View Full Version : Physical Symptoms of Panic - Bulging Temple Vein

08-01-2014, 12:20 AM
Hey, just joined the forum hoping someone can relate to what I've been going through this last year. I am a 26 year old male experiencing something I'm trying to get to the bottom of.

Many months ago I noticed the temple artery on the ride side of my face bulging out while glancing at my reflection. After that it would become prominent periodically throughout the day. Before this happened I was fairly stressed and this added to the anxiety. Months later, no improvement after adjusting diet so I made a doctors appointment. He told me to get my eyes checked, which led me to learn I had minor astigmatism. Wore glasses for months with no improvement of my temple pressure and bulging vein.

This problem was no longer my temple artery bulging but now accompanied by an adrenaline rush, and hot flash. During winter,indoor heat would set off these 5-10min. attacks a few times a day. Physical exertion of any kind caused my temple to bulge and my body to go into panic. An ice cube over my temples would reduce this within 5 min. Episodes started to include "fight or flight" mode, needing to leave the room to cool down with cold water. These attacks are very reliant on temperature, I've become heat intolerant. It will happen after I get out of the shower and again on the way to work in the sun. When AC is broke at work I am so overheated and agitated. When the AC is on, I still get the attacks periodically when bending over or under very minor stress. Small attacks usually occur after 8pm and are basically a hot flash.

Went back to doctor, was put on Lorazapam to manage these panic attacks and ordered blood work to check for thyroid problems. What distinguishes this from an anxiety attack is that my body goes into fight or flight mode for no reason, usually triggered by heat or stress. Stress has nothing to do with it most of the time, and they come unexpected, These happen in different ranges of intensity from a panic attack so just a surge of adrenaline and feeling over being very hot in room temperate conditions.

Lorazepam was not for me. I brought this up at my next doctors appointment which was a follow up to my blood work. Blood work showed nothing wrong with my thyroid, so we both agreed these are panic attacks. He offered Zoloft but I declined stating I wanted to do research on it first to see if it was right for me. I asked for something similar to Lorazepam and got Clonazapam. I like it because it does what it's supposed to do without the side effects I got from Lorazepam.

My question is, has any one else had issues with their temple vein/artery becoming more prominent or even pulsating during panic or anxiety? This would probably be more of a problem with skinny people. I also have a TMJ disorder which has been acting up so perhaps my jaw is triggering a nerve that is stimulating my temple artery? My jaw is currently out of alignment and am waiting to see a specialist. Perhaps that alone is what has caused me to develop this acute panic disorder?

Clonazapam worked wonders the first time I tried it, not just eliminating these episodes but taking away the worry it might happen. Also my mood increased to a positive level, I have always been rather apathetic. However my Clonazapam has just worn off and i had an attack just now. My life before these attacks started was very dull but I was not depressed. Just no interest in life in general, just music basically. In knew I wasn't nearly as happy as the other people in my life but would never seek help because I felt this is who I am. If being apathetic and introverted is who I am, that's just me. Only now am I starting to question that, especially since my doctor offered Zoloft. I am seriously considering starting it in an attempt to chance my drab personality. Do you think I should go for it? My other options include Clonazapam, other SSRI's and counselling. I refuse to take Clonazapam daily.

My pain problem is my temple vein noticeably bulges out. Clonazapam seems to stop this for the majority of the day. Would an SSRI help me any better? Do you think this could be a different physiological problem that has only caused panic and is not the root cause?

What do you guys think? Thanks for reading!!

08-01-2014, 09:29 AM
Hi Canna you waiting for a specialist to see with TMJ problem. Who knows, if this is caused by it. I know and I am the clencher so are anxious people. Most of us anyway. You could try meditation and therapy first then meds if there is not other option. Ten years ago I had difficult family situation and I ended with the celexa I think. I had a few months of no anxiety or panic attack and it let me to sort out everything what was wrong in my life. When I felt strong enough I slowly weened of it. At that time it was what I needed. Maybe you go on meds only for some time. I believe the medication is the last resort ...
I told you I am old, and I will be on meds to the end of my life. I have no energy left to fight the panic attacks again. I am still getting them when something bad is happening but Lorazepam takes care of that.
Doctor appointment is necessary, you need to talk to doctor about your concerns. We can share our experiences but I am not qualified to give you any medical advice, I mean I am but I will not. The TMJ joint must be looked at. ;) good luck

08-01-2014, 11:05 AM
I am currently treating this with Clonazapam which works most of the time. Doctor wants to put me on Zoloft. I still think my TMJ has something to do with this as well though. Thanks for the reply. Glad Lorazapam works for you

08-01-2014, 11:17 AM
It's just frustrating because my panic attacks no matter how minor are always visible to those around me at the time because of the bulging temple vein. Wondering if a TMJ symptom could have caused me this acute panic disorder?

08-01-2014, 11:19 AM
I would think that it is the other way around. Your anxiety caused clenching on your teeth, the visible vein, ask doctor, can you just cover it with hair? Is it really that bad, or you think it is bad. Our mind is a powerful thing:)

08-01-2014, 11:26 AM
I've had TMJ basically my whole life. When I was younger a dentist told me I had it but I may need to get it corrected when I'm an adult. Not sure if I am a clencher or not? Don't think I grind at night because when I wake up my jaw feels normal, after a few hours it'll pop and go out of place. So the TMJ definitely came before the panic started. Hair is not an option, I shave my head bald and love it!

I know our mind is a powerful thing, I considered that my mind was making this worse. And I know skinny people's veins show sometimes but...not like mine does on the right side! The left side can bulge in a normal fashion at appropriate times but it's never as bad as the right side that looks like a snake doing down one side of my head when it's at it's worst

08-01-2014, 01:13 PM
Who cares if it bulges you are awesome the way you are. Perfect :))

08-01-2014, 02:19 PM
Thanks, really needed to hear that. Still, I know veins and arteries bulge periodically, it's normal.
What is not normal is that the right side of my head bulges ten times worse and is accompanied by a panic attack.
If I was to see an attractive woman with a bulging vein the size of mine, I would worry about her...
No less attractive but I would still worry. Know what I mean?

08-01-2014, 07:43 PM
You could check it with doc. My ex husband is really handsome man, and I remember reading your post that he had a bulging vein on his temple, It did not make any difference, he was and he is handsome:)
Sometimes we hate the way we look. When the others hardly notice it. Try to make peace with yourself. The beauty is in the eye of beholder. Just remember this. I bet you look good. Just relax and enjoy your life. I think you must to go with TMJ to sort it out:)

08-01-2014, 07:56 PM
Thanks! Currently waiting to see a specialist for it :)