View Full Version : Symptoms of depression?

07-27-2014, 05:31 PM
I'm looking for answers as to whether or not I'm depressed. A few weeks ago, I felt anxious about work (I have experienced mild anxiety in high school, but never a full-blown panic attack) and starting feeling physically ill. No appetite, weak, lightheaded, so I told my boss I needed a break. She gave me one and it's been about 2 weeks since then. When I first stopped working I felt much more stress-free. I was constantly worrying about other things and realized I needed some breathing space so I stopped work. I'm moving into my own apartment in the fall, away from home, with a roommate, and starting as a transfer student at another college. I'm constantly thinking about how I'm going to afford rent AND tuition. I have some money saved up, but it's still always a worry in my head. On my last day of work, I felt no motivation, just wanted to sleep. Then, when I called my boss I felt relieved that I could take a break. After that day, I felt happy and in the mood to do things. Then, just recently (yesterday) I woke up feeling anxious again and my heart was pounding hard. I woke up early and couldn't fall back asleep (this would happen when I had work, too). So, I would just get out of bed usually, but I had no motivation to do anything. This all came on suddenly yesterday because I wasn't feeling this in the beginning of the week. I feel like I don't care about doing anything. I still eat dinner with my family and go to church and things like that, but I was so tired and didn't feel like hanging out with anybody. I love my boyfriend, but sometimes I'm not in the mood to text him and sometimes I think if I don't text him it's fine, but I know that would hurt him if I didn't talk to him for a long period of time.

Also, I started taking magnesium and when I stopped is when I felt more symptoms like the heart beating hard, etc.

Anyway, it's only the second day since I've felt this way. Today I woke up with a nervousness and my heart was pounding hard again. I made myself get up and walk the dog. I was okay after I forced myself to do it. I tend to begin enjoying the activity after I've started, but then once it's over I'm lacking motivation to do anything again. I still get excited about doing some things. Tomorrow, I'm going to the zoo with my family and I'm excited for that, but I guess right now I feel like I'm not really doing anything with my life. Sometimes I would rather have the fall semester start already so that I'm busy with something. It's also worse when I'm left alone with my thoughts and I can't stop thinking so I try to surround myself with people who I can talk to or with activities that can take my mind off of my worries.

p.s. I have no reason to be depressed...I have a wonderful boyfriend, my family is awesome, etc..

08-03-2014, 05:54 PM
It sounds like anxiety. You have a few changes coming up and will be supporting yourself. As you said the worry of affording it is always there. I would talk to your boyfriend and family. The more support you have the better you will feel. Don't suffer alone it will only make you feel isolated and will feed the anxiety.

08-05-2014, 09:47 AM
It sounds like anxiety. You have a few changes coming up and will be supporting yourself. As you said the worry of affording it is always there. I would talk to your boyfriend and family. The more support you have the better you will feel. Don't suffer alone it will only make you feel isolated and will feed the anxiety.

Thanks. I guess I think too much about the future and sometimes I can't live in the moment. I feel especially depressed and lack of motivation when I'm tired so maybe I just need to sleep it off or something...

08-05-2014, 10:35 AM
Anxiety and depression seem to go together. For me, it starts off with anxiety and then goes into depression but they are definitely linked. For me, the anxiety is primary and the depression is secondary. I have trouble staying in the moment too. I take Lexapro and Buspar which helps me a lot but doesn't take it all away.

10-15-2014, 06:36 AM
Here are some depression symptoms (http://blog.serelax.com/signs-and-symptoms-of-depression.html):
Depression may cause sleep issues, excess weight gain and weight loss, loss of appetite, loss of interest in your favorite activities... it may also cause Concentration Problems like low concentration and memory loss. But all these issues can be avoided by taking proper depression treatment. Here you may get solution: http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?29945-Where-to-go-for-Help&p=196021#post196021

10-15-2014, 07:33 AM
Here are some depression symptoms (http://blog.serelax.com/signs-and-symptoms-of-depression.html):
Depression may cause sleep issues, excess weight gain and weight loss, loss of appetite, loss of interest in your favorite activities... it may also cause Concentration Problems like low concentration and memory loss. But all these issues can be avoided by taking proper depression treatment. Here you may get solution: http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?29945-Where-to-go-for-Help&p=196021#post196021

Depression does not cause these issues. Rather..

These issues trigger an overall despondency causing a depressive state.

The issues themselves are natural reflections of one's personal belief system about both him/herself and the exterior world. In all cases, the beliefs trigger the thoughts, feelings - emotions.

Careful examination of the contents of one's conscious mind will lead to the belief behind it. Beliefs are always your 'facts' about life-therefore they are hardly questioned. And often buried. Only when one realizes these are not facts at all, but judgements about life and self, can they begin to change them, and the associated thoughts and feelings.

Do not work on the thought, only the belief that's behind it.

10-16-2014, 04:47 AM
Honestly - if you don't know that - then treat yourself as normal.

Otherwise your just feeding into all the hype so commonly fed in this forum.

I say this because the short answer is, whilst it can be progressive and or miss diagnosed with simple things as just loneliness which is actually quite natural and healthy. But then again - all this garbage about working ones self up ... is more a sickness that comes from what society dishes out. If your still taking showers, brushing your hair and getting about in clean clothes - then you must have some confidence and not suffering too bad at all.

All the descriptions given here for depression - actually are the side effect of taking many anti-depressants ... typically goes a full circle after a year ...

Anyways - good luck with all your problems ... far be it for me to be a buzz kill during your spiral.

From what you have said - it all sound perfectly natural - its just a part of growing up. Only thing is now ... people take the easy way out through popping pills. Anxiety is also perfectly natural - its just a question of how you function to which I have already hinted - hows your hygiene?

Again - if your taking showers and still putting on clean clothes and brushing your hair - then things can't be that bad. Don't be too hard on yourself. Go talk to someone you trust and tell them how you feel. Asking others such a thing is not a good idea - especially in here. Learn to get in touch with your own feelings. Writing about such things can really help. Start a journal.

Is all I can add. Best of Luck.