View Full Version : Finally Have Some Relief!

07-25-2014, 08:43 PM
Hello everyone. I've had this account for maybe a month now but I haven't gotten to use it much so I guess I'm still kinda new :).
I just wanted to share a way I've gotten relief just recently. I hope that maybe some of you can benefit!

I'm 18 years old, been with my boyfriend for nearly two years now and have been on birth control for at least a year and a half.
A while back I ran out of birth control and was unable to make another appointment right away so I had to wait a week. During that week I felt confident, beautiful, and barely even anxious. I did great at work, got along with my boyfriend better, and really loved myself! I started to wonder if maybe the birth control messing with my hormones caused all my mood swings, anxiety, and depression. I looked it up and almost every site said that that doesn't ever happen. I began to get a little sad. Thinking maybe it was just a good week. I later got back on birth control and like a light switch, I was crazy again! Fighting with my boyfriend, crying all the time, thinking I was worthless and ugly. I decided to just stay off of it for a while again. One day after not taking it, I was fine. Now I'm off of it and I feel wonderful! :) I still have a little anxiety but I can calm myself down most of the time now! It's great!

Point of the story being: I believe that birth control exacerbated my anxiety and now that I'm not on it(still being safe just not with it!), I feel much, much better!
So if anyone is on birth control or any other substance that messes with your hormones, I would suggest trying this. (:
Sorry for the super long post! Thanks for reading! ^_^

07-25-2014, 11:25 PM
Hormones are a big part of the picture. If the pill makes you go crazy then just don't take it. Good to see you found some relief.

07-26-2014, 11:38 AM
Thanks! And yeah it seems like it should have been a given lol.