View Full Version : Kidney pain anxiety

08-02-2014, 06:24 PM
Hi! I am new here: 30 years old female from istanbul. I have been dealing with anxiety, on and off, since I was 13. I have serious emetophobia so for a long time I had panic attacks, just fearing I might vomit. ( I never did, at least not because of a panic attack) Later on I became obsessed with my palpitations and for many times I have been convinced I was having a heart attack, even calling my boyfriend from work to come home, despite medical tests never indicating something serious with my heart. 2 years ago I lost my mom, whom I was VERY close to, to the death sentence glioblastoma multiforme. I don't think I can ever really recover from this. Since then I'm having headaches of all kinds and most of the time I believe I have that tumor, too.

I am also newly wed. Right now we are about to go on a holiday. We are visiting my parents-in-law for two nights first. This is a cause of stress for me but I handled it pretty well. (it's our second night already) Before we hit the road, I gave myself one of my peptalks: everything is alright. I will only eat the food that I trust and I will be ok. My heart is fine and I'm pretty sure I'm cancer free. I won't be vomiting at all... I mean if I don't have a kidney stone or something... Kidneys. I have been feeling mild aches from time to time on my right kidney for about two weeks. I want to believe it's gas or some muscle, but then again it's where my kidney is. I am not a big water drinker. And my father has been dealing with kidney stones for two years, sometimes having aches so strong that I can't believe he is my superman father. I also had cystitis about 5 years ago and although I used antibiotics, my urination never again felt like it used to do. And I have tonsil stones so maybe this makes me more prone to kidney stones?

Ok I couldn't peptalk myself about kidney stones, in fact I felt like it would be surprising if I don't have them. I just wished I wouldn't be so unlucky to have them destroying my holiday if they already existed as long as I predicted. ( I would say one or two months since I first felt that pain) But now I am having worsened aches. I try to undersand if I am exaggrating it, but it feels pretty physical. It is not VERY strong or unbearable, but it's there. My urine seems light colored but it has been dark past few months. The pain worsens when I climb the stairs and when I strain. my kidney is not sore to touch, in fact my warm hand makes it feel better. I am really freaking out right now, will go see a doctor tomorrow morning, but I feel just so helpless. If I have stones I will not be able to stop worrying and I will go through hell. How I wish this would be just psychological! But this time it seems hopeless. Has anyone lived this and it turned out there were no stones? Or has anyone pass stones without going through hell?

Thank you!

08-03-2014, 09:36 AM
Hi Ahbuben, welcome to the forum. Kidney stones suck been there and done that. I never drank a lot of water until i had stones but but after i had the stones 17 years ago i have drank a min. of a gallon of water a day. I think you should visit the thread/sticky called health anxiety exposed its located in the general discussion section of this forum. Read the whole thing. I recommend it to anyone that has health related anxiety. Good luck to you and your father, kidney stones will put you on the ground! But they won't kill you. Also sorry to hear about your Mother, Peace.