View Full Version : Could Be The Most Important Video Explaining Anxiety and How to Beat it!

07-24-2014, 06:44 PM
Every so often I get flashes of what my life was like then in those dark anxious times and how it is now, and I am reminded of the mentors that help me get here. It started with Charles Linden, then David Jonson, then the various products I used such as Eastern Essentials, listening to Claire Weekes, etc. At some point I took all of what they told me and made it my own. It really is all very similar how to overcome anxiety regardless what path one takes, all paths lead to the same result.

I have a friend who is struggling with anxiety and I referred him to some of the things I used that I talk about in my Techniques thread in the stickies. I showed him the video of the guy from Eastern Essentials talking about his Heal Anxiety package and watched it with him, and the first thing I thought of what just how clear the whole thing is in hindsight. How could I have been so blind to not see through the whole bluff? Anyway, my friend was blown away and I even bought him a month supply. But I thought of you guys. I don't post too much on this forum anymore, for 2 reasons.
1) When I first came here I was in full blown panic mode., now I am past that so I do not need the support. One of the first threads I read years ago was about Magnesium and Amino Acids for anxiety.
2) Every time I post about taking the matter into your own hands, or something that puts the ball in your court, someone has to verbally abuse or attack me and try to block what I am trying to accomplish here.

If you feel like watching a tremendously helpful video, here's the link:


No I do not sell this or anything, just wanting to share the love.

Many of you may have already watched this, but for those of you who haven't it is just straight to the point and very educational. I did take his supplements and I do recommend them along with some of the other things I have recommended in my other threads such as the Techniques thread above. Being caught up in that bullshit downward spiral, working yourself into a frenzy, gets you nowhere!

We could use this thread to discuss some of the points brought up in the video so everyone can educate each other.