View Full Version : Waking up tired and not hungry?

Steven Miller
08-04-2014, 09:15 AM
Does anyone else share this experience when they wake up?

Its not just that I'm not hungry, its that my stomach actually feels upset. It takes about an hour at least to calm down to the point where I can eat anything.

Its also not just that I wake up tired, its that I wake up feeling groggy and unrested.

I wonder if this is anxiety related? That is why I am asking about it.


08-04-2014, 09:51 AM
Does anyone else share this experience when they wake up?

Its not just that I'm not hungry, its that my stomach actually feels upset. It takes about an hour at least to calm down to the point where I can eat anything.

Its also not just that I wake up tired, its that I wake up feeling groggy and unrested.

I wonder if this is anxiety related? That is why I am asking about it.


Learn to say goodbye to the day, at bedtime, think about your day, what you have learned, what you are pleased about, and what you would do over, or what needs work. Thank the day then, for a few moments dream about tomorrow, how it shall be better than today, constructively, tell yourself you are allowed a good night rest, and tomorrow will be a new day. Thank today, and put it to bed, literally.

You find yourself unrested because you carry one day into the next, with no break in the anxieties continuity. Work on your expectations, and let the day end. Your stomach issues - the body does not recuperate to the extent you carry the worry through the night. Your life becomes one long day, you see.

Books, music, speech, all have their meaning because of the breaks, or spaces in the composition. Your sleep is a break in your life-composition, and without it, you would have no meaning. Just a run on sentence, period. So split the days as suggested above.

That is all.

08-04-2014, 08:48 PM
I'm suffering, your advice truly is unbeatable in this forum. I always learn something from you and I wanted you to know that.

08-04-2014, 11:39 PM
Yeah, anxiety is all in the mind which reaches to the sub-conscious level so it plagues you even as you sleep because all that worrying you've done through the day, continues as you sleep. Even if you weren't worrying during the day, your sub-conscious has probably been still worrying for you since that is the pattern it's gotten into (Patterns can be changed :])

You may not notice this happening as your dreams may be fine, or you may not even dream at all, but many small things are likely happening during the night that is causing you to not feel rested like tossing and turning, jaw clenching and teeth grinding. Also, stress upsets the natural and delicate rhythm of sleep, which also causes you to not get good rest.

Sleep aids can help like melatonin. I would suggest tea, actually. Chamomile tea before bed, soft music. I used to watch funny shows like the Three stooges before bed, just to get my mood on something cheerful and funny. Worked like a charm. Keep your sleeping area clean and comfortable and room temp regulated proper, those things can effect sleep (Dirty rooms with clutter especially)

But yes, it is likely anxiety related.

08-05-2014, 01:45 AM
Does anyone else share this experience when they wake up?

Its not just that I'm not hungry, its that my stomach actually feels upset. It takes about an hour at least to calm down to the point where I can eat anything.

Its also not just that I wake up tired, its that I wake up feeling groggy and unrested.

I wonder if this is anxiety related? That is why I am asking about it.


Hiya Steven,

I have similar stomach issues when I have extreme anxiety and stress. I also wake up feeling like I haven't slept at all. That is my personal experience with anxiety though. Do you notice yourself being anxious or having a worrying mind?

08-05-2014, 03:31 AM
I'm suffering, your advice truly is unbeatable in this forum. I always learn something from you and I wanted you to know that.

Thank you Xero :)