View Full Version : Getting there

08-04-2014, 03:48 AM
I've now been on Sertraline for 4/5 months.My Dr said that we can start reducing the dose the next time I go and see her :D

Am so happy. Have been having counselling and got the last session on Friday, and things with my boyfriend are better than they've ever been.

At times it has felt a little bit like 1 step forward and 2 steps back but I've pushed through it and am trying to find positives in everything.

I got diagnosed with pernicious anemia and had to go through a course of B12 shots. The good thing about this is that I'm no longer a nervy sweaty mess when it comes to injections. Wouldn't say the fear has gone but I don't stress and have panic attacks over them.

I started feeling brave enough to go back to my pole fitness class but about 5 weeks ago I woke up after the class with a bad pain in my arm. Over the coming weeks I started loosing feeling in two fingers and the pain was insane. I saw two Dr's before finally finding one who would listen. He's given me meds for it and referring me to a specialist in trapped nerves. Unfortunately the pain killer has raised my temperature and makes me really sleepy. On the plus side, the other med which could react with the Sertraline hasnt :D

So things have been a mixture of good and bad. But you know, I can now see that that's what life is. Everyone has bad days. Everyone deals with horrible events. It's just life. I now feel strong enough to cope and even laugh at life's shit.

There is still a long way to go with my self esteem issues but that's just how it goes, and only I can help myself with those.

When I get off the Sertraline I'm having the BIGGEST party ever. Normally I don't invite people for parties/nights out as I'm scared they'll reject me but not this time!

08-04-2014, 12:46 PM
Waaaaaaaaay to go girl ! :D

I'm really happy for you ! I think it proves to members here that it is possible to get better!
As you said, life isn't perfect. It has it's ups and downs. But it's so worth it.
I hope your health will get better though!
And you better have this party ! You deserve it after all ! :D
Take care and again, congratulation!

08-08-2014, 02:11 AM
Thank you :)

Today is a tough one. I think all the meds I'm on are messing with my stomach but at least it is friday! Also I ordered some bits online so when I get home it will be like having presents :P

Last therapy session today too- gaaaah!