View Full Version : Does this sound like an anxiety pain symptom?

07-26-2014, 10:05 PM
Hey guys,

So I developed this sharp shooting pain in the side of my back. It's between my lat muscle and where the ribs connect. I'm only worried because of the severity of the pain. It's not constant but when I touch that area and especially if I push or pull on the skin with some force it jolts me with pain. I read in the symptoms list you can have a jolted or shock pain and I could describe it as that. What do we think?

07-27-2014, 02:34 AM
This most certainly sounds like a pain caused by anxiety. The physical toll stress takes on your body is nothing nice.

07-27-2014, 02:39 AM
Yea, this one is quite painful which makes it hard to just live with it. I believe I've had this exact symptom before years ago, it's a blurry memory but i seem to remember getting out of the shower and drying off with a towel in that spot and the pain jolting there. Crazy how the mind works..