View Full Version : My anxiety.

07-19-2014, 07:55 PM
It's manifested in many ways. My most common one is shortness of breath. I really have to focus on my breathing. I have struggled with a bit of depression as well, but I have fortunately been a bit better this past year. I have had some weird symptoms as of late, frequent urination, headache (mainly in the front of the forehead), and lightheaded. I have also been experiencing what seems like the past year now, of hypoglycemia. If I miss a meal or just randomly I will feel very shaky and nervous and it feels like I can imagine dying might. Usually good takes care of it pretty quickly. I just got blood tests last month and he checked for a lot of things. My sugar has been fine but it was a basic no fasting test. My thyroid is off. I have hypothyroidism. My level is currently at 8.9 TSH. I definitely feel a lot of my symptoms are from that. I have a lot of fatigue and always tired, low body temperature, low blood pressure, etc. he thinks my diabetic like symptoms are from that as well.

I had what seemed like a hypoglycemic attack and panic attack in one the other night. I struggled for about 3 hours and only felt better after eating. Now, I feel extremely worn out and tired. My body feels like it's shaking bad but on the outside it's only very light. I feel like I can barely function. It hasn't been this bad since the attack. Doctor thinks it's all my thyroid. Unfortunately I have a fear of medication. I'm going to have to suck it up and try it though.

I used to be agoraphobic when this first hit me about 7 years ago. It took some time for me to eventually get this far. I am married and work full time. I used to have bad panic attacks and it have gotten a lot better as of late. This last one took me down a few notches unfortunately. I think I am worried about my next hypoglycemic feeling and my body is worn down. This jittery feeling has me worried though. Anytime my adrenaline runs it gives me an instant anxiety attack. I used to be able to handle it a lot better. It just seems now I can't handle that kind of stress.

Guess just wanted to share. Everything is a bit vague and stuff but I'm stuck on my iphone and really tired. :)