View Full Version : Looking for some advice... GAD

07-29-2014, 05:07 PM
Hey everyone,
I am new to this site but I'm really needing some advice that most people who do not have anxiety really don't seem to understand. I have generalized anxiety disorder, and one of the things that causes me a lot of anxiety is that I attribute feelings and emotions to other people, as well as to inanimate objects. Right now I am struggling with the fact that I am selling my first car. It needs a lot of repairs and quite frankly just isn't worth the money it would cost. I've already found a car that I am purchasing tomorrow and I'm very excited about it. However that excitement is being trumped by the fact that I am feeling so much guilt for selling the car and so much concern over the car itself. I feel badly that I am selling it instead of spending the money to fix it up when it has been such a great car to me. I feel concern that the car is going to go to a home of someone that won't take care of it, or that the car will be sad that I've sold it. I definitely realized that it is a car... and that cars do not possess human emotions, so I know that I am being absolutely ridiculous. The problem is that I can think about it rationally and tell myself a car doesn't feel, but inside I am still experiencing so much guilt and anxiety about selling the car that I am literally losing sleep at night and I'm not able to be as happy as I should be about buying something more reliable! I'm wondering if anyone here can relate... and if so how did you overcome it? ANY advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks so much for reading!

07-29-2014, 06:35 PM
Hi Caraml,

Don't worry your not strange or anything. I have it to with certain objects, like my old computer. You are just a really caring person, and that also goes for objects that other see as lifeless. However, it is not healthy... Some people act like that, in my case for example, out of a need of control and a need to keep things as they are. And your not ridiculous... Really... Everyone has his quirks, better this than being a homicidal maniac ;)

07-29-2014, 06:37 PM
Hi caraml, welcome to the forum. Sometimes we have to weigh the difference between spending money on something that is not really worth spending money on which can be very difficult because we can not foresee the future. Maybe the anxiety is coming from wondering if your making the right decision and you keep going back and forth in your mind about the decision that you have made. Be happy you are getting another car and who knows maybe your car will end up with someone that is willing to spend more time and money on it than you. As long as you tell the new buyer all the stuff about your old car you should feel no guilt because you have informed the new buyer. Hope this helps a little.