View Full Version : Anxiety Worried!!

08-03-2014, 09:15 PM
Hey Guys,

I was living a normal life until a month ago when i drank alot of alcohol and did MDMA which is something i barely use (mdma). i felt like fanting an hour later it was at a rave so i was dehydrated.. but i encourage my self not to faint so i quickly went to buy water and drank water constantly till i left the place. After that day i had heartburns maybe because of the mix and two days later i couldn't take it anymore becuase i was thinking about it non stop.. i went to see the hostpital i did a blood scan and ecg everything went back fine with normal heart beats. After that i went to see my family docter and realized i have anxiety because i was constantly worrying... i began googling for symptons and doing daily activities, eating healthy and going to work again. I began thinking alot less and i did not get any chest pains or anything anymore.. just worry once in awhile but it will be gone right away.. 3 days have passed i was working normally and suddenly my heart pumped really fast for 5-10 seconds i felt like i was dizzy and unconscious it felt like pins it hurted like how it did when i was about to faint a month ago at the wave.So i was so scared that i thought i was going to faint but i didn't. so i quickly went to the emergency hostpital yet they did another blood scan and ecg everything was fine.. I guess the 5-10 second heart pump feeling was probaly palpitation which is related to anxiety? wierd thing is that i wasn't thinking about it at work and it suddenly hit me out of no where. now im so scared that i might die if it occurs again and my anxiety is worse again. Please help and how can i cure this palpitation i really don't want this to happen again .. :(

Thank you Billy

08-03-2014, 10:26 PM
Hello billy,

It sounds like you experienced a panic attack. Anxiety is something that manifests itself through our needs and what we want out of life. When were not getting that we want our body tells us through anxiety which can produce a gigantic range of physical symptoms. My anxiety got worse as I started experimenting with more drugs and ultimately ended up sick. It took me until a couple of weeks ago to realize I've had anxiety my entire life, only now it really started taking hold when I got sick and worried none stop. I got stomach flu, and when it first came on I had a full blown panic attack. After that I realized I used to have mild panic attacks every now and then when id smoke weed. While going through it is tough I'm forced to know really overcome my anxiety instead of avoiding It which I've done most my life. Some recommendations for you to beat this.

1. DO NOT google symptoms. The first thing that pops up when you look up your panic attack symptoms is heart attack. I made that mistake and I went into a full on anxiety frenzy. This will only freak you out more and your mind is very powerful. The more stuff you worry about the more your brain can trick you into believing it's happening to you.

2. Stay away from general news. This one may seem strange but the general news works by focusing on negative. Anxiety will have you fear a lot of what's in the general news and that can make anxiety worse overall.

3. Start understanding what you want out of life. Drugs are fun sure, but did you ever tell yourself you'd live a life using drugs? Your mind is telling you that you're not following your blue print. You need to look at your life from the outside and understand what you want, if you're not living your desires then make those changes.

The good news is, anxiety is beatable and it is NOT an indication of anything being wrong with you. You must learn not to focus on symptoms as that's how they start and keep going. The symptoms list thread is a good idea to look through. Anxiety can effect you in hundreds of ways physically, and learning to tell yourself it's anxiety will help minimize those symptoms. Understand that many people go through this and you're not alone. We are here whenever you need to ask something. Your heart palpatations will not kill you as scary as it feels. I had huge heart concerns at first as tends to be a given. Understand it's anxiety and you can eliminate that worry fairly quickly.

Good luck on your journey. Overcoming anxiety will turn you into a better person than you've ever been or have even imagined. I'm not there yet myself, but I've taken proactive steps to change my life and I keep doing so. Results will follow!