View Full Version : How do I deal with this??

07-20-2014, 05:10 PM
Hey guys

Long time since I've been on here. Mainly because I'm really busy with work and secondly, I've kept my anxiety levels at 0. Really good days.

I've been having one or two bad days, but that's just life. A sign that I'm a human. However, last 2 weeks, I've been going through some major depression. A close friend of mine just died in cancer.

First reaction to this was my fear. I started to think about me getting diagnosed with cancer and that lead me in to the fear of death etc etc. Not the smartest thing to do, but I couldn't control it. It was my fear that lead me right in to depression.

I feel dead, emotionally. I don't care about anything. I feel numb. I'm scared at the same time. I'm not suicidal or anything and I honestly love life too much. I know this is just a period in my life.

I've been exercising and I'm eating right. Sometimes I'm really happy. It's only at night that this wave of negative energy hits me - How do I deal with this?

Hope you're all doing good! :)


07-20-2014, 05:20 PM
Hey guys

Long time since I've been on here. Mainly because I'm really busy with work and secondly, I've kept my anxiety levels at 0. Really good days.

I've been having one or two bad days, but that's just life. A sign that I'm a human. However, last 2 weeks, I've been going through some major depression. A close friend of mine just died in cancer.

First reaction to this was my fear. I started to think about me getting diagnosed with cancer and that lead me in to the fear of death etc etc. Not the smartest thing to do, but I couldn't control it. It was my fear that lead me right in to depression.

I feel dead, emotionally. I don't care about anything. I feel numb. I'm scared at the same time. I'm not suicidal or anything and I honestly love life too much. I know this is just a period in my life.

I've been exercising and I'm eating right. Sometimes I'm really happy. It's only at night that this wave of negative energy hits me - How do I deal with this?

Hope you're all doing good! :)


Grieve. Sorry for your loss.

07-20-2014, 07:58 PM
Alias I lost my close friend to cancer 3 month ago or so, and I still can not think about it without fear. I imagine I am the next one. I would think it is normal reaction for us. Us = anxious people, the fear of death of unknown
I am sorry for your lost, and above me is an awesome advice; grieve... it takes some time..

07-21-2014, 06:36 AM
The world is full of events, experiences, some scary, some not. It is not your job to absorb all of it, like a sponge. It is your job to be selective, in what you take in, and thus create. You cannot stop the experiences of others, for it is their lessons.

"My close friend died of this or that, so I shall allow myself to grieve, to heal my emotions, which is good for me, but I will not picture self falling prey to the same conditions, which is not good for me"

"I can be selective in what I create in my life. It is just as frivolous to say, that tree has tree rot, I think I shall get that too!"

End of analogy, and of post.