View Full Version : Does anyone here with anxiety have a job thats heavily communication based?

I am not my brain
07-26-2014, 12:55 PM
I just wanted to here about people's experiences with jobs that require a lot of communication, that have anxiety.

How long have you been doing it?
Do you have struggles?

I have a job in sales, and sometimes it can be difficult, other times no so much.

07-26-2014, 11:45 PM
I work in the media/journalism field and have been doing that professionally for over 6 years now. Focus is mainly writing and photography so I often will interact with people in various places/environments that are complete strangers.
I was diagnosed with anxiety in college so over the years I've kind of developed coping mechanisms to deal with being anxious on the job. Some days are better than others. I used to have a mild agoraphobia and sometimes still do on occasion so it can make it really hard to get out there and talk to people sometimes.

07-27-2014, 06:05 AM
To a point I am a manager with a team, have the expected preasure of targets and large company politics to deal with, I do have to communicate with a wide variety of people, which to be fair some days is really hard, been doing it for 15 years now, knowing I'm am in need of a career change but the money keeps you there, the risk is not burning ing out......to late for that I think after the past few weeks of daily panic attacks and time of sick because of it.
I think the worst part is you know your good at your job but your not performing which compounds to make it worse being given more pressure. And no I don't have an answer unfortunately other than down shift lifestyle for sake of health.

07-27-2014, 07:07 AM
I was in sales for about 8 years and was doing very good at it but the stress of the job and goals along with a premature birth of my first child all got to me. I left that job 10 years ago and left a $ 15,000.00 bonus on the table. I always think to myself about what i did and i still to this day do not know if i made the right decision, it bothers me. The job i have now is not overly stressful but i am stuck in a building for 9 hours every day. I do not have the benefits or health insurance that i would have if i would of stayed nor do i make the money that i would be making if i would of stayed. Dam anxiety really sucks.

07-27-2014, 08:06 AM
When I need to, I just close my office door and forward by telephone so it goes directly to voice mail -- because there are times when my anxiety level is high and I just don't feel like I can face anyone. Fortunately, those times are not so frequent these days. But they do happen.

I have a senior management position in my company, so nobody would question me when I do this. I know it can be more difficult for people who have different work situations.