View Full Version : Help taking medication.

07-22-2014, 05:06 PM
I found out two years ago I have hypothyroidism. I didn't take the meds for it and I have been feeling awful. I have a fear of taking medications, mainly for the fact I fear having a panic attack over it. Like having side effects might give me panic or just taking them. I have made great strides. I used to have a weird food disorder that would make me Leary eating certain foods and I got over that. I had a bad panic attack last week and it's messed me up again. Feeling anxious and weak and tired. I just feel like I don't have the energy to handle medication even if it ends up helping me. Just feel like I can't handle any effects or stress.

Any advice on what to do?
The popular answer is to try it and see and it'll probably end up helping. That hasn't worked this far and I know it's all I can really do in the long run.

07-22-2014, 05:30 PM
You should see your doc and take your thyroid medication. I have a pill phobia too, but I chose to take medication for my blood pressure and its even helped my anxiety. Thyroid symptoms and anxiety symptoms are similar and when your thyroid is out of whack it exacerbates anxiety. If you take your thyroid medication, you may find your cure to anxiety. Just a thought. :)

07-22-2014, 05:50 PM
You should see your doc and take your thyroid medication. I have a pill phobia too, but I chose to take medication for my blood pressure and its even helped my anxiety. Thyroid symptoms and anxiety symptoms are similar and when your thyroid is out of whack it exacerbates anxiety. If you take your thyroid medication, you may find your cure to anxiety. Just a thought. :)
Thank you. You're very helpful. I know the benefits will outweigh the fear and probably any side effects. I just took tums for the first time in a long time and had no issues. I know it's mainly calcium and just a tablet but it was a big step for me. I just have to find the courage.

07-22-2014, 06:38 PM
Of all medications, synthroid is the most benign one out there. All is does is replace what your body does naturally. It doesn't treat the thyroid, it replicates what your thyroid should be doing. It's nothing to taking it. However, the big deal is you have to take it on an empty stomach, which is a pain to me. I take Buspar and Lexapro along with the Synthoid.

07-23-2014, 01:49 PM
Of all medications, synthroid is the most benign one out there. All is does is replace what your body does naturally. It doesn't treat the thyroid, it replicates what your thyroid should be doing. It's nothing to taking it. However, the big deal is you have to take it on an empty stomach, which is a pain to me. I take Buspar and Lexapro along with the Synthoid.
Very encouraging, thank you. I know any type of side effect is rare and usually subtle enough. I'm getting really close. I have a vitamin d deficiency also and was worried about taking even those. I got gummies though and have no issues. I just need to try and see.

07-23-2014, 09:24 PM
Good for you. I know so many people who take Synthroid, even a former First Lady (Barbara Bush) takes it. It's not bad.
If only the Lexapro and Buspar didn't have side effects for me. (sigh)