View Full Version : Anxiety issue in past... scared to try again

06-07-2008, 12:33 AM
I'm 18 years old, and last fall I started my first year of university away from home, in an extremely tough and demanding program. I lasted less than a month before I basically broke down into a sort of depression/anxiety state, and thus could not sleep, eat, think... I also experienced my first panic attack(not as severe as other people's I've read about). There was no way I could continue in the program, and it was too late to switch programs, so I came back home and basically took a year off. Now I'm going to start university again this fall, and once again I am going to a school away from home(not same school/program as last year). I was just wondering if anyone had any insight as to whether or not I am making the right move.

When my anxiety incident happened last year, I saw a few different professionals about it, but they all had different opinions. The psychologist(who was familiar with the program) felt that the program was too much for me emotionally and something I didn't enjoy therefore couldn't succeed in it. The other doctor however said I have GAD and I couldn't handle change of environment and being away from home, and no matter what I needed meds and she felt I should have started meds years ago(I had minor trichotillimania in the past). I rejected the meds and still feel that was the right decision. I think the first psychologist had the correct analysis. Personally, I feel it was the program that did it to me last year, but people keep telling me I have separation anxiety, and if I go away for university I'm going to have the same "exaggerated adjustment response". I really want leave town to go to university, but I just don't want the same thing that happened last year to happen again. I don't know what to do.