View Full Version : Feeling completely empty, and can't relax. I need help.

07-27-2014, 11:58 AM
Some time ago I made this post about something that happened to me.

Since then I'm doing a bit better. I'm no longer experiencing depersonalization, my stomach is no longer tense, I'm eating.

However, I just feel completely empty inside. And even though I don't feel anything, I don't feel relaxed either.

I have another appt. with my Dr. in a couple days. What should I tell him? Should I see a neurologist? Is this just because I upped my Lexapro dose? Is this because I quit drinking regularly? Is it possible my neurotransmitters got knocked out from the alcohol and I'm unable to feel anything now?

All I know is that the quality of my life right now is poor.

07-27-2014, 01:57 PM
Some time ago I made this post about something that happened to me.

Since then I'm doing a bit better. I'm no longer experiencing depersonalization, my stomach is no longer tense, I'm eating.

However, I just feel completely empty inside. And even though I don't feel anything, I don't feel relaxed either.

I have another appt. with my Dr. in a couple days. What should I tell him? Should I see a neurologist? Is this just because I upped my Lexapro dose? Is this because I quit drinking regularly? Is it possible my neurotransmitters got knocked out from the alcohol and I'm unable to feel anything now?

All I know is that the quality of my life right now is poor.

Not good for a soul to use alchohol as a vice. Ok for occasional, minimal use. Without your crutch your empty. Over time you will feel more, as the senses aliven from their drunken state, no pun intended. Yes, you changed your brain, literally. Any more on that subject I will not give. Now, you must feel life, that is the challenge, the pandora box you opened.

The lesson is to feel all life has to offer(with clarity), not to bury the pain in substance or repression. So take the lesson or leave it, but it will not be ignored for long !

Feeling nothing, is feeling something, you understand. And you are reacting to it.

"The quality of my life is very poor" is a strong feeling, forcing you to face your issues, without the numbing effects of your vice, that is the purpose.