View Full Version : Losing faith...

07-26-2014, 06:33 AM
Really hate to say it but I'm starting to get to the point where I'm scared that im never going to make it through this alive 😞

07-26-2014, 07:23 AM
Really hate to say it but I'm starting to get to the point where I'm scared that im never going to make it through this alive 

Spirit to spirit now, a reading, forget you are on an anonymous forum. Lets get real, begin:

The misophonia is a belief, period. It is not a product of the physical ears as sensitivity, or as you believe, a neuro-condition. It is a self-created product of your psyche manufactured to help you defend unresolved trauma. Psychologically speaking only, the triggers are from early childhood, as incessant noises long consciously forgotten, yet latent in the sense that they remind you of those times, that were not pleasant, automatic responses generating anger, disgust, unrest of the spirit. Your spirit was damaged, those responsible also happen to make the very same sounds that to this day cause physiological disturbances, even though you cannot pinpoint the origin, you have blocked out the trauma.

Now, inherently, no sounds are evil, period. It would be the association to the sound and the negative impacts of the experience. If you were bitten by a barking dog, you may flinch at all barking dogs, but to say they will all bite you is nonsense. The sound of the bark itself would trigger anxiety, and should you have been a small child, the incident would be forgotten but the sound sensitivity remains. All along saying to yourself, " I am angry at these noises, even disgusted, it must be a mental illness" and you would find yourself shying away from all dogs, because they have the potential to harm you, just by barking.

In such a case one would be highly anxious, and not know why. Your pains, your anger, the emotional feelings are unresolved conflicts, and repressed emotions, no exceptions. Thus examining your life, how you currently feel, would be a starting point to go deeper. It is time to take the focus off the outside world and its fanciful distractions and illusions, and about face to the mirror and look at self, there is no other way.

In your case you will bring up pain and hurt, those scary feelings you have buried for so long. You say you cannot live the way you are living, it is unbearable, and we say you are correct, the time is now to self examine. Forget the significant other, the coworkers who spit, groan, snore, and sip to your detriment. Forget your peers, family, all a handy camouflage.

Make it about you, in a selfish way, time to get to your life, and heal. Touch the nerve, it wont kill you.

End of reading, there is much more, but this is an eye opener.

This one has brought on a headache, as i hear all the loud noises in your head, should there be typing mistakes so be it, I cannot correct them all

07-26-2014, 10:20 AM
I feel you. Every day is a struggle. Sometimes I wish I had a physical illness, like cancer... something people could see and empathize with. Living this way, trying to keep it all together is so painful.

07-26-2014, 10:30 AM
I feel you. Every day is a struggle. Sometimes I wish I had a physical illness, like cancer... something people could see and empathize with. Living this way, trying to keep it all together is so painful.

No. Double period. And you do not need empathy, or sympathy. The need will put you into a position you'd rather not be in. Do you understand, get ahold of your thoughts.

By your needs do you attract to you the physical equivalent of the thought, (translated into an experience)to fulfill the need or desire. Now what you have said is a bit more than getting a lollipop after your dr visit. Listen up! For you do not know the power of your beliefs/I Am statements.

Listen to yourself ! How foolish !

"Sometimes I wish I had a physical illness, like cancer... something people could see and empathize with"

Watch your footing ! Now I understand you are using this as an analogy, however, analogy or not, it came from your mouth, so keep vigilant as to what is best for you, and be clear in thought.

07-26-2014, 11:20 AM
I'm sorry. I just meant it's hard dealing with an illness/suffering that's not out in the open... Something I feel I have to keep in and tackle all by myself.

07-26-2014, 08:41 PM
It IS a struggle but keep trying. I am starting to really like the Buspar because it's keeping my anxiety down, BUT for it to work I have to take it 3 times a day!! And, there is some insomnia so I'm trying to take it earlier in the day. My Lexapro helps too. Don't like the side effects of the medication but it sure does help. So does exercise and a lot of it!

07-27-2014, 05:50 AM
Really hate to say it but I'm starting to get to the point where I'm scared that im never going to make it through this alive ��

Hi Suza,

Trust me when I say that each and every one of us feels that way sometimes. You can get some really bad days. The main thing to do now is focus on you. It will get better. We all have times where we either have a relapse or the anxiety gets a little worse after a period where it went so good. All I can say is that there are so many people here that are going through the same thing and that it is nothing to be ashamed of.

07-28-2014, 05:09 AM
Im-suffering you really need to chill out. The other person commenting was obviously just making a statement. Yes, you might not agree with it but were all suffering here. And if you also have anxiety as bad as me, you'd understand that sometimes we say things we don't mean. And for you to be as harsh as you have obviously isn't going to make anything better. If you haven't got anything nice or supportive to say, please don't say it at all. Thanks to everyone else for the kind words xx

07-28-2014, 05:18 AM
Im-suffering you really need to chill out. The other person commenting was obviously just making a statement. Yes, you might not agree with it but were all suffering here. And if you also have anxiety as bad as me, you'd understand that sometimes we say things we don't mean. And for you to be as harsh as you have obviously isn't going to make anything better. If you haven't got anything nice or supportive to say, please don't say it at all. Thanks to everyone else for the kind words xx

It would behoove you to read my direct response to you above, and not bother sidetracked as a martyr for others, using them as camouflage. If you dont understand the post for you, print it and bring it to your therapist.

Take it or leave it, free will, end of interaction in this thread.

07-28-2014, 05:28 AM
I did read it, and thank you. But there's no need to be nasty to others.

07-28-2014, 06:23 AM
I did read it, and thank you. But there's no need to be nasty to others.

That's the way he is. Just about everyone skips over his posts anyway, so just ignore him.

As for you, never give up. You WILL make it through this. Everyone on this forum has gone through the same feelings as you and we're still kicking. Coming here is a great place to start, so come here as often as you need to. We are all here to offer you support and advice. Granted, some peoples methods may not be as effective for you. But, the key is to try them and see.

We all hope you feel better!

07-28-2014, 06:42 AM
That's the way he is. Just about everyone skips over his posts anyway, so just ignore him.

As for you, never give up. You WILL make it through this. Everyone on this forum has gone through the same feelings as you and we're still kicking. Coming here is a great place to start, so come here as often as you need to. We are all here to offer you support and advice. Granted, some peoples methods may not be as effective for you. But, the key is to try them and see.

We all hope you feel better!

Lets not forget what that other poster said:

"Every day is a struggle. Sometimes I wish I had a physical illness, like cancer... something people could see and empathize with"

Now the beliefs always slip the tongue, no matter the conscious denial.

Better to have no sympathy (or empathy)at all, then to have it with cancer. And that is one of the reasons people have cancer, the need to have sympathy.

If you ignore my posts, you may as well ignore the sunshine and live in darkness. As for the tone, well, it is what it is, I have no need for sympathy, or pity parties in my honor, for to have one, I must first create the illness or troubles that would attract it, period.

Thats the lesson.

Dont bait me again.

07-28-2014, 09:33 AM
Susa many people just ignore him, there is not other way. Often we say things we do not mean it. I am so tired today, had a sleepless night, and coming here and seeing that is just killing me.
That person causes so much anxiety in others that he gets ignore all the time:)

07-28-2014, 03:00 PM
Thanks Meichmann and Dahlia :) your kind words are very appreciated! I'm feeling much better this week than I was last. Just taking it one day at a time. This forum is great!!!

07-28-2014, 06:20 PM
Suza I glad you feel a tad better. Forum is great and most people are great too. I made good friends here, they are just awesome. Sometimes, we need to talk about yourself, writing down helps too, so why not to do this here, it is very beneficial to talk instead of bottling emotions inside (I am doing it , and often It gets the worst of me)
Meichmann I had not seen your post, and I posted very similar thing:))

08-01-2014, 09:32 AM
I feel you. Every day is a struggle. Sometimes I wish I had a physical illness, like cancer... something people could see and empathize with. Living this way, trying to keep it all together is so painful.

I wished for the same thing. Sometimes I think having cancer is less scary and hurts way less. We hurt on the inside, in the head. Before a few months ago, I never really had faith, but now I do. Things always gets better. There is always something, somewhere, waiting for you. There is always someone, somewhere, looking after you. So keep the faith sweetie.