View Full Version : Really scared.. HELP!

07-27-2014, 05:01 PM
Hey guys maybe someone can tell me something positive or reassure me this is not what I think it is..... I never hear voices ever!!!! But sometimes when I'm about to fall asleep like literally dosing off.... I will hear a voice like if I was just about to dream but I wake up so suddenly I get so scared like the voice woke me up....sometimes when I'm in the shower I hear like a door slam or my fiancé walk in the room..... The sleep an shower thing have literally always happened but before anxiety it never scared/worried me one bit so I was never bothered..... Now that I worry 24/7 I'm convinced I'm getting early signs of schizophrenia an I'm on the verge of panicking.... Has this happened to anyone??? I'm really scared right now an feel like I'm about to lose my mind an will no long be able to control myself!

07-27-2014, 05:33 PM
Stephanie, you will be ok... Deep breathes. This is a common fear among people who suffer from a form of "pure" OCD. If you were scitzophrenic you wouldn't be afraid of the thought that you might be hearing voices. Try your best to let the fearful thought enter your head & let it pass without reacting to it. It is hard but eventually the thoughts will loose power. You are not going crazy. Hope you feel better soon!

07-27-2014, 07:05 PM
Hi stephanie, I wouldn't give it to much thought. Our anxiety tends to put us in a heightened sense of alertness so it kind of goes back to that fight or flight thing. I almost always swear one of the kids is hollering at me when i get in the shower.

07-27-2014, 08:25 PM
Hey guys maybe someone can tell me something positive or reassure me this is not what I think it is..... I never hear voices ever!!!! But sometimes when I'm about to fall asleep like literally dosing off.... I will hear a voice like if I was just about to dream but I wake up so suddenly I get so scared like the voice woke me up....sometimes when I'm in the shower I hear like a door slam or my fiancé walk in the room..... The sleep an shower thing have literally always happened but before anxiety it never scared/worried me one bit so I was never bothered..... Now that I worry 24/7 I'm convinced I'm getting early signs of schizophrenia an I'm on the verge of panicking.... Has this happened to anyone??? I'm really scared right now an feel like I'm about to lose my mind an will no long be able to control myself!

This is normal as you drift off to sleep. And prepare to leave the body. Not that you will believe, no matter. Its easier to believe in mental illness than natural communications. (Clairvoyance)

Because you dont believe in anything other than the confines of your body, you have anxiety related to supernatural experiences.

07-27-2014, 09:24 PM
Do not worry at all about anything you think you hear when you're drowsy or about to fall asleep. I think that is due to the fact that you're just about in a sleep state.

07-27-2014, 11:47 PM
I have had this before numerous times and like you was afraid I was going psychotic.
In fact it is quite common for people to hear things before they drift to sleep. I have often heard my name, or people laughing or talking. It is scientifically prove.n. You are not psychotic.
As for the other times I've had this happen too. Sometimes it just simply is you thought you heard something.
Other times we are so anxious our nerves are on edge and we have auditory hallucinations, especially when there is ambient noise, like in a shower.
Auditory hallucinations are quite common for everyone now and again but because you are so anxious your mind is creating sounds that don't exist.

My psychologist told me a simple trick to prove you are psychotic: "Do you hear voices sometimes or think you do?"
"Sometimes I said"
"Do you do know that they aren't real? "
" Yes"

it is indeed that simple. You are fine. Promise.

07-28-2014, 01:19 AM
I had a chuckle reading this. Not because I'm laughing at you, but because I've been in this EXACT same position. It was after I did a research paper on schizophrenia in high school. I thought for sure I was hearing voices. I can honestly look back and laugh because as serious as it seemed then, it is rather funny now. I hope you get to the point soon when you can laugh about it.

Also, as a psych grad, I can 100% positively tell you what you are describing is not schizophrenia. Hope that helps ease your anxiety a little. Be well.

07-28-2014, 11:30 AM
Stephanie, you will be ok... Deep breathes. This is a common fear among people who suffer from a form of "pure" OCD. If you were scitzophrenic you wouldn't be afraid of the thought that you might be hearing voices. Try your best to let the fearful thought enter your head & let it pass without reacting to it. It is hard but eventually the thoughts will loose power. You are not going crazy. Hope you feel better soon!

Thankyou I needed that!
I am a lot calmer today an not obsessing over the the thoughts I had yesterday
Thanks again :)

07-28-2014, 11:36 AM
This is normal as you drift off to sleep. And prepare to leave the body. Not that you will believe, no matter. Its easier to believe in mental illness than natural communications. (Clairvoyance) Because you dont believe in anything other than the confines of your body, you have anxiety related to supernatural experiences.

That makes a lot of sense
Before I posted on here I googled it an almost everything said what I was experiencing was schizophrenia, so of coarse I freaked out.... Just the voices I hear when about to fall asleep are sometimes a scream that wakes me up or a yell and it's always a scary voice not a familiar one....I read if it wasn't schizophrenia my house was haunted so I was a CRAZY WOMAN yesterday.... Feeling a lot better today with everyone's positive feedback an slept great last night this only happens once in awhile but the other night just really scared me :/

07-28-2014, 03:58 PM
During a particularly bad period a few months ago I had sounds almost like crying when going to sleep. I guess as it's gone now it can occur if you are under intense anxiety. :)
Nothing to worry about