View Full Version : Missed mm meds

07-21-2014, 09:08 AM
I was out last night & didn't have my Paxil so I couldn't take it. Should I take it now? I'm feeling weird..

07-21-2014, 09:17 AM
How long left until your normal dose time Brooke?

07-21-2014, 09:18 AM
How long left until your normal dose time Brooke?

I should've taken it at 11 last night

07-21-2014, 09:27 AM
take them now but in the next few days move the hour up so you are on regular schedule. I forgot the ones (twice) I take first thing in the morning BP meds, and you have to keep at the same time every 24 hours. They are beta blockers. Then I moved the time in 7 days so I am again on morning;)) You will be ok. I believe you take paxil at night cause it makes you sleepy.:)

07-21-2014, 09:29 AM
take them now but in the next few days move the hour up so you are on regular schedule. I forgot the ones (twice) I take first thing in the morning BP meds, and you have to keep at the same time every 24 hours. They are beta blockers. Then I moved the time in 7 days so I am again on morning;)) You will be ok. I believe you take paxil at night cause it makes you sleepy.:)

Okay thank you!!!!!

07-21-2014, 10:23 AM
It is a good idea to ask your doc or pharmacy this type of question. Internet forums are great but seeking medical advice from "random people on the internet" can be dangerous.

07-21-2014, 11:02 AM
Kuma it is common to miss a dose of meds, for whatever reason. Do you really think I would tell her that not knowing for sure? I am with GAD for over 40 years, who can beat me with the knowledge about meds? You guys know nothing about medication when I tried it all , I am not a random person on internet, I am not.
Finishing medical college in Canada does count for something, does it not?

Kuma you are very intelligent person, it is pleasure to read what you are posting. The only problem with you is; you think you know it all. I find you a kind of negative on everything....

07-21-2014, 12:42 PM
Dahila -

Thank you for your kind comments about my intelligence. And of course you are entitled to your opinion about whether I am "too negative." I don't see any reason to debate that issue with you.

I certainly do not think I "know it all." Indeed, I know relatively little. And the more I learn, the more I realize how little I know.

But one thing I do know is that when someone wants advice about whether to take, or not take, a missed dose of medication -- or has other questions about taking a medication that has been prescribed -- the best person to ask about that would be the prescribing physician or a qualified pharmacist.

You do not think of yourself as a "random person on the internet" because you know yourself and you obviously have enormous confidence in your own judgment. But to any of us who have not had the pleasure of meeting you in person, you are, in fact, a "random person on the internet." (Just as I am). And I don't think it is prudent for someone to take medical advice from random internet posters (like you or me) -- even those who purport to have relevant experience and/or medical knowledge -- when they can instead ask their physician or pharmacist.

But, look, the OP can do whatever she wants. If she prefers to take your medical advice -- even though she does not know who you are and presumably has no way to verify that you have the medical knowledge that you claim to have --then that is her prerogative. But I don't think it was out of line for me to suggest that calling her doctor or pharmacist would be a better approach.

Best wishes, kuma

07-21-2014, 04:02 PM
Kuma, You are right everyone has their opinion, in addition to this being a public forum. Now with that being said, Dahila's statement is also open to interpretation of the OP. So Dahila's statement being wrong or right is rightfully up to the OP to accept or reject. Just my opinion. Again I think OP is educated enough to make a decision to ask this question in the open to a public forum knowing full well she can ask a doctor too.

Again you are all right its an opinion so lets leave it at that rather than judge someones comment wrong or right.

07-21-2014, 04:03 PM
Ohhhh HAHAAH Dang... lately I have been feeling like a firefighter LOL anyways OP....... My "Opinion" I have missed my meds a couple of times, if its close, I just take it ASAP. IF its close to my next dose, I just skip it and take it normally.

07-21-2014, 05:16 PM
Thanks everyone!! I took it as soon as I got home this morning. All is well now! :)

07-21-2014, 07:52 PM
Kuma you are right in most of the statements. I was on Paxil and missed the dose many time, the answer from pharmacy or the doc was take one right now and move up or down one hour a day. Usually in 7 days you are on the schedule. I am on meds that is important to take them every 24 hours. Lately my doc suggested to move them to evening. How I asked, to move them up every day about one hour... Doc with 35 years of practice in the field and cardiologist to be exact.

I am not lying I like to read your posts you have and incredible potential, I hope you use it to do good :)) I am sure you do.
My education can be verified :) easily

07-21-2014, 09:42 PM
Thanks everyone!! I took it as soon as I got home this morning. All is well now! :)

Glad you're feeling better. Paxil's up there with Effexor. Brutal if you miss a dose!

07-23-2014, 12:25 PM
Woke up this morning with really bad anxiety. Is it because I missed my dose the other night?? :(

07-23-2014, 12:31 PM
You will have anxiety this morning because you have anxiety, right? Don't become reliant on meds is my advise :)
Woke up this morning with really bad anxiety. Is it because I missed my dose the other night?? :(

07-23-2014, 12:47 PM
You will have anxiety this morning because you have anxiety, right? Don't become reliant on meds is my advise :)

Yea but since being on my meds, I don't get it for no reason like I am this morning.

I know some people are anti meds & that's fine. But my meds saved me. So I'm totally fine with being reliant on them for now.

07-23-2014, 12:59 PM
Maybe It could be your meds, as the change has happened at the same time as not taking your meds? I'm no expert haha

07-23-2014, 01:02 PM
Maybe It could be your meds, as the change has happened at the same time as not taking your meds? I'm no expert haha

Yea that's what I'm thinking.. Wondering when I'll be back to regular lol

07-23-2014, 03:07 PM
You will have anxiety this morning because you have anxiety, right? Don't become reliant on meds is my advise :)

+1, Agreed...... Its not the meds...... its been in your system you have had it before... Just because of change you should not find a "Fault" Just say, oops I skipped it like I skipped a meal and move on =)

You can do!

07-23-2014, 03:30 PM
+1, Agreed...... Its not the meds...... its been in your system you have had it before... Just because of change you should not find a "Fault" Just say, oops I skipped it like I skipped a meal and move on =) You can do!

You're right :) thank you!

07-23-2014, 07:05 PM
Woke up this morning with really bad anxiety. Is it because I missed my dose the other night?? :(
Brooke it happens because you thinking about it and anxious as hell. You are fine, you are fine and you will be fine :))

07-23-2014, 11:17 PM
Brooke it happens because you thinking about it and anxious as hell. You are fine, you are fine and you will be fine :))

Thank you!!

It was only as soon as I woke up & got up. Then it went away.

07-24-2014, 07:04 AM
I get that at different times of day, I have no idea when the feelings of doom comes from. Still, I go on, so will you.
Anxiety does it to us;)) have a wonderful day and use some sun, it helps :))

07-24-2014, 03:04 PM
Hi y'all. Not disagreeing with anyone or anything on this board.......but Dahlia's advice was exactly correct. Of course checking with your pharmacist a good idea alwyas but this was a sort of 'need a quick answer' situation. As a health professional very familiar with psychopharmaceuticals I'd have given exactly the same advice and then encouraged a pharmacisit consult in the event this happens again. Oh, and usually when you pick up a presription there's a list of instructions about 4 miles long and in there somewhere will be instructions re what to do if you miss a dose. Good to hang on to those.