View Full Version : is this anxiety I have? :/

08-03-2014, 02:52 PM
Hi, I have been experiencing these symptoms which have intensified over the past year and need help figuring out if I have an anxiety disorder. I feel dizzy a lot of the time, exhausted and weak. I often feel like I am not in my body or that I'm detached from the world and it brings on fear and panic. Sometimes I can be eating normally then struggle to swallow and I feel like my muscles are not working properly. I have been given vertigo meds but these have not helped me. I do have slight ocd. Eg. Checking the lights and stove is off about 5 times before bed, checking doors are locked all the time, fretting about my food being cooked properly, surfaces clean etc.

08-03-2014, 02:58 PM
Welcome to the forum!

It does sound like anxiety, Genaralised anxiety disorder.

I had/have vertigo as well, this is aggravated hugely by anxiety.
Have a look around this forum, especially the "stickys", helped me so much. Almost like therapy this place.

How's your day been?

08-03-2014, 03:08 PM
Yes I do think I have vertigo but even when I have good days with it I still panic being too far from home. My day has been ok thankyou. I've done my shopping without too many problems and have watched films with my son :)

08-03-2014, 04:01 PM
Hi, I have been experiencing these symptoms which have intensified over the past year and need help figuring out if I have an anxiety disorder. I feel dizzy a lot of the time, exhausted and weak. I often feel like I am not in my body or that I'm detached from the world and it brings on fear and panic. Sometimes I can be eating normally then struggle to swallow and I feel like my muscles are not working properly. I have been given vertigo meds but these have not helped me. I do have slight ocd. Eg. Checking the lights and stove is off about 5 times before bed, checking doors are locked all the time, fretting about my food being cooked properly, surfaces clean etc.

Yeah. You have anxiety

That's the bad news

The good news is you can hang out with us

What better way to spend your weekends?

Welcome aboard

Sorry you have to be here but happy you found the forum

It helps to talk with similar freaky people. ;)

08-03-2014, 06:21 PM
Well I'm glad I have people to talk to going through the same thing even if it is horrible

08-03-2014, 08:02 PM
Don't look at it as horrible. Language is important in fixing anxiety and it helps to use words that aren't so "critical". Welcome to the forum, the goods news is you can fix your worries :) just takes some practice and you'll feel better the sooner you start on fixing it!

08-04-2014, 04:46 AM
Thankyou. I'm really trying my best to overcome this.