View Full Version : My heart fear is back.. Talk to me people

08-01-2014, 08:59 PM
Hey everyone. I'm still coping with anxiety. It's been totally new to me. I had been a heavy drinker and had a attack at work. Since then I've had a battle with it. I felt I was doing great the last few weeks. But my fear of a heart attack is back. I feel back pain in my left side and random chest pains on my left peck. It's never painful and never both together. I start burping all the time as well. I have met a few people recently that died of heart attacks. One last night. My wife's father and 2 others since then I read different symptoms of one and now it's like I start to have them. I have no money or healthcare and this has already put me in debt. My symptoms have warped since I read about heart attacks. I'm 29 6'4 and 195lbs. My grandparents lived into their 70s. I'm so aware of my body escpiecialy my left side.... I feel I have always been active and in shape until now.. I'm just scared.. I'm going to go pray again and try to find my peace with god. I really would love to hear everyone's insight to my situation

08-01-2014, 09:55 PM
Anxiety has a tendency to act as a Boggart, if you get the Harry Potter reference. ;) In other words, it takes on the image of what we fear. When we read about someone suffering or dying from something horrible, our minds convince us we too are suffering. Sounds like a classic case of health anxiety, my friend. Try to calm down and take care of yourself.

08-02-2014, 09:40 AM
It's not so much your heart fear is back than it is your anxiety is kicking in a bit.

When you feel that tingling or a pain in your chest, it causes you to be anxious

When you get anxious you focus on those symptoms so they show up even more

That's how the cycle of anxiety works. Without a fear to focus on, it is powerless

If you haven't done so, get a full check up from your doc.

Once you get a thumbs up on your ticker, realize that all those fears and physical symptoms are nothing but your anxiety trying to convince you that something is not right