View Full Version : No idea what to say...

creative ineptitude
07-24-2014, 06:32 PM
... so I am not good with talking about myself. Nor am I good at interacting with people, even online where it's pretty much anonymous. So I thought why not have all you the members, admins and moderators ask me questions that I will answer. Not sure how this will go considering I hardly ever see anyone on here. You can ask me anything and and as many questions as you want. So have at it.

07-24-2014, 08:21 PM
Can you recognize why you can't communicate well? Is there a trigger or a block?

07-24-2014, 08:28 PM
Have you dealt with anxiety since childhood?

creative ineptitude
07-24-2014, 08:40 PM
Can you recognize why you can't communicate well? Is there a trigger or a block?

I am not very smart or bright. So I try not to start or get involved in conversations especially with strangers or acquaintances.

Have you dealt with anxiety since childhood?

When I think about it anxiety was always there. I just never knew it until more recently. It was nowhere near as bad as it is today but it was there from the get go.

07-24-2014, 09:00 PM
Is there a question that you wish someone would ask you? Someone close, or a stranger?

Do you want interaction?

creative ineptitude
07-24-2014, 09:19 PM
Is there a question that you wish someone would ask you? Someone close, or a stranger?

Do you want interaction?

I never really thought about it, as I said I am not very comfortable talking to myself. So I have to honestly say not that I know about. Interaction? Do you mean verbally? Friendship wise? I am a to myself kind of guy and talking with people is not desirable.

07-25-2014, 03:43 AM
Confidence is what you need to build. You mentioned you aren't very bright or smart. Very negative association to have about yourself, and guess what, that's how anxiety thrives. Let me tell you another secret. Stupid people can't recognize that they're stupid, it takes a person of certain intellect level to associate themselves in that way. Anxiety has also been linked to intelligence in an individual. So to stay, you need to be smart enough to think up your problems in order to have them. So congratulations you just learned a positive about yourself. Do yourself a favor and believe that you're intelligent.

Here's a question. How do you know you're not very smart if you don't interact enough with people? Perhaps you'll come to find they're the ones that aren't very smart. Being anti social has nothing to do with it either. Same law as above applies.

07-25-2014, 05:36 AM
Xerosnake90 - EXACTLY!

If you prefer to listen and not jump into random conversations, that sounds like a rather intelligent thing as well. The old "think before you speak". I wish I could do that more often.

creative ineptitude
07-25-2014, 06:13 AM
Confidence is what you need to build. You mentioned you aren't very bright or smart. Very negative association to have about yourself, and guess what, that's how anxiety thrives. Let me tell you another secret. Stupid people can't recognize that they're stupid, it takes a person of certain intellect level to associate themselves in that way. Anxiety has also been linked to intelligence in an individual. So to stay, you need to be smart enough to think up your problems in order to have them. So congratulations you just learned a positive about yourself. Do yourself a favor and believe that you're intelligent.

Here's a question. How do you know you're not very smart if you don't interact enough with people? Perhaps you'll come to find they're the ones that aren't very smart. Being anti social has nothing to do with it either. Same law as above applies.

If you knew my grades in school you would understand. I barely graduated high school and spent most of my summers in summer school. It has become appearant to me recently that I am not smart because I am searching for a job. I have no discernible skills, talents or knowledge that recruiters are looking for. So finding a job has been impossible, it seems they need someone a bit smarter than I.

07-25-2014, 07:35 AM
Even if you are not an academic type, that does not mean you are not "smart." There are different kinds of smart. For example, you seem very self-aware, which is a kind of intelligence. Also, you found a very creative and thoughtful way on this board to get some input, notwithstanding your inclination not to be very conversational -- by asking people to ask you questions, with a commitment that you would respond. Many people would not have thought of that approach. It shows that you "think outside the box," which is a kind of intelligence. I certainly do not think you are a dumb guy. Not even close.

So here's my question to you: What changes in your life would make you happy? What changes would you like to see in the next three months? What other changes would you like to see within the next two years?

And then my next question to you: What would you have to do in order for those changes to happen?

Best wishes,

creative ineptitude
07-25-2014, 08:05 AM
Even if you are not an academic type, that does not mean you are not "smart." There are different kinds of smart. For example, you seem very self-aware, which is a kind of intelligence. Also, you found a very creative and thoughtful way on this board to get some input, notwithstanding your inclination not to be very conversational -- by asking people to ask you questions, with a commitment that you would respond. Many people would not have thought of that approach. It shows that you "think outside the box," which is a kind of intelligence. I certainly do not think you are a dumb guy. Not even close.

So here's my question to you: What changes in your life would make you happy? What changes would you like to see in the next three months? What other changes would you like to see within the next two years?

In all honesty money would make me happy. So tired of struggling to make ends meet. It seems when I finally started to get things together I lost my job and now I am back to struggling. People always say all you need is love. I tried sending love to pay my bills, it doesn't work. I would like to have a job again in the next 3 months if not sooner. Unemployment is good, at least to cover most of the bills but paying some bills every other month does not make for improving credit. 2 years from now I have no clue, it would be nice to have been working a job that allows me to save money, for that long.

And then my next question to you: What would you have to do in order for those changes to happen?

Best wishes,

I would need whatever it is that has caused me to not get jobs in the past to go away. Even when jobs were abundant I struggled with getting jobs. I thought I had decent qualifications for the jobs I applied to, I thought I interviewed well and somehow it took forever to finally land one. It would be nice to figure out what it is about me that keeps me from getting jobs.

07-25-2014, 08:43 AM
I'm with them :) , I know people who didn't do very well at ALL in school but are very successful people. Just because they barely passed their maths means nothing in their lives.
Streetsmarts, spacial awareness, intuitiveness, maybe the ability to read others or be a great friend or family member.

A possibly fake Einstein quote..... but I love it anyway.

"Everybody is a Genius. But If You Judge a Fish by Its Ability to Climb a Tree, It Will Live Its Whole Life Believing that It is Stupid."

No questions from me this time, I really want to hear the answers to the questions that Kuma asked.

creative ineptitude
07-25-2014, 08:54 AM
I'm with them :) , I know people who didn't do very well at ALL in school but are very successful people. Just because they barely passed their maths means nothing in their lives.
Streetsmarts, spacial awareness, intuitiveness, maybe the ability to read others or be a great friend or family member.

A possibly fake Einstein quote..... but I love it anyway.

"Everybody is a Genius. But If You Judge a Fish by Its Ability to Climb a Tree, It Will Live Its Whole Life Believing that It is Stupid."

No questions from me this time, I really want to hear the answers to the questions that Kuma asked.

Read the post above yours I already answered them.

07-25-2014, 08:58 AM
I did, while I was typing you apparently answered


New question. What kind of job do you see yourself having? Not the job itself, but in general.

I work a public job now where I deal with problems. I'm and IT. But I've worked in silence for 8-12 hours every day in the past too. I've also worked with just a few coworkers in a shared task.
What do you think suits you the most?

creative ineptitude
07-25-2014, 09:18 AM
I did, while I was typing you apparently answered


New question. What kind of job do you see yourself having? Not the job itself, but in general.

I work a public job now where I deal with problems. I'm and IT. But I've worked in silence for 8-12 hours every day in the past too. I've also worked with just a few coworkers in a shared task.
What do you think suits you the most?

I have been a jack of all trades my whole life. I went from one type of job to another and never really staying at one type or another. I do not have the energy or strength to do warehouse work or anything too heavy. Can't really work with other people. For the past 9 years I have been working for an auto parts store, I am hoping to work in another or a dealership or something similar.

07-25-2014, 09:41 AM
As a teacher, I've seen hundreds of kids who think they are "stupid" because everyone has been telling them that that if you get D's and F's, you are an idiot and you won't be successful. It's a terrible thing education does to children and I wish grades would disappear altogether. If there's one thing I truly believe after educating children, it's that everyone has unique abilities, and is useful. There are plenty of people who aren't good at school, and I wish there were more options for that type of student, but there is no reason why the same people can't be good at life (which is NOTHING like school).

It sounds to me like you haven't really found your work that rewarding or interesting. I can appreciate that, having worked probably a dozen different jobs myself. What was the best job you've ever had, and if it isn't your current job, why did you stop doing it? Have you considered writing down your ideas, since you don't necessarily seem interested in talking with others? I kept a journal for about 5 years where I just wrote whatever I was thinking whenever I was bored or frustrated. No one has ever read it except me, but I found it really helpful to get the ideas out of my head and down on paper (digital paper of course).

07-25-2014, 09:49 AM
Hey CI. I agree with you the "money does not matter" (or "all you need is love") comments are off base, and usually come from people who have plenty of money. I don't think money is enough to be happy. (I have enough money but am still not very happy). On the other hand, it is hard to be happy if you are struggling economically. I mean some people can do that, I guess -- people who do not mind living in poverty. But there are not many of them... And economic stress exacerbates anxiety.

I am not surprised by what you say about trying to get a job. The job market is pretty tough these days. They say the economy is good. But it is not good for everyone.

Are you being sufficiently proactive about getting a job? I ask because I know some people who are discouraged about the job situation, and that causes them to lose energy and be less proactive. Other people seem really energetic about the job search, going around town asking for jobs, applying for at least 5 jobs every week, asking everyone they know to help find opportunities, etc.

Does your community have a jobs office? Are there local job training programs in fields you might be interested in? Is there a local community college that has programs that could lead to a job?

creative ineptitude
07-25-2014, 10:18 AM
As a teacher, I've seen hundreds of kids who think they are "stupid" because everyone has been telling them that that if you get D's and F's, you are an idiot and you won't be successful. It's a terrible thing education does to children and I wish grades would disappear altogether. If there's one thing I truly believe after educating children, it's that everyone has unique abilities, and is useful. There are plenty of people who aren't good at school, and I wish there were more options for that type of student, but there is no reason why the same people can't be good at life (which is NOTHING like school).

It sounds to me like you haven't really found your work that rewarding or interesting. I can appreciate that, having worked probably a dozen different jobs myself. What was the best job you've ever had, and if it isn't your current job, why did you stop doing it? Have you considered writing down your ideas, since you don't necessarily seem interested in talking with others? I kept a journal for about 5 years where I just wrote whatever I was thinking whenever I was bored or frustrated. No one has ever read it except me, but I found it really helpful to get the ideas out of my head and down on paper (digital paper of course).

I tried a journal but it felt more like a job than something to do for myself. I should try it again but the last thing I can afford is a book to write in. No I will not do it online, I think that if you put something online it lasts forever and everyone will see it. I don't want people seeing my inner thoughts (I may be put away).

Hey CI. I agree with you the "money does not matter" (or "all you need is love") comments are off base, and usually come from people who have plenty of money. I don't think money is enough to be happy. (I have enough money but am still not very happy). On the other hand, it is hard to be happy if you are struggling economically. I mean some people can do that, I guess -- people who do not mind living in poverty. But there are not many of them... And economic stress exacerbates anxiety.

I am not surprised by what you say about trying to get a job. The job market is pretty tough these days. They say the economy is good. But it is not good for everyone.

Are you being sufficiently proactive about getting a job? I ask because I know some people who are discouraged about the job situation, and that causes them to lose energy and be less proactive. Other people seem really energetic about the job search, going around town asking for jobs, applying for at least 5 jobs every week, asking everyone they know to help find opportunities, etc.

Does your community have a jobs office? Are there local job training programs in fields you might be interested in? Is there a local community college that has programs that could lead to a job?

I have literally worked hundreds of jobs in my life (I think I may have mentioned that already, I forget). Anyway, I really didn't find any of my jobs as fun. A lot of them were when I was younger and I hated any kind of work. Anything I am forced to do is distasteful to me. I have no problem doing things I want to do or like but being forced to work to survive is just wrong to me. There were a few jobs that I found less work like but they didn't last long for one reason or another.

I am not really being proactive. It took me over a week to get together a one page resume and post it to some job sites and a couple of potential companies. I haven't sent it to many companies yet. I feel sick when I think about sending in an application or my resume. Although finding a job now is a bit easier all these companies are doing everything online. So really it's either filling out an online application or sending in a resume. To tell the truth I didn't think I would have to find a job. My brother works for a corporate parts store and told me he would talk to his boss about my application. It seems I am not getting past the evaluation the company has as part of their online application. Kinda proving I am not hireable.

I do not know if there is a jobs office or training programs around. I would think there is but I am too old to try and learn something new especially if it means going to school.

07-25-2014, 10:55 AM
If you knew my grades in school you would understand. I barely graduated high school and spent most of my summers in summer school. It has become appearant to me recently that I am not smart because I am searching for a job. I have no discernible skills, talents or knowledge that recruiters are looking for. So finding a job has been impossible, it seems they need someone a bit smarter than I.

Academics do not translate into true intelligence. Intelligence is learnt and built knowledge that sticks with you over time and you apply it to everyday life. School is about short term memorization in order to get through that test you know is coming up. And then repeat that process for mid terms and finals. Those things usually are not retained unless they're skill specific and can't even be applied in real life situations.

You honestly sound just like myself. I went through high school indifferent towards people. I was bullied from 3rd to 9th grade for being different and not really talking to people. I never understood why people would act towards me the way they did until I met someone that was able to teach me about myself. I came to understand that I am an intelligent person, years of observation turned me into someone that carefully formulates ideas based on previous ideas and the idea of future likelihood. It started to make sense to me why I never followed the most popular trend In school. Or how I was able to psycho analyze people I've never met before. This has only evolved into a stronger me. I can tell you someone's story after knowing them just for a short amount of time. I have been complimented and told that people are attracted to me due to my intellect. My intellect carries over into my confidence, that's how I built my confidence through thought building. Once again something I have been complimented and admired for.

I hope you understand what I'm getting through with this. You're clearly someone who is focused on the idea that you're not smart enough to be worth anything. As I said above we are very similar in how we started out and look at the results I've got. You can have the same for you, believe me when I say you just need to start believing that you are intelligent and from there on you can apply those beliefs to other areas that need work.

The thing you need to do is step out of your comfort zone. Do you work in a place where you can small chat with customers? Start asking them where they're from and how their day is going. Make it a regular routine as part of your normal duties. You don't need to have a full conversation, but those two aspects of free conversation will begin to build confidence and you'll naturally start to learn how to Conversate from there. Don't doubt what I've said until you've done that a few times. I'm confident you'll see it start to work. It takes a couple of days, but it'll get easier each passing day.

creative ineptitude
07-25-2014, 11:58 AM
Academics do not translate into true intelligence. Intelligence is learnt and built knowledge that sticks with you over time and you apply it to everyday life. School is about short term memorization in order to get through that test you know is coming up. And then repeat that process for mid terms and finals. Those things usually are not retained unless they're skill specific and can't even be applied in real life situations.

You honestly sound just like myself. I went through high school indifferent towards people. I was bullied from 3rd to 9th grade for being different and not really talking to people. I never understood why people would act towards me the way they did until I met someone that was able to teach me about myself. I came to understand that I am an intelligent person, years of observation turned me into someone that carefully formulates ideas based on previous ideas and the idea of future likelihood. It started to make sense to me why I never followed the most popular trend In school. Or how I was able to psycho analyze people I've never met before. This has only evolved into a stronger me. I can tell you someone's story after knowing them just for a short amount of time. I have been complimented and told that people are attracted to me due to my intellect. My intellect carries over into my confidence, that's how I built my confidence through thought building. Once again something I have been complimented and admired for.

I hope you understand what I'm getting through with this. You're clearly someone who is focused on the idea that you're not smart enough to be worth anything. As I said above we are very similar in how we started out and look at the results I've got. You can have the same for you, believe me when I say you just need to start believing that you are intelligent and from there on you can apply those beliefs to other areas that need work.

The thing you need to do is step out of your comfort zone. Do you work in a place where you can small chat with customers? Start asking them where they're from and how their day is going. Make it a regular routine as part of your normal duties. You don't need to have a full conversation, but those two aspects of free conversation will begin to build confidence and you'll naturally start to learn how to Conversate from there. Don't doubt what I've said until you've done that a few times. I'm confident you'll see it start to work. It takes a couple of days, but it'll get easier each passing day.

You seem like a confident person. I have never been nor will I ever be confident in myself. And right now I am not working. Talking to people is what I try to avoid. Nothing worse than when someone just randomly starts talking to me. There was only one time I really enjoyed talking to strangers. I was food shopping with a friend of mine. Out of nowhere all these women were talking to us. It slowly dawned on me these women thought we were gay and probably felt less threatened and/or comfortable talk to us and asking questions about some food stuffs. It took a minute for my friend to realize what was going on and that I was perpetuating the situation. From that moment on he said we will no longer go food shopping together, I have no idea why he would say that though, lol.

07-25-2014, 12:11 PM
You seem like a confident person. I have never been nor will I ever be confident in myself. And right now I am not working. Talking to people is what I try to avoid. Nothing worse than when someone just randomly starts talking to me. There was only one time I really enjoyed talking to strangers. I was food shopping with a friend of mine. Out of nowhere all these women were talking to us. It slowly dawned on me these women thought we were gay and probably felt less threatened and/or comfortable talk to us and asking questions about some food stuffs. It took a minute for my friend to realize what was going on and that I was perpetuating the situation. From that moment on he said we will no longer go food shopping together, I have no idea why he would say that though, lol.

You went the negative route by believing they were only speaking to you for a certain reason. What does it matter what attracted them to you in the first place? Would it matter if you really were gay? You need to quit wondering "why" and learn to accept that things happen and they happen for a reason. And if you did know the reason as to why, only you allowing yourself to put it negatively is what turns it into one. Why not be charmed by the idea that someone enjoyed the idea of you being gay? Men viewed as gay but without flamboyance simply exhibit softer features. Another secret, ever wonder why women tend to like women more often than men like men? Because the human mind WANTS to feel cared for , and the fragile mind certainly wants to feel like it can be calmed down. Aggressive people are the ones who want the bad boy image and attitude. Guess what, you can certainly do both.

You keep negatively associating yourself to your thoughts. I'm telling you that you need to reverse that I to positive instead. He'll, you don't even have to believe in what you're doing. FAKE it! It will turn into real confidence. I know you're willing to try , and as much as you doubt yourself if you really didn't want to change you wouldn't be here in the first place! You've already taken your first steps perhaps less consciously. Time to start making those concious efforts.

creative ineptitude
07-25-2014, 01:24 PM
You went the negative route by believing they were only speaking to you for a certain reason. What does it matter what attracted them to you in the first place? Would it matter if you really were gay? You need to quit wondering "why" and learn to accept that things happen and they happen for a reason. And if you did know the reason as to why, only you allowing yourself to put it negatively is what turns it into one. Why not be charmed by the idea that someone enjoyed the idea of you being gay? Men viewed as gay but without flamboyance simply exhibit softer features. Another secret, ever wonder why women tend to like women more often than men like men? Because the human mind WANTS to feel cared for , and the fragile mind certainly wants to feel like it can be calmed down. Aggressive people are the ones who want the bad boy image and attitude. Guess what, you can certainly do both.

You keep negatively associating yourself to your thoughts. I'm telling you that you need to reverse that I to positive instead. He'll, you don't even have to believe in what you're doing. FAKE it! It will turn into real confidence. I know you're willing to try , and as much as you doubt yourself if you really didn't want to change you wouldn't be here in the first place! You've already taken your first steps perhaps less consciously. Time to start making those concious efforts.

I did not mean for the gay thing to be negative. I know the reason why those women talked to us, they thought we were gay, that and my friend is a friendly person. I did not think I made it sound like a negative statement.

Is it so wrong to know I am not a certain type of person? I know I will not be confident in anything I do. I really just want to get rid of the headaches, stomache aches and get back some of the energy I used to have. I am tired of being tired. I am very accepting of being a nobody and doing nothing. Just like there are people who know they are writers, race car drivers or police officers, I know what I am.

07-25-2014, 02:42 PM
I agree -- it did not sound like you were saying anything negative about gay people or about the fact that someone may have thought you were gay.

With respect to the more important issue -- whether it is OK for you to be resigned to lacking confidence, doing nothing, etc. Sure, I guess so, IF you are happy with it.

If a guy said to you "is it OK if I spend all day, every day, walking around a track, 13 hours a day, with my only breaks being to drink grapefruit juice and eat turkey sandwiches," you would probably say "does not sound like much fun to me, but sure, if it makes you happy, go for it."

And I would say the same thing to do you about not communicating much with people, not doing much of anything, etc. If that is what makes you happy, who am I to judge. BUT FOR ONE THING: I really doubt you are satisfied with that. And if you are not satisfied with it, then resolve to change it. Maybe talking with people is hard and you don't feel like being more proactive in the job search. But maybe you should go do these things anyway -- even if they are hard for you -- and even if you don't feel like it. (I do a lot of stuff that is hard for me and that I don't like). Maybe you should push yourself a bit, beyond your comfort zone, in an effort to make your life better. It might be tough for you in the short term, but really beneficial after that.

On the other hand, if I am wrong and you are perfectly happy with who you are and what you are doing, then that is great and you have no need for any change.

Whatever you decide, I wish you all the best.

creative ineptitude
07-25-2014, 03:35 PM
I agree -- it did not sound like you were saying anything negative about gay people or about the fact that someone may have thought you were gay.

With respect to the more important issue -- whether it is OK for you to be resigned to lacking confidence, doing nothing, etc. Sure, I guess so, IF you are happy with it.

If a guy said to you "is it OK if I spend all day, every day, walking around a track, 13 hours a day, with my only breaks being to drink grapefruit juice and eat turkey sandwiches," you would probably say "does not sound like much fun to me, but sure, if it makes you happy, go for it."

And I would say the same thing to do you about not communicating much with people, not doing much of anything, etc. If that is what makes you happy, who am I to judge. BUT FOR ONE THING: I really doubt you are satisfied with that. And if you are not satisfied with it, then resolve to change it. Maybe talking with people is hard and you don't feel like being more proactive in the job search. But maybe you should go do these things anyway -- even if they are hard for you -- and even if you don't feel like it. (I do a lot of stuff that is hard for me and that I don't like). Maybe you should push yourself a bit, beyond your comfort zone, in an effort to make your life better. It might be tough for you in the short term, but really beneficial after that.

On the other hand, if I am wrong and you are perfectly happy with who you are and what you are doing, then that is great and you have no need for any change.

Whatever you decide, I wish you all the best.

Thank you, I know you are trying to help me out and give some advice. I just have no idea what I truly want or like. I don't like change it scares the poop out of me. You can say I have changed a lot over the years. It was a slow gradual thing that I did not even notice until I was well embedded into this life I have now. So here I sit and worry about what is going to happen. When I was younger I could care less about what was going to happen in the future, actually I thought I would have been dead by 24. To my disappointment I am 16 years past that and wil still be until I am dead from one of my health issues.

07-25-2014, 04:17 PM
No no no, I didn't mean that you were saying gay is bad. I meant that to you being viewed as gay was the negative because of how you associated it with yourself and the situation. Sorry about that!

07-25-2014, 04:19 PM
We are all going to die one of these days, and most of us will die from a "health issue." (I say "most" because occasionally something else happens -- a guy gets hit by a taxi or his plane gets shot down).

Seems to me the salient question is not when you will die -- nobody really knows the answer to that -- but what you want to do with the time you have left.

By the way, have you ever done any psychotherapy? You might find it helpful. I did.

Best wishes, Kuma

creative ineptitude
07-25-2014, 04:29 PM
No no no, I didn't mean that you were saying gay is bad. I meant that to you being viewed as gay was the negative because of how you associated it with yourself and the situation. Sorry about that!

No problem, I think there was a bit of misunderstanding on both our parts.

We are all going to die one of these days, and most of us will die from a "health issue." (I say "most" because occasionally something else happens -- a guy gets hit by a taxi or his plane gets shot down).

Seems to me the salient question is not when you will die -- nobody really knows the answer to that -- but what you want to do with the time you have left.

By the way, have you ever done any psychotherapy? You might find it helpful. I did.

Best wishes, Kuma

Never heard of psychotherapy, so I am going to say no. I have not really done much to try and figure out what is going on with me. Just really couldn't afford it nor at the time I didn't have the time to do anything either.

07-25-2014, 04:33 PM
What are you're hobbies, interests ?

How's your say been?

creative ineptitude
07-25-2014, 04:52 PM
What are you're hobbies, interests ?

How's your say been?

I play video games, watch movies/tv, I play darts although lately I have not been really motivated to play even though I have all the time in the world to practice. I like to crab and fish but tanks to some health issues (I haven't done any of that in years).

My say? I do not get that one, sorry.

07-25-2014, 04:59 PM
I think he meant "how has your day been"? (just typed "say" by mistake, I assume)

Psychotherapy is talking with a psychologist (or other similar professionals -- a counselor, licensed social worker, etc.). These are professionals who are trained to help people figure out what they want out of life, how to be happier, how to deal with issues that are impeding their success or enjoyment of life, etc. (Psychiatrists do some of the same things, and are also able to prescribe medications, since they are medical doctors).

The cost of this sort of thing is an issue -- though in some cases you can get this sort of help at a reduced cost or even for free.

creative ineptitude
07-25-2014, 05:09 PM
I think he meant "how has your day been"? (just typed "say" by mistake, I assume)

Psychotherapy is talking with a psychologist (or other similar professionals -- a counselor, licensed social worker, etc.). These are professionals who are trained to help people figure out what they want out of life, how to be happier, how to deal with issues that are impeding their success or enjoyment of life, etc. (Psychiatrists do some of the same things, and are also able to prescribe medications, since they are medical doctors).

The cost of this sort of thing is an issue -- though in some cases you can get this sort of help at a reduced cost or even for free.

OK my day has gone like all my other days since becoming unemployed. I sat around watched tv and cruised the world wide webs. I didnt play any video games (yet). It's odd when I worked I really didn't eat much becuase of how lazy I am. But now I get food stamps and I actually drag myself to the store and get some food items. Now I eat all day, it has not been a good thing. My head and stomach have really been bothering me more and more. My thing is even though I wasn't eating much I still am fat. When I worked out and was trying to be healthy a few years ago, I started to gain weight. Very frustrating.