how the argument ends up. With resolution or with a feeling of despair and that there is less hope than before.

If you feel the latter you might be well served by finding the courage to tell the other person how you are feeling without asking for a response or to make them responsible for it. I'm almost certain they will have the same feeling.

By doing so you may raise the vibration of your relationship and benefit from the nicer emotions that accompany that rise.

08-05-2014, 12:39 PM
I have the same reaction to fighting. It comes from a belief that things are 'supposed' to be clean and sanitized.

Healthy debate including anger release are a part of a healthy relationship. I think the key is in how the argument ends up. With resolution or with a feeling of despair and that there is less hope than before.

If you feel the latter you might be well served by finding the courage to tell the other person how you are feeling without asking for a response or to make them responsible for it. I'm almost certain they will have the same feeling.

By doing so you may raise the vibration of your relationship and benefit from the nicer emotions that accompany that rise.

I disagree with this...
I am extremely tired of fighting all the time with my parents, they never listen to me and every discussion ends with an argument.

Its been over two days now since the fight and I still feel these symptoms - lightheadedness, deperzonalisation, "surreal" feeling, pressure in head....
All these symptoms are familiar to me and I have had them before for very long periods of time, the entire year of 2012 I had this feeling.
Can somebody please explain to me further how exactly can these things occur? Obviously nothing is chemically altering anything in my brain because I didnt intake anything, they just happened after a heated argument.

08-06-2014, 01:47 AM
Did you miss my whole post 3 up? Or you just didn't understand it, or believe it. Seems redundant here again after a special reading just for you this morning. My question is actually rhetorical, no need to answer. I already know.

I'm suffering - why are you going through the forum and answering the members queries or just general posts with pretentious and somewhat arrogant replies? There is no need to try and prove yourself here by using big words and basically attacking people for asking for a bit of help. Please try to be a bit more respectful and considerate...

08-06-2014, 03:51 AM
I had a big argument yesterday with a family member and I blew up and yelled and was very upset... the fight lasted for about 5 minutes. After the fight I was shaking and felt like crying... and then I started to have my old anxiety symptoms like dizziness and depersonalization... and I have it even until now the next day :/
I know these symptoms... it is always what I have when I have high anxiety, the constant dizziness or "surreal" feeling... I hate it. And I am really shocked that it can happen after something like just yelling... obviously nothing could have chemically chaingned in my brain because I didn't intake anything I was just yelling... I don't understand why I have these symptoms after a little fight :/ anxiety is so weird.
this is really concerning me because I have been anxiety free for months... is it normal to have this huge anxiety symptoms even so long after fighting? :/

It certainly is. Anxiety symptoms can linger a few days after the event. I get the same with an argument and I can feel sick for days afterwards. This is because my parents were always arguing when I was a kid and arguments set my anxiety of like no tomorrow. I'm not saying it is all down to that though. Either way, I usually try to apply all I learned to get back to being myself. Meditation can be great for this, if your not a lover a meditation you can go for something easier, like a long relaxing bath.

08-06-2014, 05:28 AM
Now, a start is to want to find peace, period. However, the surpressing of emotions is what led you to anxiety to begin with, like a volcano, it will soon erupt when energies can no longer be contained. This is why you may see months of calm, before the storm.

One cannot lie to oneself, not for very long, before your tail catches up to you.

In the above quote, which I have cut shows your beliefs about yourself, the reason for the adrenal dump and physiological responses, and your anxiety, period.

Anxiety is always an unresolved mental or psychological problem that one has hidden from self and the inability to face and correct said problem in a correct manner.

No exceptions, not one. No matter how much blame you wish to place on your body, or your beliefs, will not change the above statement one iota. Better start to rethink your approach then. All of you reading this.

Once the mental issue is found, faced, and solved, you will show emotions in a natural manner, when they arise, and give validity to your feelings, rather than hide them, be fearful of them, and fester in them until the eventual explosion.

Wars between individuals, nations, countries, and at home in your family - terrorism, sociopath, criminals, all share in this repression, where the physical act is a release of pent up psychic energy. The only method left of resolution. It is a form of communication, you see.

End of post. I do hope you all get it. I won't be here forever now.

Yeah I have some issues... I guess general unhappyness and disatisfaction with my life... I am 23 and unemployed and live with my parents. The thing is that I am actually quite smart but also quite lazy and therefor never given the opportunity to use my brain for work, all I have done is slave work which is I think below me... no offense to hard working people but really, I think I am too smart to do slave work. I just haven't figured out yet how can I use my brain to make money. Also I guess I need a girlfriend or something, lonelyness is depressing too.

08-06-2014, 06:34 AM
Yeah I have some issues... I guess general unhappyness and disatisfaction with my life... I am 23 and unemployed and live with my parents. The thing is that I am actually quite smart but also quite lazy and therefor never given the opportunity to use my brain for work, all I have done is slave work which is I think below me... no offense to hard working people but really, I think I am too smart to do slave work. I just haven't figured out yet how can I use my brain to make money. Also I guess I need a girlfriend or something, lonelyness is depressing too.

There you go. Reread your own words several times. Sure you are angry, sure you blow up sometimes (over anything), your couped up and your outlook is questionable. Adrenaline builds not only in times of anxiety when you can pinpoint it or the cause, but also in continuous stress over time stewing over unresolved problems. Sitting home, thinking those thoughts, building stress, raising the stress levels just a little more each day.

Solve your problems. Instead of hiding out in your parents basement hoping no one will notice you, or bother you, face the issues. It's the only way. The job, money, girlfriend, self esteem and internal conflicts about worth. The longer you dig the hole, the harder to get out.

You can do it now, or in 40 years when your 60 still figuring out how to use your brain, while sitting with your parents watching reruns from the 1980' reminiscing about being still single and blaming it on laziness with no intellectual job.

Your anxiety and physical symptoms, anger, etc are only there to tell you to solve your problems correctly, rather find and solve the problems since some you are hiding from, no exceptions, no other way, period.

If you cannot immediately solve the problems, then work like the dickens, persistant, like a caged lion, where all energies are devoted, acutely focused every moment of every day, to solve them. No stone unturned. Listen !

You will show yourself power, instead of the powerless feelings you have now, lack of personal power is the direct cause of anger and anxiety in all of you reading this.

End of message.

08-06-2014, 07:40 AM
There you go. Reread your own words several times. Sure you are angry, sure you blow up sometimes (over anything), your couped up and your outlook is questionable. Adrenaline builds not only in times of anxiety when you can pinpoint it or the cause, but also in continuous stress over time stewing over unresolved problems. Sitting home, thinking those thoughts, building stress, raising the stress levels just a little more each day.

Solve your problems. Instead of hiding out in your parents basement hoping no one will notice you, or bother you, face the issues. It's the only way. The job, money, girlfriend, self esteem and internal conflicts about worth. The longer you dig the hole, the harder to get out.

You can do it now, or in 40 years when your 60 still figuring out how to use your brain, while sitting with your parents watching reruns from the 1980' reminiscing about being still single and blaming it on laziness with no intellectual job.

Your anxiety and physical symptoms, anger, etc are only there to tell you to solve your problems correctly, rather find and solve the problems since some you are hiding from, no exceptions, no other way, period.

If you cannot immediately solve the problems, then work like the dickens, persistant, like a caged lion, where all energies are devoted, acutely focused every moment of every day, to solve them. No stone unturned. Listen !

You will show yourself power, instead of the powerless feelings you have now, lack of personal power is the direct cause of anger and anxiety in all of you reading this.

End of message.

I always think the anxiety will never go away, its been 4 days now since I have all these symptoms and idk... I am also so extremely irritable idk what to do, I get irritated by everything and im angry all the time, I cant help it....

I am just trying to understand chemically speaking what causes these symptoms, there cant be any permanent damage or anything right? I mean nothing really happened I just got upset... is excessive adrenaline thats causing it or what is it chemically?
I exercise every day, I go running and lift weights all the time, and I eat healthy, so really I am just out of ideas what is causing this anxiety....

08-06-2014, 08:14 AM
......so really I am just out of ideas what is causing this anxiety....

Simply, your lack of aggressiveness in your own life to solve your problems correctly, and the complacency in laziness and overall depressive mood.

This mental state is the cause of the chemical reactions, that is your answer. No need to ask again. In this short 2 line post you have your solutions.

Again in easy to understand terms :

Your physical sensations are not causing the anxiety or depression, rather the depression and unrest, powerless feelings are causing the depression and anger along with the release in hormones (how you feel).

08-06-2014, 11:08 AM
Simply, your lack of aggressiveness in your own life to solve your problems correctly, and the complacency in laziness and overall depressive mood.

This mental state is the cause of the chemical reactions, that is your answer. No need to ask again. In this short 2 line post you have your solutions.

Again in easy to understand terms :

Your physical sensations are not causing the anxiety or depression, rather the depression and unrest, powerless feelings are causing the depression and anger along with the release in hormones (how you feel).

Yeah I understand that but I mean what is chemically/physically causing these symptoms? There must be some kind of chemical imbalance in my brain right?

08-06-2014, 11:20 AM
Yeah I understand that but I mean what is chemically/physically causing these symptoms? There must be some kind of chemical imbalance in my brain right?

No, hormones, natural release to coincide with emotional responses. The hormones can dump at once to a stessful event, or feed in like an IV drip in response to chronic stress ( continuous ). So you'll be always on edge, and explode in certain situations causing the dump into your bloodstream.

Having a constant adrenal IV drip will result in conditions always present, or up and down, the dump will trigger a major attack, but with the IV drip you'll never come all the way down.

Hope that helps, rest your mind.

08-06-2014, 02:05 PM
Just had another huge disappointment in my life today........god this is just what I need right now...... I cant deal with this at the moment....... absolutely devastating disapointment happened today

08-06-2014, 02:09 PM
seriously why did it have to happen now...... why does all shit come at the same time goddamn it im going crazy

08-06-2014, 02:10 PM
I feel like I am going to explode at the moment... doing my best not to have a breakdown atm

08-06-2014, 03:03 PM
ok im sorry I just had a bit freak out It is very difficult for me to remain calm but i try now ... :S

08-07-2014, 12:18 AM
ok im sorry I just had a bit freak out It is very difficult for me to remain calm but i try now ... :S

Don't worry about what we think, we are here to help you ;) We have all been there in one form or the other. You will be alright. Maybe writing down some stuff might help you. I notice that you talk down to yourself a lot. I'm sure that you are a brilliant person and don't deserve to be talked to like that. Try writing down what you tell yourself and counter that. It worked a treat for me and I'm sure it will help you to. The first time might be very emotional, but it gets easier and the things that hold you back will no longer be a problem.

I took some examples of what you said before and countered them for you as an example:
- I cant deal with this at the moment - I am sure you can. You are a strong person, no matter the setback you may have in life. There are always people around for support and understanding that can help you deal :)
- absolutely devastating disapointment happened today - Something bad did happen to you today but sometimes these things are out of our control. Sometimes we have to accept the things that we cannot change. Everyone has disappointments in their life. You are not alone.
- why does all shit come at the same time goddamn it im going crazy - Your not going crazy, you just have a little bit of a hard time because it seems like stuff keeps on happening to you. But everyone has these things happening to them and your not alone. Life can be unfair, but it can be so beautiful to if you don't forget about the little things.

Also write down some positives in your life. I know it can be so difficult. It took me 2 days to get my first 5 written down.
Here are my five from this week, hope they help you figure out yours.

- I stood in the entrance of the supermarket, something that really freaks me out normally.
- I cooked a meal for my fiancé and he really enjoyed it.
- I did some housework and everybody appreciated how clean the house was. I'm quite proud of myself.
- I make a decent living with what I do now.
- I felt like I wanted to go out for the first time in 6 years.

08-09-2014, 03:50 AM
I feel so weird now... all these symptoms are back - dizziness, difficulty concentrating, "surreal" feeling, pressure in head, fatigue .... WTF?
I know its been a stressful time but really... I have changed my lifestyle what more can I do :/

08-09-2014, 06:19 AM
I feel so weird now... all these symptoms are back - dizziness, difficulty concentrating, "surreal" feeling, pressure in head, fatigue .... WTF?
I know its been a stressful time but really... I have changed my lifestyle what more can I do :/

There is no magic pill that would control a man's thoughts for him, he has free will to think as he pleases. You have yet to understand this. Your symptoms are reactions to how you feel inside, unresolved psychological problems. You'll get no rain dance in these forums, or medicine man magic pills, but you will get the opportunity to do an about face and look in the mirror. True beneficial lifestyle changes come naturally (effortless) from the man who has changed his insides first, his thinking, his beliefs. Your changes therefore are (in response to) fearful reactions, temporal and thereby temporary.

You don't bandaid a wound without first cleaning it, for in a months time when you remove it you will have an infection. All the while keeping it hidden from view, fooling yourself.

That is all for you, it's been multiple messages.

08-09-2014, 11:17 AM
There is no magic pill that would control a man's thoughts for him, he has free will to think as he pleases. You have yet to understand this. Your symptoms are reactions to how you feel inside, unresolved psychological problems. You'll get no rain dance in these forums, or medicine man magic pills, but you will get the opportunity to do an about face and look in the mirror. True beneficial lifestyle changes come naturally (effortless) from the man who has changed his insides first, his thinking, his beliefs. Your changes therefore are (in response to) fearful reactions, temporal and thereby temporary.

You don't bandaid a wound without first cleaning it, for in a months time when you remove it you will have an infection. All the while keeping it hidden from view, fooling yourself.

That is all for you, it's been multiple messages.

Stop this rhetorical bullshit, if you have nothing to contribute dont reply to my thread pls!

I said my symptoms started after a heated argument, and I have had a very stressful week too, so I guess this is the reason but it is still very annoying and scary... none of this is new to me, I have prolonged periods of exactly the same feelings, but I have changed my lifestyle, I live a healthy lifestyle now, thats why I don't understand why it happened again. I have changed my lifestyle as it is possible without money. For more I need a lot of money but that is another source of stress in itself.

08-09-2014, 11:32 AM
You can block certain posters that you don't want to read their replies, if you want to do that.

08-09-2014, 12:09 PM
You can block certain posters that you don't want to read their replies, if you want to do that.

It's just that I get irritated very easily when someone is just beating around the bush.... I am a very straight forward person. And he seems like I should be thanking him for something :S

08-09-2014, 12:43 PM
Hi Skizo. Let me ask a question about these long-lasting symptoms after a fight with your parents. Do you (like I do, compulsively) re-run the fight over and over in your mind and invent things you wish you'd had said or said better than you did? Or search in your mind for the one killer sentence that would have finally made them understand or just shut up? This, for me, can make an argument that was technically over days before go on and on and can really be torture. Also can cause dissociation of a sort because I'm so distracted by trying to STOP thinking about something I can't stop thinking about. It's exhausting. I do this particularly when I feel I've been attacked or have been misunderstood on my side of the argument. GGGAAAHHHH. It sucks.

08-09-2014, 03:33 PM
Hi Skizo. Let me ask a question about these long-lasting symptoms after a fight with your parents. Do you (like I do, compulsively) re-run the fight over and over in your mind and invent things you wish you'd had said or said better than you did? Or search in your mind for the one killer sentence that would have finally made them understand or just shut up? This, for me, can make an argument that was technically over days before go on and on and can really be torture. Also can cause dissociation of a sort because I'm so distracted by trying to STOP thinking about something I can't stop thinking about. It's exhausting. I do this particularly when I feel I've been attacked or have been misunderstood on my side of the argument. GGGAAAHHHH. It sucks.

Nah it was an argument about a rather meaningless thing actually, but it got so heated and I was yelling and screaming and shaken up after it...
The bigger problem is that we argue about everything... no matter how meaningless, I don't know how to stop this... I know I am part of the problem myself too because I get irritated so easily... but they get irritated too and do stupid things, and my sister ignores me completely, she wont even reply if I talk to her...
But like I said, EVERYBODY irritates me, not only my family, but I am with them the most so they irritated me most frequently... its a total nuthouse here, I spend my entire days locked in my room because I don't want to interact with anybody.
Like today I got locked out of the house because of lack of communication.

08-10-2014, 01:31 AM
Nah it was an argument about a rather meaningless thing actually, but it got so heated and I was yelling and screaming and shaken up after it...
The bigger problem is that we argue about everything... no matter how meaningless, I don't know how to stop this... I know I am part of the problem myself too because I get irritated so easily... but they get irritated too and do stupid things, and my sister ignores me completely, she wont even reply if I talk to her...
But like I said, EVERYBODY irritates me, not only my family, but I am with them the most so they irritated me most frequently... its a total nuthouse here, I spend my entire days locked in my room because I don't want to interact with anybody.
Like today I got locked out of the house because of lack of communication.

Hi Skizo,

When I read your latest post I nearly felt like crying... My home situation was pretty much the same. I did not have a sister or brother, but my parents were arguing all the time, my mother drank and my nothing was ever good enough for my father. Eventually my father left us both and I took care of my mother from that moment onwards.

These things can certainly contribute to the person you become. I locked myself up a lot because I hated the sound of arguments. To this day I get nervous and anxious when people argue and when I get into an argument I usually back down quite quickly because I want to avoid it at all cost. Unless I get backed into a corner and I can run from it, that turns me into a red monster that takes no prisoners lol.

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that I understand where you are at... You can feel so isolated & trapped in a certain situation that it seems like it's never going to change. The symptoms you experience after an argument are quite normal to for someone that is sensitive to these things. Trust me, I still get them depending on how heated the argument gets.

Also, don't blame yourself for getting irritated, that is how you feel. Don't minimize how you feel because you feel guilty about feeling that way. You deserve to be treated with respect and to be happy. Problem with that is, and trust me I do not know, that we tend to hate confrontation and that it can be quite difficult to finally do something about this. Is there one person in your household that you feel is approachable at the moment?

08-11-2014, 05:45 AM
It's just that I get irritated very easily when someone is just beating around the bush.... I am a very straight forward person. And he seems like I should be thanking him for something :S

Your whole life will be met with people who beat around the bush, just to fuel your anger. Somewhere as a child someone was intolerant towards you, and quickly became irritated at your behavior making you feel stupid. So, you can either spend your whole life irritated, or become tolerant, period. Is that forward enough? This is the way you learned to behave in your family.

Your intolerance also deals with language barriers, when you simply don't understand another person. Whether foreign, or the subject matter. This whole thread is demonstrative of your self proclaimed schizophrenic (skizo) behaviour, you feel you are skizo, because you can't get a grip on the loose cannon. Your either overly aggressive or passive and needy. Still with me buddy?

Stupid people out there, right?

Make the connection right now between your physical symptoms and your conflicted psyche, my patience wears thin.

This post and thread is for other readers of similar temperament, I don't believe you will make the connection, so hopefully your display helps them, through my several explanations to you.

Lastly, your words, to summarize your physical and mental issues, the cause:

"But like I said, EVERYBODY irritates me, not only my family"

08-11-2014, 08:26 AM

Yes! Exactly. You're pretty much spot on there. Anxiety seems to be caused for the most part by those thoughts, conscious and subconscious. I think more so subconsciously. To me, my anxiety seemed more consistent when I thought I was okay but not sure if I was really okay. If that makes sense. There was always something in me that didn't exactly believe I was okay, as if I was pretending to feel okay and unworried. I was just always skeptical about myself and my health. I had some pretty bad health anxiety for about a year. I guess it took me a year to believe I was actually completely fine all along. Subconsciously and consciously. I also read a book and taught me about how the nervous system works especially the Sympathetic Nervous system. It basically works off your emotions. How you feel. If you sense danger or encounter any moment in which certain emotions are induced. Fear, anger, sadness. These are some emotions that put your sympathetic nervous system to work. It sends signals to the adrenal glands to send out adrenaline and does other things. And at this point your body and your nerves are all stimulated. This can leave you feeling shaky and uneasy which in turn, if you don't understand those left over symptoms for what they are, it can just start that whole process over again because now you're afraid about why you're feeling that way and out comes some more adrenaline and then comes more fear and some people get led into a bad panic attack over their feelings. When I found this out, it was like my moment of eureka. I was truly on my way to overcoming my anxiety disorder and I eventually did.

So you see, it's really nothing. If you understand the signs and do not become overwhelmed or bewildered your body will come back into a peaceful state.

Hey, alfred, could you please give me the name of the book about the nervous system? I am a GAD and health anxiety sufferer, and I am EXTREMELY scared of neurological (or motor neuron) diseases! It's taken over my life, and I cannot handle the panic attacks anymore. I need to know more about who the nervous system works, especially with connection to anxiety. I mostly struggle with muscle twitches (fasciculations and myoclonus) and tingling sensations. I hate the twitching, really.

Thank you :)

08-11-2014, 08:54 AM
Hey, alfred, could you please give me the name of the book about the nervous system? I am a GAD and health anxiety sufferer, and I am EXTREMELY scared of neurological (or motor neuron) diseases! It's taken over my life, and I cannot handle the panic attacks anymore. I need to know more about who the nervous system works, especially with connection to anxiety. I mostly struggle with muscle twitches (fasciculations and myoclonus) and tingling sensations. I hate the twitching, really.

Thank you :)



Or any book by Claire Weekes (Dr.)


See also 'fight or flight'

08-11-2014, 11:14 AM
Hey, alfred, could you please give me the name of the book about the nervous system? I am a GAD and health anxiety sufferer, and I am EXTREMELY scared of neurological (or motor neuron) diseases! It's taken over my life, and I cannot handle the panic attacks anymore. I need to know more about who the nervous system works, especially with connection to anxiety. I mostly struggle with muscle twitches (fasciculations and myoclonus) and tingling sensations. I hate the twitching, really. Thank you :)

I'm-suffering pretty much handled that for me lol. It is the claire weekes book entitled "hope and help for your nerves" you may also want to google "David Carbonell UK radio interview" that helped with with understanding my anxiety and panic as well. He also has a pretty helpful website too.

08-11-2014, 11:22 AM
Hey, alfred, could you please give me the name of the book about the nervous system? I am a GAD and health anxiety sufferer, and I am EXTREMELY scared of neurological (or motor neuron) diseases! It's taken over my life, and I cannot handle the panic attacks anymore. I need to know more about who the nervous system works, especially with connection to anxiety. I mostly struggle with muscle twitches (fasciculations and myoclonus) and tingling sensations. I hate the twitching, really. Thank you :)

And about your anxiety, I had it the same way. I was afraid of those same things. I had the tingling and twitching and other stuff and I was always worried about the same ol crap. Eventually every symptom slowly faded and my worries too subsided, every single one.

You too are fine, you just need to realize it yourself. Researching anxiety and panic attacks is a great way of going about it

08-12-2014, 12:22 PM
Your whole life will be met with people who beat around the bush, just to fuel your anger. Somewhere as a child someone was intolerant towards you, and quickly became irritated at your behavior making you feel stupid. So, you can either spend your whole life irritated, or become tolerant, period. Is that forward enough? This is the way you learned to behave in your family.

Your intolerance also deals with language barriers, when you simply don't understand another person. Whether foreign, or the subject matter. This whole thread is demonstrative of your self proclaimed schizophrenic (skizo) behaviour, you feel you are skizo, because you can't get a grip on the loose cannon. Your either overly aggressive or passive and needy. Still with me buddy?

Stupid people out there, right?

Make the connection right now between your physical symptoms and your conflicted psyche, my patience wears thin.

This post and thread is for other readers of similar temperament, I don't believe you will make the connection, so hopefully your display helps them, through my several explanations to you.

Lastly, your words, to summarize your physical and mental issues, the cause:

"But like I said, EVERYBODY irritates me, not only my family"

You dont get it... I do understand that these symptoms are anxiety related, they are nothing new to me, I have dealt with this before many times, the longest period it lasted was a year! then it finally hit me that I need to change my lifestyle, nothing else will help, I felt desperate and hopeless so I just thought okay.. I will start exercising and eat less junk - that actually cured my symptoms lol! ... but I have been anxiety free for like 6 months now, and now these symptoms started again - after a heated argument nothing else... its been over a week now and I still feel the symptoms.... pressure in head, stiffness, dizziness, depression, "surreal" feeling, etc.... like I said none of these symptoms are nothing new to me but I really dont understand this time because I live a healthy lifestyle and how did this horrible anxiety get triggered by just a heated argument!? and why it hasnt calmed down in a week now!? Also today I hit my head... now im worried this is gonna make things worse :S I didnt hit it hard but still... I am so worried about everything..

08-14-2014, 09:34 AM
this is seriously getting bad now... I have headaches and pressure in head and dizziness, etc... 24/7....

08-14-2014, 09:37 AM
I have big urges to cry now Idk what to do anymore my life is over... also im worried all the time that I have some permanent physical trauma now because I hit my head...

08-15-2014, 10:55 AM
seriously my head is stiff all the time and pressure in head and headaches and dizziness etc........ idk what to do anymore!!!!!!

08-15-2014, 11:17 AM
seriously my head is stiff all the time and pressure in head and headaches and dizziness etc........ idk what to do anymore!!!!!!

Listen buddy, if you gave yourself a good bump, you might have a slight concussion. So.....what is the smart solution? You tell me.

08-15-2014, 01:10 PM
Listen buddy, if you gave yourself a good bump, you might have a slight concussion. So.....what is the smart solution? You tell me.

nah it wasnt that bad... whats worse is that it is creating anxiety in me... my anxiety is off the charts at the moment. I don't have a concussion but I have huge anxiety and hypochondria so I worry about everything. It was just a slight bump of the head nothing serious, it didnt even hurt any more than 5 seconds.

08-15-2014, 01:28 PM
nah it wasnt that bad... whats worse is that it is creating anxiety in me... my anxiety is off the charts at the moment. I don't have a concussion but I have huge anxiety and hypochondria so I worry about everything. It was just a slight bump of the head nothing serious, it didnt even hurt any more than 5 seconds.

Good to hear. Nothing will come of it so you'll settle soon.