View Full Version : HEAD ANXITEY!

06-05-2008, 12:07 PM
Omg :shock:
Am such a wreck .
I keep getting really bad symtoms and am scared!
Has them for over a year now after the flu.

There havent got worse and i wudent say it was constant all day. It also depends what am doing. If am at home thier not as bad if am out.

It get pain in different places of my head and really werid sensations sort off like thierz a clot. But its not in the same place all the time.
I forhead pressure alot like a dull ache. Pain aver my eye sometimes aswell.

I feel really detached from everything like am not thier and everything seems different.

I get these attacks that last from 10 minetes to an hour. Like am going to die i feel like am not thier and my brains going to switch off at any second its horrible!!.

I was wondered if anyone can reersure me thier is nothing seroiusly wrong with me like a brain tumour because am really scared something is wrong in my head.

After a year ov going to the doctors i have finally been refered to a nurolagist. So that should be my mind at rest when i finally go and see him.

I was also thinking of chronic sinusitus because i always have problems with my throat ears and nose.

Please help :)

06-05-2008, 05:43 PM
Hey Lushbabe, I wish I could tell you exactly what was wrong to put your mind at ease, but I guess that is only something the doctors can do. As you probably know, anxiety can do very strange things to the body. I personally have experienced similar head pressure symptoms like you explained...and diagnosed myself with a brain tumor many times. But when I had an MRI scan on my brain, there was nothing wrong.

06-05-2008, 08:25 PM
hey hey, its just anxiety, i had exactly everything you just said i have had it so many times, im actually having and anxiety attack now so im trying to write as quick possible, and stuff like when you said you feel diferent like not part of the world is so normal its terrible but just normal, i like to call it Zombie me, i feel like theres a layer over my brain stopping me feeling like everyone else does.......keep fighting, never give up........Tristan...