View Full Version : Do I have anxiety? What can I do?

06-07-2008, 11:51 AM
Hi all. I started having issues about a month ago. I can't pinpoint any particular event that started this, but it is driving me nuts.

So recently I began to worry that I will, one day, all of a sudden forget important aspects of my job, and forget certain things that I know now. I am also questioning everything that I think. So I will come to a conclusion that I know is correct, but then will immediately question myself, and then am no longer sure if I am correct.

When I get really anxious, I also feel tightness around my head.

It is definitely clouding my thinking big time. I also have had less flexibility in thinking and have become less analytical recently, if that makes sense.

I can't even watch tv without asking myself, do I understand what's going on in this show?

Please help!

06-08-2008, 04:57 AM

I'm no doctor but I'm thinking could this be Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)? I know a lot of ppl who have OCD and me myself used to have OCD symptoms (along with tons of other disorders), but I'm not sure whether your condition is supposed to be serious... :?

Sorry that wasn't very helpful. I just think that everyone has sth about them that's a bit deviant so pls don't worry too much :)

06-09-2008, 05:32 PM
It's too bad you can't pinpoint the event that caused you to have these frightening thoughts. I would really suggest that you see your doctor so they can refer you to a psychiatrist who can properly diagnose you. It could be many things that fall under the "anxiety" umbrella but you really need a professional to evaluate you.

Sorry I have no quick fix for you.