View Full Version : Devotion

07-22-2014, 06:55 AM
Hi All... I do a Christian devotion every morning & this one brought me a lot of peace. I realize we are all of different faiths/beliefs but I thought I would share in case it helps anyone else...

Bring me all your feelings, even the ones you wish you didn't have. Fear and anxiety still plague you. Feelings per se are not sinful, but they can be temptations to sin. Blading missiles of fear fly at you day and night; these attacks from the evil one come at you relentlessly. Use your shield of faith to extinguish those flaming arrows. Affirm your trust in Me, regardless of how you feel. If you persist, your feelings will eventually fall in line with your faith.
Do not hide from fear or pretend it isn't there. Anxiety that you hide in the recess of your heart will give birth to fear of fear: a monstrous stepchild. Bring your anxieties out into the Light of My Presence, where we can deal with them together. Concentrate on trusting Me, and fearfulness will gradually lose it's foothold within you.

**again, just sharing because it gave me some peace & I'm hoping it can help someone else too. Please keep replies positive ;)

07-22-2014, 08:25 AM
There it started again ;)))))))))

07-22-2014, 08:33 AM
Agita, it's from "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young, July 19th. Is there a particular Psalm you like?

Dahlia, again, not trying to push Christianity on anyone just sharing something positive that helped me. We are all suffering, not everything is for everyone but I support any faith, practice, supplement, therapy that helps bring healing.

We all deserve peace & I hope we all find it in whatever way suits us ;)

07-22-2014, 09:22 AM
Agita, it's from "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young, July 19th. Is there a particular Psalm you like?

Dahlia, again, not trying to push Christianity on anyone just sharing something positive that helped me. We are all suffering, not everything is for everyone but I support any faith, practice, supplement, therapy that helps bring healing.

We all deserve peace & I hope we all find it in whatever way suits us ;)

Especially on Anxiety Forum; forum that suppose to help everyone not the
You guys post whatever you want I am out of here so other senior members and newbies , they come and go when they see what happening here. Usually you post for two people. Have a wonderful and peaceful day guys:)

07-22-2014, 09:36 AM
The "chosen"... Not sure where you got that from but I definitely do not believe in such a thing. No one person is better than another. I'm very sorry if I offended you.

07-22-2014, 06:26 PM
I was about to ask if this was from Jesus Calling! I love that devo and read it every single day. I have shared it with some friends and it really helps them as well. Thanks for sharing and don't worry about the folks who get upset about your post. What you posted was great and in no way pushing anything on anyone. I'm sure many on this forum benefitted from reading it. Keep them coming :)

07-22-2014, 07:26 PM
Thank you nf... I really appreciate that. Yes, it is a great devotion & brings me a lot of comfort. There are certain entries that I read several times a day... Sometimes I feel like those passages are the only thing getting me through the day. Thanks again for your positivity ;)