View Full Version : Help - I'm terrified

06-05-2008, 04:40 PM
Today I’ve had the most frightening experience of my life.

I’ve been suffering from anxiety recently and getting severe chest pains along with other symptoms. I’ve been to hospital twice and the doctors have told me my heart appears to be alright.

Anyway, this morning I was lying in bed when all of a sudden I experienced a HUGE, crushing pain in my chest. The most horrible pain. It felt like someone was standing on me.

Because of my recent worry over the pains in my chest, I’ve been reading a lot about the signs and symptoms of heart-attacks. And this actually felt like I was having one. I was telling myself to fight it, to stay alive, I was sure I was going to die.

The worse thing about it was that I couldn’t move. My whole body was paralised and all could think about doing was getting to my phone and calling for help.

Then just as sudden as it started, it stopped. My chest pain reduced and I was able to move again. I’ve felt fine all day, but just very shaken up about it.

I don’t know what the hell happended. I cant afford to go to the doctor again. I’m abroad and have no insurance.

I’m flying back to the UK as soon as possible to get myself checked-out.

This can’t be anxiety can it? This has to be something actually wrong with my heart.Has ANYBODY experienced anything similar to this.


06-05-2008, 05:38 PM
Hi Harry, unfortunately anxiety/panic attacks can mimic heart attacks. Many of the symptoms are the same such as tightness in chest, hard to breath...numbness is fingers/arms from hyperventilating. I beleive everyone's body responds slightly differently to panic mode...the only thing you can do is goto your Doctor, get him to give you a full check up. If that is all clear...then you need to start on a plan to get your anxiety under control.