View Full Version : Does This Eventually Go Away?!?!

07-24-2014, 01:46 PM
So I keep having intrusive thoughts of not being in reality. Like I'm actually locked up somewhere and not actually in "reality". This all came about after a panic attack on weed.
My physical reaction to this has kind of went away but i still get that thought which drives me nuts and does cause some level of anxiety.

Does this go away?? I mean really... I find the thought ludicrous but on the other hand cant stop thinking about all day every day.

This sucks.

creative ineptitude
07-24-2014, 06:18 PM
Have you seen someone about this? Do you smoke often? Maybe quitting for a little while may help. I always thought weed made people paranoid? Maybe it triggered something in you if this was your first time smoking? I wish I could tell you it will go away (I am sure it will) either way you should try to see someone.

07-24-2014, 06:26 PM
Not it doesn't just go away, but you can get past it where it can be 100% be gone from you, but you have to get in the driver's seat and make it happen.

07-24-2014, 06:33 PM
Your fear causes it to stay in your mind. The best advice I can give is to let go. You're at an early stage of anxiety and the fear of it getting worse will make that happen. But don't panic about that, the same way it started is how you'll get rid of it. Just positive ideas instead! Instead of "why does this feel unreal" you think "what can I do to feel I'm in reality". Keep it up and your mind will give you the answers.

Try to understand what it is you fear, and why you have that thought. Understanding why you have anxiety is an important part in beating it.

07-24-2014, 07:08 PM
Thanks all for the responses everyone. This is maybe the 8th time in all that I've ever smoked weed (I'm 33). This is also the first time that I've ever had a negative side effect. I think just too potent weed and too much.

I'm really trying to just let go and forget. It gets tough though cuz the question of "is this real" pops in every day and multiple times in the day. To tell you the truth, idk why.

I will say that I seem better now than when it originally started but I have some progress to make. I really just want to punch this thing in the face. Also, I'm never smoking again.

I am seeing a therapist (idk how much he is helping since i've been seeing him for a month of this 2month hell). I will say that I'm not on anxiety meds anylonger. For the first two weeks after I was in a constant state of panic, couldnt sleep, and thought i was having a heart attack. So after some meds to calm me down, and weening myself off of them, the physical symptoms are gone. I just gotta get this mental roadblock gone.

07-24-2014, 10:15 PM
Brother, you are in the exact mindset you need to be in to overcome your problems! And guess what? It doesn't end there, you can apply your mindset to anything you want to improve on and grow to be a better version of yourself. Now tell me that doesn't sound incredible! Just stay on the path you're on, you've made incredible progress already.

07-25-2014, 06:13 AM
Xerosnake90, thanks for your words. Its been tough but I agree I think it can be done and without the help of meds. I tend to be very hard headed and do things on my own accord which is probably why i feel the work of the therapist to be marginally beneficial. However, it still good at the fact that I'm talking to someone.

Im going to continue to immerse myself in social situations and force myself to laugh until this all becomes a distant memory. Hoping for the best!

07-25-2014, 11:02 PM
Thanks all for the responses everyone. This is maybe the 8th time in all that I've ever smoked weed (I'm 33). This is also the first time that I've ever had a negative side effect. I think just too potent weed and too much.

I'm really trying to just let go and forget. It gets tough though cuz the question of "is this real" pops in every day and multiple times in the day. To tell you the truth, idk why.

I will say that I seem better now than when it originally started but I have some progress to make. I really just want to punch this thing in the face. Also, I'm never smoking again.

I am seeing a therapist (idk how much he is helping since i've been seeing him for a month of this 2month hell). I will say that I'm not on anxiety meds anylonger. For the first two weeks after I was in a constant state of panic, couldnt sleep, and thought i was having a heart attack. So after some meds to calm me down, and weening myself off of them, the physical symptoms are gone. I just gotta get this mental roadblock gone.

Oh are your symptoms are triggered by smoking weed? That is very common. For some people smoking marijuana blasts them into full panic attack. Especially if you get a few good hits in, this can bring on a massive panic attack. Why this doesn't happen to some but happens to and others, I don't know. Many people smoke weed and it relaxes them, others it is like being shot up with adrenaline in sever anxiety. Not sure why. What I do know is no matter how much anxiety pot can cause you, it isn't harmful and you will come down. But weed isn't for everyone, especially the stuff now it so incredible strong. If it ever happens again, know you will come down and try and not work yourself up into a frenzy. It will fade.

07-27-2014, 01:10 PM
PanicCured, yes. Unfortunately I made a foolish choice of trying to relive my college days for a night. Thats what I get lol. I can tell its getting better. Little by little each day.

Its literally improvement on inches, not miles. However, I know if I can improve even a little each day, then I'll wake up at some point at 100%. Thats where my head is at the moment. That being said, I feel like at times my emotions are in a tornado. Thats probably the anxiety where its not bad enough to be literal anxiety, but enough to confuse emotions.

Looking for this to fade into oblivion.

Thanks for your words as well. Amazing how this post gets over 100 views yet so little comments. I truly value each and every one of you that took the time to post. It makes such a big difference for me to have the encouragement.

08-06-2014, 07:31 PM
PanicCured, yes. Unfortunately I made a foolish choice of trying to relive my college days for a night. Thats what I get lol. I can tell its getting better. Little by little each day.

Its literally improvement on inches, not miles. However, I know if I can improve even a little each day, then I'll wake up at some point at 100%. Thats where my head is at the moment. That being said, I feel like at times my emotions are in a tornado. Thats probably the anxiety where its not bad enough to be literal anxiety, but enough to confuse emotions.

Looking for this to fade into oblivion.

Thanks for your words as well. Amazing how this post gets over 100 views yet so little comments. I truly value each and every one of you that took the time to post. It makes such a big difference for me to have the encouragement.

Just to be clear, when I said it will fade, I was talking about when you are really high from weed, it will fade, not anxiety in general. Anxiety most likely needs to be worked at, mentally and physically. It can go away 100% but it doesn't just fade. Maybe it does, but that is not how it was for me. For me using the correct techniques, correct exercises and the mindset similar to what you have here is what led me to be anxiety free.

"I know if I can improve even a little each day, then I'll wake up at some point at 100%."
This is great and is so important to think like this. Your goal is 100% and you will get there. But most important is you do what needs to be done to actually get there.

08-07-2014, 07:14 AM
yeah, the initial attack was sparked by weed. for 2weeks after i was in constant panic/anxiety.

Today i still have some anxiety but its really on a day by day basis, not constant like it was before. It was explained to me that I interpretted this experience in a very negative way and am dealing with a form of PTSD because of it.

It seems to be fading, by just staying positive and really just trying to distance myself from the experience. Again, I still have days that I have anxiety and think those thoughts that nothing is real around me from time to time. This was all sparked by the weed experience as I've never had anxiety like this or these thoughts causing anxiety before.

I know that I'll have anxiety for whatever reason forever. Like anxiety about a new job, or presentation, or competitive events. I dont think I should be having this related anxiety due to the weed forever though. How that thought that nothing is real and clinging onto it got into my head... i have no clue, but I'm working at getting it out. When I do, my anxiety that I experience via weed will end.

08-07-2014, 08:53 AM
So I keep having intrusive thoughts of not being in reality. Like I'm actually locked up somewhere and not actually in "reality". This all came about after a panic attack on weed.
My physical reaction to this has kind of went away but i still get that thought which drives me nuts and does cause some level of anxiety.

Does this go away?? I mean really... I find the thought ludicrous but on the other hand cant stop thinking about all day every day.

This sucks.

One of the first panic attacks I ever had started on weed. I did have that feeling of not really being there for quite a while. Once I sorted some issues that were underneath, it slowly started to disappear. I am still dealing with some other issues, but that unreality feeling is totally gone now.

08-07-2014, 04:09 PM
Often what you were doing, smoking looking at, etc..., when an attack occurred is what sets it off again.

Your mind makes the association of that thing and fear so you get that ever so lovely adrenaline rush

Then you panic.

Anxiety is a dick

08-07-2014, 08:19 PM
Yeah i was in the back of an SUV coming back from a ball game when we lit the blunt. Funny you say that cuz this last time my anxiety kicked in i was driving to work.

I find the anxiety comes and goes now. Not dramatic spikes and dips, but like slowly comes on and stays for a day or two then slowly goes back away. Hopefully thats parts of the healing process.

Needless to say, I'm through with weed. I need and want to get my mind back