View Full Version : got my wish....

06-06-2008, 01:21 PM
Ok so for months i've been begging my doctor to send me to a specialist as i've felt for so long that its not anxiety that plagues my life but an undiscovered medical condition (im sure like most anxiety sufferers out there). Well my appointment came though yesterday for wednesday 11th june and im terrified!!, im now wishing i'd never asked to be sent the neurologists as im sure they find something to confirm my worst fear that all this is not down to anxiety, does anyone have any advice on what to expect or how to stay saine between now and the next couple of days?

Thanks for reading..

06-09-2008, 04:55 AM
I just love the help and support this forum offers....

06-09-2008, 05:24 PM
Hey lifeless,

I hear you on that one. I used to be terrified to go for my annual physical because I was sure they would find something wrong. You know what happens, you get all worked up, constantly worrying, the day comes and either they tell you you are fine or you have to wait for test results which you know will be another week of worrying and anxiety. I think that was what put me off the most, having to wait for results.

So, in the seven years of enduring this anxiety thing I can't even remember how many specialists I was sent to and how many weeks I had to wait for results but guess what, nothing but good news apart from the "oh, you just have anxiety", like thats nothing! Most medical doctors are clueless about what you're going through but every now and then you find one who is sympathetic, so be strong and tell them how you are suffering and they will get back to you fast with your results. It worked for me many times and I got the reassurance I needed right at the first appointment a lot of the time.

Keep yourself busy. Use distraction exercises to get you through to Wednesday, take it an hour at a time if you have to. This is a very common problem that even non-anxiety sufferers have and take comfort in the fact that this too will pass. You are not alone.

06-10-2008, 04:31 AM
Think back to all the times you worried about something, truly dreaded it, and all turned out fine. Think about how you will feel when you find out that you are okay. I've done this too - insisted there was something more wrong with me. There wasn't. And even if there had been, there are so many treatments out there to deal with most illnesses.
Try to think positively. You are going to get the results regardless of whether you feel good or bad in the days before the appointment, so what's the point in feeling bad? I know it's way easier to say 'dont worry' than it is to actually do it, but that is the only solution.
A counsellor once told me to imagine I did not have any problems or anxieties, she asked me how that would make me feel. Just imagine the perfect you - no illness, no anxiety, being able to enjoy life and do what you want to do. It really works.
Good luck with the appointment, because I think you'll leave happy!