View Full Version : effing hypochondria

Olive Yew
07-25-2014, 05:15 PM
I feel like i'm losing my mind with this sh*t! My stupid left hand keeps going numb or tingling or feeling fuzzy. My right ankle keeps twitching like the muscle/nerve is spazzing. Sometimes both of my legs spaz and ungulate and cramp and hurt and my feet and toes go numb. My right hand is usually okay but when I get really scared my right hand will tingle too. The entire time my brain is sure... SO sure that i have effing multiple sclerosis. There will be days where I get optimistic and manage to beat back the hypochondria and for the most part ignore the tingling and there are plenty of times when it actually stops completely. Like at work I dont feel it at all... But I go home... Am left with my own brain... And then it all starts back up again.... I dont know how to beat this.. I dont know how much of my brain I should believe. What if it IS MS...And we're not doing anything about it?? I wish I just KNEW.

07-25-2014, 07:37 PM
Here's a good way to look at it. If you're afraid of it then it's not happening. Every symptom you described is related to anxiety, as strange as it seems. Become comfortable with that idea and it'll allow you to relax. Symptoms persist even in your best mind sets. Overcoming anxiety as a whole will alleviate the symptoms. Another thing to make note of next time you feel a symptom, did it seems to not be there for a while? And when you suddenly notice it, it gets worse?

My anxiety comes and goes, I can tell how harsh it is with the kind of mood I'm in and the symptoms I feel. Learn to let go :) and quit self diagnosing! That's the most damaging thing you can do.

07-26-2014, 11:17 AM
Thought I had the same thing! Recently my left eye would start twitching off and on throughout the day...Narrowed it down to MS, Parkinson's, or my favorite go to...Cancer. It stopped after about a month, but still scared the crap out of me! I think you're fine...nothing to worry about!