View Full Version : A detailed question about palpitations

07-28-2014, 05:49 PM
Is there a difference (in your opinion) between heart palpitations and your heart actually skipping a beat? Is anxiety a perceieved skip or is it actually skipping? Or can it be both? I've often wondered such because I have heart related health anxiety. I have had some pretty bad palpitations in the past, and some were even caught on a holter monitor. Is it a symptom of the anxiety? Or is the anxiety a symptom of it? I feel like I'll never know.

07-28-2014, 06:22 PM
Hi AlwaysSomething, I can say for sure that the heart can get racing and yes probably skip or flutter during a panic attack. The reason i can say for sure is because i went to the ER twice and my heart was racing but after i calmed down it was fine. i went to follow ups and had stress test and a heart cath. and all was fine. That anxiety got me twice for large medical bills but now i tough it out. Sad thing is i someday will have a real issue and be trying to tough it out.. As for the last question all i can say is thats a dam good question. Take a look at the thread called HEALTH ANXIETY EXPOSED it is in the general discussion section. It is very good and you should start at page one. Good luck. Peace