View Full Version : Shaking and weak, anyone else please share with me

07-22-2014, 09:38 AM
I am freaking out. This started with me waking up random nights with shaking, sweating, heart beating hard and arms feeling weird like they were heavy.

That led to insomnia and being scared to go to bed. I finally slept the last couple nights which is a first in a few months. I am still tired form the time I get up out of bed though and never feel rested any more. Also I cry over everything.

Now I am pretty much shaking every day, most of the day and my legs and arms feel weak, sort of like they are hard to control. Also I get sore arms sometimes now. My neck gets pain, my lower back get pain, sometimes my middle back gets pain. Sometimes I have nausea.

I noticed before I was shaking daily that things like being afraid of the weather or getting in a argument or high stress would bring on the shaking during the day.

I thought maybe this was mostly anxiety or a lot of it anxiety but the Dr. is sending me out for a neuro exam and they did find an abnormal issue in the MRI. Evidently I have some inflammation deep in my brain. That may or may not have anything to do with this I don't know yet.

Anyway I would like to hear from others who have shaking and weakness from anxiety. I am so afraid.

I've been to the ER early on 2 times, seen my regular Dr. several times. had labs ran a few times for general things. Now had the MRI of the brain done and to see the neuro next on Monday.