View Full Version : Self-Help

07-31-2014, 02:24 PM
Hello :)

I have made a self-help website on anxiety. I want to share with other anxiety sufferers what i have learnt through all my counselling/CBTs/hypnotherapy sessions. I also think there isn't alot of help out there unless you can afford to pay for a counselor. Many people do not want to be on medication or they just want to come off of them. I want to share with you my progress and i really hope this website helps. Please take a look.


07-31-2014, 05:37 PM
Wow !!! :) Pretty nice first page! It all looks professional ahah. By the way, I love your location ! :)

07-31-2014, 05:59 PM
Hello :)

I have made a self-help website on anxiety. I want to share with other anxiety sufferers what i have learnt through all my counselling/CBTs/hypnotherapy sessions. I also think there isn't alot of help out there unless you can afford to pay for a counselor. Many people do not want to be on medication or they just want to come off of them. I want to share with you my progress and i really hope this website helps. Please take a look.


Thanks Yazzy, you're a lifesaver. I been on the waiting list for therapy since November :( Been dealing with it myself a bit. Depression gets priority to anxiety, which I can understand to a certain degree but I been waiting for nearly a year to get help. Anywaaaaay, this forum has been more help to me than a councilor so I will definitely check your site out.

By the way it looks awesome!

07-31-2014, 07:58 PM
Very nice website and I "learnt" something. I always say "learned" but when I looked it up, I found that in Britain, the word "learnt" is used. I read your story, very good to share what you've been though! So many times things start with a "trigger" and it sounds like your aunt's illness was yours. One last thing, just in case you're interested, the propranol (sp?) I had to look up and it's not a benzo, it's a beta blocker. Keep up the great work!

08-01-2014, 01:59 AM
Wow !!! :) Pretty nice first page! It all looks professional ahah. By the way, I love your location ! :)

Thank you. :)

Yes I love where I live. Very peaceful!

08-01-2014, 02:01 AM
Very nice website and I "learnt" something. I always say "learned" but when I looked it up, I found that in Britain, the word "learnt" is used. I read your story, very good to share what you've been though! So many times things start with a "trigger" and it sounds like your aunt's illness was yours. One last thing, just in case you're interested, the propranol (sp?) I had to look up and it's not a benzo, it's a beta blocker. Keep up the great work!

Thank you, I'm glad you learnt something ;) that was the aim.

Oh yes sorry, I've been on so many different sorts of medication that I get a little confused sometimes. I will change that soon. Thanks.


08-01-2014, 02:04 AM
Thanks Yazzy, you're a lifesaver. I been on the waiting list for therapy since November :( Been dealing with it myself a bit. Depression gets priority to anxiety, which I can understand to a certain degree but I been waiting for nearly a year to get help. Anywaaaaay, this forum has been more help to me than a councilor so I will definitely check your site out.

By the way it looks awesome!

That's awful that u have to wait that long. Anything could happen in that duration. I think anxiety/depression is only just started to be spoken about more hence why there is such little help out there. I hope u find help, and thank you


08-01-2014, 04:57 AM
That's awful that u have to wait that long. Anything could happen in that duration. I think anxiety/depression is only just started to be spoken about more hence why there is such little help out there. I hope u find help, and thank you


I like your site. The overall tone is soothing, your words, ..to the font, colors, well done Yasmine.

08-01-2014, 08:58 AM
I like the site too, very calm and nice colors. Congratulation on it Jasmine:)

08-01-2014, 09:13 AM
It's completely out of nowhere, but it's sad that everybody is located everywhere in Uk, USA and elsewhere, 'cause it would be so nice to have a reunion to talk about our lives and stories.

08-01-2014, 09:33 AM
Cindy I do not think it is a good idea, we are from different places in life, anxiety is linking us. Reunions are not good in that situation. We tend to share the fears and cause more anxiety for others and us. :)

08-01-2014, 09:37 AM
Thank you, I'm glad you learnt something ;) that was the aim.

Oh yes sorry, I've been on so many different sorts of medication that I get a little confused sometimes. I will change that soon. Thanks.


I used to write ''learned'' the same way ! :p

08-01-2014, 10:13 AM
I like your site. The overall tone is soothing, your words, ..to the font, colors, well done Yasmine.

Thank you. I really hope it helps some people x x

08-01-2014, 10:17 AM
It's completely out of nowhere, but it's sad that everybody is located everywhere in Uk, USA and elsewhere, 'cause it would be so nice to have a reunion to talk about our lives and stories.

I agree. That's why this forum is so good. You can learn alot from other peoples stories ;)

08-01-2014, 10:19 AM
I like the site too, very calm and nice colors. Congratulation on it Jasmine:)

Thank you ;)

08-01-2014, 01:39 PM
Yeah on this part it's not nice, but it's nice to feel less alone. Just my point of view.

08-01-2014, 04:14 PM
Thank you. :)

Yes I love where I live. Very peaceful!

Wish I lived where you do, I live in the outskirts of London and it is so busy... Not good for someone with agoraphobia lol!
Anyway, I decided to try something that was on your site. I'll keep a little diary with all my negative thoughts and counter them. I'm actually amazed how many bad thoughts I have during the course of a day! Since it's quite personal I won't share it just yet, I might do a bit later thought :)

08-02-2014, 02:56 AM
Wish I lived where you do, I live in the outskirts of London and it is so busy... Not good for someone with agoraphobia lol!
Anyway, I decided to try something that was on your site. I'll keep a little diary with all my negative thoughts and counter them. I'm actually amazed how many bad thoughts I have during the course of a day! Since it's quite personal I won't share it just yet, I might do a bit later thought :)

Not negative! That will keep your head in the negative routine... Thats the whole point of keeping a diary of all the little nice things.