View Full Version : What on earth is wrong with me? Could it really be anxiety

07-20-2014, 04:29 AM
This might be a little long, sorry about it.

I've had the feeling lately that I'm just falling apart, both physically and mentally. I'm currently 17, studying in school. My grades and social life are falling badly due to my issues,which really troubles me a lot. :(

Physical issues: I have constant tremors through my body 24/7, most evident and obvious through my thumbs, trouble speaking clearly and jumbling up words, trouble focusing my eyes, and fatigue at times.

Mental issues: SEVERE brain fog...my memory is completely shot, I forget things almost immediately; can't concentrate/focus my brain (it's very loud and crowded and muddled in there), brief moments where I forget where I'm going; I lose track of conversations easily, have to have people repeat themselves, etc. I also just feel like I'm moving slower than everyone else, feeling very pathetic.

Tests done: MRI scan sometime in July 2013, clear
Complete bloodwork done in 2013, early 2014, nothing showed up.
Thyroid test clear
Sleep study done a month back-normal
Went to see an eye doctor, no issues found.

I was feeling kinda dizzy foggy headed at times and out of it since the end of 2012. At this point it was manageable and not being too detrimental to my life. However i feel uneasy about it. Went to see a GP, tested me for complete blood-work and thyroid, results came out fine. She then referred me to a psychiatrist, a neuro and an eye doctor. Psychiatrist prescribed me on Prozac for 8 months, with several increments in dose throughout the months. Did absolutely nothing to help the symptoms but zombify my feelings and make me feel sick sometimes. Neurologist appointment came, had a MRI and it came back clear, doctor diagnosed it as anxiety.

I admit i am a little stressed due to my upcoming major exam then, but nothing too huge to handle as i was coping rather well with my studies then. Symptoms worsened, tremors began, concentration was struck and i felt more dim-witted than before. Was prescribed Ritalin by psyc to help. Worked initially with nausea and insomnia as side effects, but after my exam into my new school term in 2014, it was no longer working. Was taken off the 2 meds afterwards, but symptoms of foggy head and tremors still remained.

Thought of sleep apnea as a possible cause, did sleep study. Sleep was alright. Put on Zoloft in April 2014, reduced my anxiety greatly but symptoms also remained. i honestly could not take this anymore. i often got scolded at work due to this and my grades are also affected. My parents are also not very rich and hesitant to continue letting me see anymore docs as they think its all in the mind. i managed to persuade them to let me see docs for at least another more year but i am lost at where to start. I cant get a girlfriend due to this and i feel so stupid and clumsy compared to my peers. I used to be rather bright and scored A's for high school, but now I'm failing most of my exams and cant listen in school at all. Could this be brain tumor?( Not sure how long the MRI would be valid for). What should i do? I really want my life back!! :( Any comments on this issue would be greatly appreciated, thanks! :)

Other relevant info: I'm Male, 17, from Singapore. Have struggled with these issues since 15. My mood has been rather low these days. Currently taking zoloft for anxiety. Brain fog cause me to take an hour to complete this post.

07-20-2014, 05:48 AM
This might be a little long, sorry about it.

I've had the feeling lately that I'm just falling apart, both physically and mentally. I'm currently 17, studying in school. My grades and social life are falling badly due to my issues,which really troubles me a lot. :(

Physical issues: I have constant tremors through my body 24/7, most evident and obvious through my thumbs, trouble speaking clearly and jumbling up words, trouble focusing my eyes, and fatigue at times.

Mental issues: SEVERE brain fog...my memory is completely shot, I forget things almost immediately; can't concentrate/focus my brain (it's very loud and crowded and muddled in there), brief moments where I forget where I'm going; I lose track of conversations easily, have to have people repeat themselves, etc. I also just feel like I'm moving slower than everyone else, feeling very pathetic.

Tests done: MRI scan sometime in July 2013, clear
Complete bloodwork done in 2013, early 2014, nothing showed up.
Thyroid test clear
Sleep study done a month back-normal
Went to see an eye doctor, no issues found.

I was feeling kinda dizzy foggy headed at times and out of it since the end of 2012. At this point it was manageable and not being too detrimental to my life. However i feel uneasy about it. Went to see a GP, tested me for complete blood-work and thyroid, results came out fine. She then referred me to a psychiatrist, a neuro and an eye doctor. Psychiatrist prescribed me on Prozac for 8 months, with several increments in dose throughout the months. Did absolutely nothing to help the symptoms but zombify my feelings and make me feel sick sometimes. Neurologist appointment came, had a MRI and it came back clear, doctor diagnosed it as anxiety.

I admit i am a little stressed due to my upcoming major exam then, but nothing too huge to handle as i was coping rather well with my studies then. Symptoms worsened, tremors began, concentration was struck and i felt more dim-witted than before. Was prescribed Ritalin by psyc to help. Worked initially with nausea and insomnia as side effects, but after my exam into my new school term in 2014, it was no longer working. Was taken off the 2 meds afterwards, but symptoms of foggy head and tremors still remained.

Thought of sleep apnea as a possible cause, did sleep study. Sleep was alright. Put on Zoloft in April 2014, reduced my anxiety greatly but symptoms also remained. i honestly could not take this anymore. i often got scolded at work due to this and my grades are also affected. My parents are also not very rich and hesitant to continue letting me see anymore docs as they think its all in the mind. i managed to persuade them to let me see docs for at least another more year but i am lost at where to start. I cant get a girlfriend due to this and i feel so stupid and clumsy compared to my peers. I used to be rather bright and scored A's for high school, but now I'm failing most of my exams and cant listen in school at all. Could this be brain tumor?( Not sure how long the MRI would be valid for). What should i do? I really want my life back!! :( Any comments on this issue would be greatly appreciated, thanks! :)

Other relevant info: I'm Male, 17, from Singapore. Have struggled with these issues since 15. My mood has been rather low these days. Currently taking zoloft for anxiety. Brain fog cause me to take an hour to complete this post.

Classic symptoms of the fear of criticism. People were/are overly critical of you, you are very hard on yourself. Make sure you raise it in therapy, and work on it. It began, early childhood, and ate at your psyche like a slow corrosive over time. Now, your life literally depends on your schoolwork. That is how you feel you will pay your parents back and make them proud, finally ending the constant critique in your own mind.

All of your symptoms are defensive, automatic, psychological protection against critique from outside influences. Even as you sat and typed your post, in your fog, your were terribly afraid of the possible criticism, trembling, blaming yourself. Not aware this is your deep issue, on the surface there is self hatred for your condition, and guilt, the plight of the human soul

Time to face the mirror.

Symptom list: (bring this post to your therapist, print it) -

SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS. Generally expressed through nervousness, timidity in conversation and in meeting strangers, awkward movement of the hands and limbs, shifting of the eyes.

LACK OF POISE. Expressed through lack of voice control, nervousness in the presence of others, poor posture of body, poor memory.

PERSONALITY. Lacking in firmness of decision, personal charm, and ability to express opinions definitely. The habit of side-stepping issues instead of meeting them squarely. Agreeing with others without careful examination of their opinions.

INFERIORITY COMPLEX. The habit of expressing self-approval by word of mouth and by actions, as a means of covering up a feeling of inferiority. Using "big words" to impress others, (often without knowing the real meaning of the words). Imitating others in dress, speech and manners. Boasting of imaginary achievements. This sometimes gives a surface appearance of a feeling of superiority.

EXTRAVAGANCE. The habit of trying to "keep up with the Joneses," spending beyond one's income.

LACK OF INITIATIVE. Failure to embrace opportunities for self-advancement, fear to express opinions, lack of confidence in one's own ideas, giving evasive answers to questions asked by superiors, hesitancy of manner and speech, deceit in both words and deeds.

LACK OF AMBITION. Mental and physical laziness, lack of self-assertion, slowness in reaching decisions, easily influenced by others, the habit of criticising others behind their backs and flattering them to their faces, the habit of accepting defeat without protest, quitting an undertaking when opposed by others, suspicious of other people without cause, lacking in tactfulness of manner and speech, unwillingness to accept the blame for mistakes

No further advice needed from any forum posts.

07-20-2014, 06:10 AM
Hi Firedude17, Welcome to the forum. School is very stressfull and you are also at a age where you are getting ready to transition into adulthood ( getting ready to make some big life decisions ). All this has probably been building up in your mind and coming out as physical side affects. Your thinking about your grades and a girlfriend and probably what your going to do with your life etc, etc. This is really tough stuff and stressfull to. This all leads to anxiety and stress and the physical symptoms you have mentioned. You sound like you have been checked over by the doctors pretty well so hopefully you can rule that out. Take some time and look through the forum and check it out. Never hesitate to ask a question, we will be here.

07-20-2014, 06:33 AM
Thanks for the replies, I'll take note. :)

07-20-2014, 06:42 AM
Thanks for the replies, I'll take note. :)

It is your life, better take several notes.

07-21-2014, 10:58 AM
Hey there,

Everything you've described is classic anxiety. You've had the tests, they're all clear, so don't worry about illness.

You've got a lot on your plate at the moment, no wonder you're anxious.

Things to try:

1.) Meditation. Meditation is about training your mind to focus. When your thoughts feel sticky and you're having trouble focusing on what's going on around you, learning to focus the mind will help. It's a muscle like any other in your body. You can meditate for only five minutes a day if need be.

2.) Getting more sleep. Get to bed by midnight if possible and try to get your eight hours. Fatigue will take its toll on your body.

3.) Keep a thought diary. When you're feeling rotten, getting your thoughts down on paper can help you to find a pattern. This can help you to understand certain beliefs you have about yourself, such as 'I need to be successful at school in order to be a worthy person'. You can change that belief to: 'While it's good to do well at school, there are many other worthwhile aspects I have as a person.'

Above all, try not to be afraid of your symptoms. Go with them and accept them. Fear only makes it worse. Accept them, don't fight, and soon they won't be so scary any more. Once you lose the fear, you're on the road to recovery.

07-21-2014, 11:10 AM
Snowberry gave a nice ideas in her post.
May I add that meditation has a side effect :)) you will start to accept yourself and love will be present in your life, it heals :)

07-25-2014, 04:53 AM
thanks for the replies! :)

09-01-2014, 06:57 PM
I have literally the exact same issues as you, how can I privately chat with you? I'm new to this website!!