View Full Version : Weather and panic attack correlation?

08-03-2014, 06:46 AM
I have recently noticed that I am more likely to have a panic attack when it is cloudy/rainy outside and I feel more at ease and less anxious when the sun is shining; I was wondering if anybody else experiences this?
I'm not sure as to why I feel more anxious on rainy days, it may be because of the weather I am automatically put in a negative mood etc.
However when I was younger, I remember being abroad and there was a large storm which flooded the town and I witnessed people being dragged out to sea and all and growing up as a child I always grew anxious when it rained because it reminded me of what I'd experienced before. Could this possibly be the reason for my anxiety?

08-03-2014, 07:06 AM
I have recently noticed that I am more likely to have a panic attack when it is cloudy/rainy outside and I feel more at ease and less anxious when the sun is shining; I was wondering if anybody else experiences this?
I'm not sure as to why I feel more anxious on rainy days, it may be because of the weather I am automatically put in a negative mood etc.
However when I was younger, I remember being abroad and there was a large storm which flooded the town and I witnessed people being dragged out to sea and all and growing up as a child I always grew anxious when it rained because it reminded me of what I'd experienced before. Could this possibly be the reason for my anxiety?

Partly, but generally speaking the rain is more of a trap. Irrespective of the traumatic experience. Although that should be healed/released. (The emotions of it). The sun represents freedom, where as the rain is viewed by this ego as claustrophobic, representing a trap even within your safety zone of home. The home becomes the trap. Realize the difference between that and say trapped on a plane. Even in the rain you are free to come and go, bar the psychological restrictions rain can symbolize.

Now, for you, if you leave the home, you may be dragged out to sea, so the fear is compounded by the past and the destructive use of the imagination. Live in the moment then, and change what you see out of the window by looking at your beliefs. The belief about rain is outdated.

During the next rain, you might go outside and take a run through it, feel each drop as the trapped energy releases in an eruption of emotions. You are one with nature, the rain, the beauty, feel your own vitality as you and the storm are one. Release, release, release the trapped feelings as you return home to dry off in safety.

I behoove all of you to examine your beliefs about rain and storms, for there are many beliefs attached to them. Slippery roads, accidents, hurricanes, tornados, restrictions, locked inside. The rain itself is beauty, but one cannot see that wrapped up in fears. Stay current.

We are not talking about agoraphobia here as weather is less of a factor in that case, but the dire imaginings are the same, to the agoraphobic each step beyond the window may as well be a hurricane. But again, in any case, the world view seen outside the physical window is painted internally first, the mood generated from beliefs, not the conditions themself (the physical rain, etc).

Leaving the house you then set expectations, period. End of post.

08-03-2014, 09:08 AM
I noticed that too. I used to love rainy days but now I noticed I feel down and anxious when the sun doesn't shine during the day. My panic attacks involve heat intolerance, so when it's humid I'm very agitated.