View Full Version : Somatization (unreal symptoms)

07-27-2014, 12:17 PM
Hi there,
I am 37 yo male and have been diagnosed with GAD and hypochondriasis.

I have created symptoms in the past because of my anxiety. I once had extreme pain and stiffness in my testicle and after the doc checked it it disappeared instantly.

My psychologist says that people can take either no symptoms or mild symptoms and exacerbate them.

I currently am over a sinus infection. This is the second one this year and third lifetime. The doc gave me 5 days of antibiotics which cleared the infection. A day or two later, mucus drained out. However I found that my sense of taste and smell was weak. I started reading online... Big mistake.

I read about people with chronic rhinosinusitis who have been swollen for years and have surgeries a can't smell and who have no hope basically. My anxiety skyrocketed and I am currently taking Ativan once or twice a day and sweat and have unbelievable panic attacks.

Anyway, I saw the doc again (a sub my GP is on vacation) and told him I need Ativan and I had a weak smell. I kind of broke down in his office too. He said "Well, I've seen smell come back and smell not come back, anyway, I have to go take a call". Well, as you can imagine, my anxiety was in the red!

With my earlier infection, a patient female doctor was more concerned about my GAD than my symptoms. She told me my smell will definitely come back and recommended CBT to combat the symptoms. It came back a day or two later.

So here I am. Last night I could smell great and felt as is well with the world again but this morning I couldn't smell until an hour later. No congestion, no pain, no pressure, no meds, I do a sinus rinse each day, just anxiety.

I am confused and still don't know of my anxiety could create such symptoms. I guess my denial is causing symptoms to wax and wane. Any suggestions or advice is welcome. Thank you.

07-28-2014, 12:27 AM

07-28-2014, 01:14 AM
Believe it or not, anxiety can create these symptoms. For instance, I was focused on my inability to swallow anything for a while -- don't know where it came from. Every time I thought about it, I would have to think about how to swallow and finally my brain followed through. It was scary. I thought I was going through some sort of paralysis. On good days, I never thought of it and never had to "think" to swallow. It took a few of those days before I realized my mind was playing tricks on me.
Also, another instance I was convinced of brain tumor or aneurysm and convinced that one of my pupils were dilated more than the other. What was happening was, I would shine light into it so much so "check" on it, my pupil was automatically dilated and took days to return to its normal size. I saw the eye doctor and my neurologist and they both came to the same conclusion.

Brain is a powerful thing.

07-28-2014, 09:41 AM
I've had swallowing issues before too. And a painful testicle. And dizziness. And a "heart attack" and "lung cancer" and "HIV".
I am prone to these types of physical symptoms over the past 10 years or so.
Are you a psych grad for real?

07-28-2014, 10:39 AM
grc you have typical symptoms of GAD. I have it too, and probably twice longer than your age. Swallowing issues are very unpleasant and it started for me at young age. Have you ever tried meditation? I am using guided meditation and it gives me a lot of relieve. Try not to overdo with Ativan. Find psychiatrist, we do not need referral in Canada. Gp are not equipped with enough knowledge how to treat GAD. Therapy if possible is a good idea too.
check it out click me, please (http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?27912-Guided-Meditation&highlight=guided+meditation)

07-28-2014, 10:55 AM
I currently see a psychologist but he is $150 a session. So I only go once a month (twice at the most).

He told me I might have a form of somatoform disorder in which I read about diseases and then get symptoms. He told me to NOT read online. My doctor told me too (angrily once). He said he had it in med school it's common for me med students to think they have what they are studying.

It's just hard to believe that my mid could alter my smell and taste a bit. I also get facial pain (not bad mind you) which makes me worry it's my sinuses. I don't feel sick though.

Psychologist told me: no doctor visits no reading no checking symptoms all day to alleviate the symptoms. I'm trying. It's hard.

07-28-2014, 04:49 PM
Ok, so things are really strange now. When I woke up this morning, I had a bit of dried snot but could smell better than the earlier day. I was able to smell cut grass in my car with the A/C rotating inside the car. The guy cutting the grass was a block away. When I went to the gym, as I worked out, I was able to smell more and more. I could smell the iron on the dumbbells, and the soap from washing on my gloves. I smelled cologne two men: black man and Indian man, and cologne and sweat on an Asian man. I could smell better when I went to the bathroom too. When I left the gym I could smell the diesel in a truck about 30 ft away. Then, I smelled the inside of my car a bit. I can breathe through my nostrils and don’t have any pain or pressure in my face.
When I got home, I noticed that my sense of smell went down a bit. I took a shower and could smell dinner cooking, but, when I went to eat, I could taste almost nothing. It was really strange for me. Now I did a sinus rinse and I can’t really smell again.
What’s going on is this ONLY in my brain? This is really weird.

07-28-2014, 06:14 PM
Well our minds are powerful thing, it is hard to believe what influence it has on body. I have serious allergies, one day someone said what do you have on your face, it was some kind of scratch. I ended up in ER they checked me up cause I got hives and tennis ball in my throat. I was sure I am getting analaphytic shock. I am scared of that because it is very dangerous and I do not even have epi pen now, so I get the hives. Just remember sinus infection can take away your sense of smell for weeks. Do you smoke? It causes not only sense of smell but damage to hearing nerve as well...
I think you are going to be fine, not smelling or hearing the world is very annoying..

07-28-2014, 06:33 PM
My psychologist and mother are convinced it's in my head. I don't have infection anymore and can breathe normally.
My problem is that I read and read and read about it online. Then I misconstrue information and give myself symptoms. I've done this 6 or 7 times in the past.
My psychologist told me do not go to the doctor, read online and constantly test symptoms. I've started 30mg of Cipralex again (I was at 20) and and taking Ativan at night.
I did this when I had a sinus infection in February too. Too much reading and a powerful mind. I just am frustrated and nervous all day long. I am "in tune" to my symptoms all day.

07-28-2014, 06:40 PM
Dam Google gets you every time. it really does a number on people like us.

Hi Dahlia :)

07-28-2014, 06:53 PM
Do you guys do Google searches for medical reasons too? Does it have an effect on your physically?

07-28-2014, 06:57 PM
Yes, yes, yes everyone does :)

07-28-2014, 06:58 PM
I was fine, I don't recall this happening the first time I had a sinus infection in 2011. I started reading the next time in February and now intensively this time. Both Feb and now I had "trouble smelling" and "tasting".

07-28-2014, 07:25 PM
I've had swallowing issues before too. And a painful testicle. And dizziness. And a "heart attack" and "lung cancer" and "HIV". I am prone to these types of physical symptoms over the past 10 years or so. Are you a psych grad for real?

Yes, I am. They say all psychologists have their own psychologists. I'm no different. :)
I'm a severe hypochondriac. It's debilitating and one of the worst "branches" of anxiety there is.

07-28-2014, 07:26 PM
AnxiousPsychGrad have you ever read something and got real symptoms based on what you read? My doctor told me to stop reading because information like that and anxiety is a recipe for physical stuff.

07-28-2014, 07:32 PM
Do you guys do Google searches for medical reasons too? Does it have an effect on your physically?

STOP GOOGLING!! As I type that, I say it to myself as well. Every single symptom I suffer from, I google it immediately. Before you know, I have a brain eating amoeba, and I have stomach cancer and I'm probably going to die before I can get in to see the doctor. Google/WebMD are a hypochondriac's kryptonite.

07-28-2014, 07:34 PM
Absolutely. I just responded on another thread about that. I do it with google/webMD also psychological issues as well. I wrote a research paper on schizophrenia in high school. For months I was convinced I was hearing voices, and that I needed to be committed.

07-28-2014, 07:43 PM
I hear ya. I guess though the funny thing we hypochondriacs do is "but not this time". But really it is again this time. My psychologist said what is more likely, the 7th time you've done this or that you're symptoms are real?

07-28-2014, 08:21 PM
I google too even I should not do it. Years ago I had read book about schizophrenia and I was sure I have it. Easy access to information not always is beneficial for us:)

07-29-2014, 03:02 PM
So today I had a very strange episode.

My doctor prescribed me 30mg of Cipralex (also known as Lexapro) to take daily. However, I sometimes go down to 20mg (I don't tell him). Well, with this sinus thing I started back to 30mg a week ago.

Anyway, as you know I was afraid my senses of taste/smell were compromised from the infection.
I went to Wal-Mart around 2pm just to look around (I am currently out of work--downsized) and I noticed that I really could not smell anything there. Well, this freaked me out and I was in a lot of anxiety and panic driving home. When I got home (no one was home) I noticed that I could smell a candle and flowers just fine.

So I decided to go out for some coffee and all of a sudden got a strange dizzy feeling in my head and like I weighed 500 lbs. I was comatose for a while just starting out the window. I felt numb in my hands and feet and realized I could kind of taste the coffee again (but not really). As I drove, I could smell the plants outside the car with the windows up, new asphalt, the moisture in the A/C and exhaust from a tractor and the soil it was working with.

As soon as I got home, my nose felt like it swelled again almost upon turning the key to go in. I smelled the candle and could still smell it. I then ate a handful of almonds and a stick of celery. I could kind of taste them but now I have a strange aftertaste of the nuts and celery. My face is all numb and I feel "strange".

Maybe this loss of smell/taste thing really is all in my head?

07-29-2014, 05:04 PM
Hi grcboy77, Kinda wierd how our senses really go on the fritz with anxiety aint it? sometimes it's like they are amplified and sometimes they are gone. example, i had a major sinus surgery a couple years back and they said it would take about two years to fully recover ( seriously ) anyhow i was starting to really get amplified smells of certain things and it was driving me crazy, it was like that one smell would never go away no matter what i did. My boss one day who knew i suffered with anxiety talked me into taking 2 lavender pills to see if it helped. AFTER i took them he said i would burp up that lavender smell all day and it would relax me when i smelled it. On the contrary, I went nuts and the smell was so strong it was all i could think about, all i could taste and it just would not leave. That lasted two days. The point i am trying to make is I let my anxiety run rampant during that time even though it was nothing more than just a smell. Sorry for the dissertation. Peace

07-29-2014, 05:25 PM

Thank You so much for your help. Perhaps I could talk to you about sinusitis. I've had it 3 times. First in 2011, then twice this year. My doctor doesn't seem to be too worried and had an ol look up the schnoz with his ear scope. He said yep, swollen, and I took Zithromax for 5 days. It was in my left maxillary sinus. It was cleared in about 2-3 days and then the goop all came out a day after.

I went to see him again a week or so ago and I told him I needed Ativan because my anxiety was out of control. I hadn't slept in 3 days and all I did was pace all night and kept smelling things: deodorant, candles, soap, and potpourri just to make sure it wasn't changing.
Anyway, at this point it's been 21 days and I'm afraid that it's never going to come back. I don't have postnasal drip, congestion or pain, it just feels a little swollen (a little bit during the day) between my eyes.

I couldn't even taste supper tonight (well maybe a bit) but I could smell other things.

The last time this happened I was lucky to go to a clinic where the doctor could see I was upset and nervous. I told her I had GAD and was afraid I'd never smell correctly again. She said, No questions until I have completed my exam.

She said, "Your ethmoid sinuses are a little bit inflammed, but there is no congestion and I am confident your sense of smell will fully come back. I am more concerned about your GAD are you receiving counselling or taking medication"
The moment I walked out I felt better and that was that.

This time, the doctor was impatient with me (older fellow). He said "I have seen people fully regain their smell, and others who didn't. Now excuse me, I have a call to take at the hospital".

From that moment on, my anxiety was OUT OF CONTROL. I am taking Ativan a couple hours before bed just to sleep.

I just am confused about what chronic sinusitis is, if I am damaging my smell just doing nothing, or what. My psychologist like I said said "stay away from the doctor for at least 30 days and DO NOT think about symptoms. I have seem people lose use of their arm over anxiety."

So here I am, dunno what to do or think.

07-29-2014, 05:52 PM
Hi grcboy77, Here is my story with sinus issues ( another dissertation ) I started having problems about 15 years ago with constant sinus infections and was going to the doc at least once a month and every time it was just a course of antibiotics and thats it. Then i started throwing up every single morning all phlegm from sinus. Once i threw up i was fine. Now this went on for well over a year and i was missing work all the time and surprised i did not lose my job. I no energy i napped all the time etc. One day out of the blue my dad called me from an ENT's office and said he thought that i should see this guy so made an appointment. The minute he ran a scope all the way up both sides of my nose and All the way to the throat and up to the adenoids he immediately scheduled me for surgery that same week. Turns out that i had 3 broken bones a mass and a deviated septum ( i knew about the deviated septum ). All the antibiotics in the world was not going to stop the infections permanently. I am not going to lie to you it was the worst surgery i have ever had and i have had my heel re-broke and several pins put it but did not compare. BUT i have NOT had one more infection since the surgery and it'd been over two years. If you feel you need to go to an ENT who specializes in it do not wait 10 years like i did. All fact. Peace

07-29-2014, 05:57 PM
Thanks John C,

I had my nose broken 10 years ago and also 3 bones around my eye socket. I saw a plastic surgeon who did tons of x-rays and said there should be no problem because of the broken nose. He also said my nose is crooked but the septum is not deviated. That was back in '04. I didn't have an infection till this timeframe. My doctor doesn't seem too interested in sending me to an ENT. I've thought about it though

07-29-2014, 06:25 PM
Neither did my doc. Gave me antibiotics for 10 years. I did not seek my doctors approval to go to the ENT. I had just had enough. I have only been to the doc once in last two years instead of every month. Your body changes and when it becomes a chronic problem you will go.

07-29-2014, 06:28 PM
Yeah, I'm surprised he didn't mention anything this time, like isn't 2 times since Feb this year a little odd? He was certainly turned off when I told him I had GAD.
I'm sorry for being so nosy (pardon the pun), but did you have a lot of congestion (green/yellow stuff) during the day and was plugged up a lot?

07-29-2014, 06:30 PM
Hi there,
I am 37 yo male and have been diagnosed with GAD and hypochondriasis.

I have created symptoms in the past because of my anxiety. I once had extreme pain and stiffness in my testicle and after the doc checked it it disappeared instantly.

My psychologist says that people can take either no symptoms or mild symptoms and exacerbate them.

I currently am over a sinus infection. This is the second one this year and third lifetime. The doc gave me 5 days of antibiotics which cleared the infection. A day or two later, mucus drained out. However I found that my sense of taste and smell was weak. I started reading online... Big mistake.

I read about people with chronic rhinosinusitis who have been swollen for years and have surgeries a can't smell and who have no hope basically. My anxiety skyrocketed and I am currently taking Ativan once or twice a day and sweat and have unbelievable panic attacks.

Anyway, I saw the doc again (a sub my GP is on vacation) and told him I need Ativan and I had a weak smell. I kind of broke down in his office too. He said "Well, I've seen smell come back and smell not come back, anyway, I have to go take a call". Well, as you can imagine, my anxiety was in the red!

With my earlier infection, a patient female doctor was more concerned about my GAD than my symptoms. She told me my smell will definitely come back and recommended CBT to combat the symptoms. It came back a day or two later.

So here I am. Last night I could smell great and felt as is well with the world again but this morning I couldn't smell until an hour later. No congestion, no pain, no pressure, no meds, I do a sinus rinse each day, just anxiety.

I am confused and still don't know of my anxiety could create such symptoms. I guess my denial is causing symptoms to wax and wane. Any suggestions or advice is welcome. Thank you.

Trust me when I say those are not the strangest symptoms people with anxiety can deal with. I have quite a unique one... Most people go dizzy from their panic attack, I just lose my balance. So badly I thought something was wrong with my inner ear. I do know it's anxiety now... I know it can be a pain in the bum when you have those symptoms and that they can scare you. But soon as you realize your anxiety is playing with you, they become a little bit easier to handle. Also don't make the mistake I did and start fearing anxiety (because that is a vicious cycle). Believe in yourself and the power of your mind to overcome this. Your mind can also be your friend (although sometimes I really hate mine lol)

07-29-2014, 06:34 PM
How are you feeling now Kixxi, did you get it resolved?

07-29-2014, 07:05 PM
Yeah, I'm surprised he didn't mention anything this time, like isn't 2 times since Feb this year a little odd? He was certainly turned off when I told him I had GAD.
I'm sorry for being so nosy (pardon the pun), but did you have a lot of congestion (green/yellow stuff) during the day and was plugged up a lot?

All the time my friend all the time.

07-29-2014, 07:12 PM
See, that what puzzles me.
When I got the infection, I woke up with green mucous. I knew it was infected right away.
Now there is no symptoms except for a reduced sense of smell/taste and this weird pressure between my eyes. No congestion, no fever, no postnasal drip. Nada

07-30-2014, 08:58 AM
How are you feeling now Kixxi, did you get it resolved?

Well as many people with anxiety this symptom recently started to subside. Now I just get really uncomfortable. I had a bit of a relapse during the holiday this year and I started shaking instead lol :) However, the balance issue is really starting to go now. I still have to work on my agoraphobia, but the side-symptoms are slowly but surely disappearing. Sometimes you have to push through your uncomfortable feeling. I know it can be such a pain in the bum, but it's worth it in the long run. What I do is telling myself over and over that it is my mind playing tricks on me, that there is nothing wrong with me and that I can expect this from this anxiety.

Hope this helps you a bit.

07-30-2014, 09:14 AM
Neither did my doc. Gave me antibiotics for 10 years. I did not seek my doctors approval to go to the ENT. I had just had enough. I have only been to the doc once in last two years instead of every month. Your body changes and when it becomes a chronic problem you will go.
In Canada to get to Ent doc you need the friggin referral from you family doc. Without referral you get only the gyno doc and psychiatrists

07-30-2014, 03:14 PM
I'm still congested and just have this strange pressure between my eyes. I can smell but it's still a little weak and I can't taste much either. I'm afraid :(. My mom and psychologist say it's a non-issue and the pharmacist says it could take another 7-10 days for swelling to go away. I'm just scared is all

07-30-2014, 03:17 PM
Sorry, typo... I'm not congested. At all.

08-23-2016, 09:19 PM
Im struggling mysefl right now with somatic symptons, if you check the DSM IV and V you can realize GAD and somatoform disorder (Briquets syndrom) are the same, greetings from Mexico.