View Full Version : Something New

07-25-2014, 11:51 AM
I have been living with severe depression for almost 12 years now. I have been on and off of medication my entire life. I have not been taking any medication for about 5 years now and have been using other methods to dealing. I have my ups and downs.

Recently, within the past 8 months, I started to have panic attacks. They were infrequent and usually prompted by something. More recently, within the past two weeks, I have started to have daily anxiety attacks. They are often debilitating and leave me in bed all day. Often I am confronted with an overwhelming sense of anxiety and fear even leaving the house. I have to force myself to leave and once I get in my car or to my destination I often break down into tears. I am having severe anxiety and fears about going to the doctor. I am terrified of what will be said. I just get all these terrible thoughts all the time. I have never had anything like this and it worries me. I just need someone to talk to about it who understands. My husband wants to help, but he doesn't know how because he has never felt anything like this before.

07-26-2014, 02:18 AM
I just hate all the side effects of medication, but they do help so much. What you're going through is not good so maybe you can start with just talking to your doctor. Maybe your husband can help by going to the doctor with you. That's just a good starting place.