View Full Version : Help..Does anyone else have this similar sensation??

07-22-2014, 01:50 PM

I first started getting this strange sensation a couple months ago. The first time, i was just sitting writing a test and a weird sensation went through my whole body (almost like a rush of this awful sensation /tingle/strange feeling coming over me my feet to my head)..that then sent me into a panic because i wasnt sure what it was. It happened again shortly after when i was sitting in a room talking to two people, all of a sudden, in the middle of my sentence, the weird feeling crept up my body and i completely forgot what i was saying. The sensation only lasts like 10-20 seconds but it is awfully scary... MY neurologist did a couple tests in his office and said that he doesnt suspect anything serious and he said anxiety. But, im waiting for the MRI and EEG.Since then, i have developed a host of strange symptoms because i was scared that it was a sezuire or something. Along with weird physical sensations (leg numb, feet tingling, arm numb etc) I have also had panic attacks but nothing like those weird sensation through my body. Does anyone ever get a similar sensation through the body? Does it sound like panic attacks? Im also seeing a psyciatrist on the side and many of my physical symptoms have lifted but im really concerned about the weird sensation that went through my body because it felt really scary. I cant shake the feeling that it was a partial seizure or something because it doesnt seem like it could be a panic attack.

07-22-2014, 04:07 PM
Hey hey. :) This very exact thing has sent me running to the ER on three occasions. It has happened to me countless times, but somehow was able to maintain a bit of rational thinking that kept me running for the doctor. You're description of how you feel is exactly how I would feel. The first time it happened to me was the worst. I was absolutely sure I was dying. I was at work. I'm the weekday nightshift at a mental health group home. It was Christmas Eve this past year. I was completing progress notes when all of a sudden.....BOOM!!! This feeling flooded completely over me, started in my head and clear down to my toes. I packed up, checked the on call schedule, and headed to the hospital. My hands felt very fumbly. I had a very hard time dialing the on call girl's phone number. My panic was full force when I walked through the door. I had a time forming and thinking of words. This is when I was certain I'd had a stroke. It was terrifying. I don't know how many attacks like that I've had. But its been more than a few-three to four times a week since.. My last attack was in June. The beginning of June.
Being very hyper vigilant about how my body feels, I began to notice several things happened to me physically before this rush happened. I would feel very nervous, fidgety. My thoughts would race. I was feeling like this one night in June, again at work. I took a deep breath and said to myself "This is happening. It's gonna suck but t it's happening." I stood up. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and it hit. Accepting it did d something. At one point during that last attack I willed myself to fly. I thought for a moment I might be successful but then I realized that I was still at work and had a bit of a laugh at myself. Fly. Haha. There was no fear, there was no panic. That was the last time it has happened. Know that this is something you come through. It sucks when it is happening. But I recommend you try to recall if there are any feelings that preceded your attacks. They are clues to your intervention and recovery. Good luck on your journey!

07-22-2014, 04:28 PM
Interesting! Thanks for the response. The only weird thing for me is that its so quick.. it usually lasts 10 seconds so there isnt enough time for me to say "calm down you are fine" like i can normally do when i have different types of panic attacks. The sensation comes over me without warning and goes so quickly. I do get into a full blown panic attack aftter that, but thats because in my mind im thinking "oh my ive just had a seziure"

For example, one time when it happened, i was in the dollar store walking down one of the isles. It stopped me dead in my tracks and i couldnt move till the feeling passed over me (As i said its very quick). Then i ran out of the store because i was scared.

07-22-2014, 04:49 PM
The actual rush for me was over too very quickly. Its the panic after. I'm sorry that happens to you. But I'm also happy to know that I'm not the only one this happens to. :)

07-22-2014, 04:51 PM
." I stood up. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and it hit. Accepting it did d something. At one point during that last attack I willed myself to fly.

And indeed you could have. At that moment.

07-22-2014, 04:53 PM
I think I've been having this the last couple of days. Weird slipping/rushing feeling in your head, like you've become detached from yourself for a few seconds, spreads down to your body? Yup. Anxiety. What a biatch. Horrible but harmless. :)

07-22-2014, 05:58 PM
I think I've been having this the last couple of days. Weird slipping/rushing feeling in your head, like you've become detached from yourself for a few seconds, spreads down to your body? Yup. Anxiety. What a biatch. Horrible but harmless. :)

Mine doesnt start in my head but you explained the feeling pretty well! Mines the opposite goes from the bottom up.