View Full Version : New here and really need help and support :(

08-01-2014, 06:57 PM
hi everyone ive been a lurker for a while but at this time I really need some support, I have GAD for almost all my life and have suffered from panic attacks and health anxiety. recently I have been getting muscle twitching in my legs( thigh and calves), TMJ from clenching, and today after being on the stationary bike a lump in my throat. since reading about all the serious diseases related to these symptoms I have been completely freaked out to the point I feel even weaker then usual and cant stop thinking about it, I recently started celexa a few days ago and im hoping that's whats mostly causing the twitching, my doctor doesnt think its anything serious just anxiety but im still freaked out. i would just like know what you guys think and if any of you have experienced any of these symptoms and would just like some support because I feel very alone even tho I have my family. but no one understands the pain of anxiety except the ones who suffer from it.

08-01-2014, 07:07 PM
Well welcome aboard. Nice to have you here but sorry you have to be.

I doubt the Celexa is causing lumps in the throat. Probably anxiety

Especially when it's health anxiety, you know by now that you focus on something for 5 minutes when you are anxious and that symptom hangs with you like a best friend

Look at the thread here in symptoms. There are so many that you wouldn't think could be possible

You are just a pretty typical sufferer if anxiety

Give the Celexa a good 2 months to take effect.

Most of those thoughts and symptoms will disappear when Celexa is rockin your world

Be patient. It gets sooooo much better!

08-01-2014, 07:24 PM
Thanks for the reply Nixon, I really hope your right and hope the celexa works for me because I was on cipralex a few months ago and it helped with my panic attacks but that's it.... the side effects weren't worth it. seeing the ALS symptoms is what keeps freaking me out I cant stop thinking about it.

08-02-2014, 05:04 AM
Hi Fear&hope.

I too started Celexa 3 days ago. I am experiencing similar symptoms going on it. I really wouldn't worry about it too much, it is typical for Celexa to increase anxieties slightly when you start. It does get better. I've been on it before.

Check with your doctor, he may be willing to give you a Benzo to help you through the first little bit. I have diazepam (vallium) which is quite long acting and only need to take 1/4 of a 5mg tablet to get relief.

Nixon is absolutely right, it could take a few weeks for everything to settle down completely. But every day is one step closer. You will get there.

Deep belly breathing and meditation can also help along the way to help refocus your thoughts.

Hang in there. I wish you better days ahead.