View Full Version : I feel better, but I don't really feel happy.

08-01-2014, 02:44 PM
I suffered a major anxiety episode back in the end of May. After getting medication and therapy, I feel a lot calmer and haven't had major anxiety for over a month. However, I've noticed that although I haven't been anxious, I really don't feel back to my old self. I just have been feeling weak (both physical land mentally) and not happy. This has really been bothering me because I want to regain my happiness and joy of living.
Part of this may be a question of where my life is going. For the past several years I have been studying in a PhD program, but recently I have had doubts about whether I should continue because of the time, money, and the mental toll it has been taking on me. Perhaps, it also may be partially because I've felt trapped in my local college town because of summer classes. Whatever the contributing factors are, I haven't really felt 'happy' since last May.

How do I get my sense of joy and spontaneity back when they seem to have been stolen by my episode of anxiety?

08-01-2014, 06:39 PM
Sounds like you need to get your friends to take you out for a weekend of heavy drinking

It's great that the anxiety has let up but don't read too much into the association of anxiety and you not feeling happy.

If you are questioning what you are doing and the time it takes everyday, that may be why you feel that way.

I suppose it could be anxiety retaliated but usually when people that have been suffering start to feel better, they are screaming about how awesome life is

You seem overwhelmed.

Maybe take a break and step back to evaluate what you really want

And the weekend of heavy drinking never hurts