View Full Version : Relationship problems

07-29-2014, 06:53 AM
I've been going through a medication treatment since the end of 2011. Paroxetine and bromazepan, due to a breakdown. Tried to tapper it two times, unsuccesfully. Am now taking 10mg of paroxetine one day in, two days off and 10 mg bromazepan everyday (sometimes I don't, like yesterday).

Last year, I started a romantic relationship with an old friend and we're still together. It's been sort of a long distance relationship we see each other every other weekend, and on his holydays from work.
The rest of the time we talk through facebook, since waking up till going to sleep.

The thing is, last few months I've been feeling anxious when he comes to meet me, like I don't want to be with him. I avoid sex at all costs , even though I usually end up doing it, for him. Now, he's staying at least until september and I'm feeling more anxious than ever. He's into PDA and I hate it (always did actually) and I tell him. He says he understands but does it again. Always wanting to grab my hand in public. I know these are all things normal couples do. I guess, I'm not normal...
I already thought about breaking up but, like with other things, I tend to postpone it. He's a really great guy , which only makes me feel like an horrible person for not wanting to be with him.

I guess I just wanted to know if there are any other anxious people out there dealing with a similar situation.

(sorry is my english is not perfect, not my first language )

07-29-2014, 12:18 PM
Hey .
Unfortunately, I can give you good advice on relationships, 'cause i've never been in one. ( No judgement )
I found this forum (which is in french) where people talks about how they have strange thoughts and feelings when it comes to their relationships. They fear that they don't love their lover, that they're not normal etc. It's called ROCD. You can write it on google and see where it goes ? I'm sorry I can't help you more, but don't worry, you are not not normal.

07-30-2014, 05:46 PM
Thank you cindy :)
I've looked through some ROCD forums too. It might be that.

07-30-2014, 06:49 PM
You are very welcome.
I'm not an expert, but from what I've read in your posts, and on the forums, it's similar.
I'm glad I could help a little.