View Full Version : Bad morning

07-23-2014, 02:06 AM
High anxiety levels this morning, numb feeling in my arm and leg, feel like crap and depressed

07-23-2014, 03:16 AM
High anxiety levels this morning, numb feeling in my arm and leg, feel like crap and depressed

I feel your pain, I'm also quite anxious this morning. For me it is shaking and a lack of appetite at the moment. I am just trying to pretend I am floating at the moment, and just letting it happen. I might do some relaxation later to help relax. I don't know if this helps you in any way, but you know you're not alone.

07-23-2014, 04:41 AM
You're not alone! Waking up is one of the toughest times for people with anxiety and depression. Waking up and realizing I don't feel my best is tough. All I can say is meditation, believe in it and start practicing it. You can do it wherever and once it works for you and you're a believer, it's unbelievable just how much better it can make you feel. I do it to fall asleep, after I wake up and whenever I feel down or anxious. Peace of mind is the answer my friend.

07-23-2014, 05:04 AM
You're not alone! Waking up is one of the toughest times for people with anxiety and depression. Waking up and realizing I don't feel my best is tough. All I can say is meditation, believe in it and start practicing it. You can do it wherever and once it works for you and you're a believer, it's unbelievable just how much better it can make you feel. I do it to fall asleep, after I wake up and whenever I feel down or anxious. Peace of mind is the answer my friend.

Watch your expectations. You wake up feeling this way or that because before bed you expect to. I have bolded your belief and underlined it, showing you your thought process. It is not a fact of life now, and thus you could just as easily say "tomorrow I shall wake up refreshed and energetic to begin my day".

Going to bed with negative beliefs kicks in the impact of dreaming, you will dream fearfully (remembering or not), activating the nervous system into releasing chemicals to which you can then feel the effects of in the morning. Sleep activity and the body processes follow your expectations.

Meditation in conjunction with faulty beliefs is a coverup. To hide whats inside and pacify it, temporarily. Understanding this, you will wake up feeling badly regardless.

Changing your beliefs, in time, will change your morning experience, no matter the amount of meditation (a game in itself played out for drama effects), which then becomes a compliment, rather than a blanket, or temporary escape.

Now you must allow time for the new statement to dominate "I will awake refreshed" and thus seeing results in a matter of weeks or sooner. For you have spent much time practicing the belief "waking up is the toughest time...." and thus over time that has become dominant, and involuntary.

Lastly, you do not have to look deeper for beliefs, changing the conscious one will have an effect across the board, so to speak, automatically changing others associated with it.

You create your life based on your expectations, no exceptions. So open your eyes, all of you. That is my intent for those reading this thread.

End of post.

07-23-2014, 02:57 PM
I kind of get the mind over matter thing but its not that easy for everyone. There are so many factors that may be in ones mind which will makes it difficult to address. Don't get me wrong...you MUST always think positive and "expect" good things to happen.

07-24-2014, 05:12 AM
Watch your expectations. You wake up feeling this way or that because before bed you expect to. I have bolded your belief and underlined it, showing you your thought process. It is not a fact of life now, and thus you could just as easily say "tomorrow I shall wake up refreshed and energetic to begin my day".

Going to bed with negative beliefs kicks in the impact of dreaming, you will dream fearfully (remembering or not), activating the nervous system into releasing chemicals to which you can then feel the effects of in the morning. Sleep activity and the body processes follow your expectations.

Meditation in conjunction with faulty beliefs is a coverup. To hide whats inside and pacify it, temporarily. Understanding this, you will wake up feeling badly regardless.

Changing your beliefs, in time, will change your morning experience, no matter the amount of meditation (a game in itself played out for drama effects), which then becomes a compliment, rather than a blanket, or temporary escape.

Now you must allow time for the new statement to dominate "I will awake refreshed" and thus seeing results in a matter of weeks or sooner. For you have spent much time practicing the belief "waking up is the toughest time...." and thus over time that has become dominant, and involuntary.

Lastly, you do not have to look deeper for beliefs, changing the conscious one will have an effect across the board, so to speak, automatically changing others associated with it.

You create your life based on your expectations, no exceptions. So open your eyes, all of you. That is my intent for those reading this thread.

End of post.

You must remember that anxiety at its deepest is a subconcious idea. While I agree that molding expectations to wake up refreshed is not only an excellent idea, it's not one that will be planted immediately. And until it is planted, your sub concious mind takes over while you sleep. Thus the reason I mention it is tough to wake up without feeling depressed or anxious.

They key role of meditation is to induce the calm your body and mind need before you sleep. Which not only allows falling asleep to come much easier, but also prepares the mind and body for a peaceful slumber. Meditation in the morning is once again, to prepare your mind and body for the day ahead. As well as calming down the body and mind whenever someone feels necessary to do so.

This is not a cure, as you stated expectations are part of the guide. Not only that but our beliefs dictate how we feel. Retraining of thought process alleviates anxiety as well as allowing a person to become more of a person than they've ever been. Granted, if you believe you'll wake up feeling terrible you will. Don't wake up to waste your will power on negative thoughts, transform your mind to a peaceful state and use that energy on correcting the problem.

As said above as well, it's not as easy for some people. It's a struggle for a reason, but with the right guidelines you can overcome yourself in no time . They key is to believe it :)

07-26-2014, 05:12 AM
Just woke up. My heart is racing & stomach is in knots. Maybe will try to meditate to calm down. Awful way to wake up.